
12/5-12/8 English III

Copy Exit 14
1)What is your speech topic and date/time presenting? 2)What 8 areas will you be graded on and elaborate how to get a high score in each category

Ra Ta Ta-1st and 2nd block only. 5th block has already done this.
R24-26-Multiple-Due 12/9 A-12/12 B. Class given 30 minutes to read and warned that they wouldn't be getting a lot of class time to work on these entries, so that they could be given speech preparation time instead.

Take notes, both days, on how to prepare for your speech and complete exit 14.
If absent, go to youtube and search for expertvillage or how to give a persuasive speech. Watch videos on the following: 1)Understanding your audience 2)How to write an introduction and introduction example 2)How to write a conclusion and conclusion example 3)Practice and Prepare for speech 3)Body Language 4)Eye Contact and Note Taking 5)Citing Sources/Credibilty 6)Voice

You will be graded on the following 8 categories: Organization/Time, Body Language, Eye Contact/Use of Notes, Credibility/Citing Sources, Voice Inflection, Logos/Logic, Pathos/Emotion, Connecting with Audience

Names drawn for presentation time slots
for speeches on 12/13-12/15 A and 12/14-12/16 B.

Finish Research in Library. Guidance coming the next class to speak with you the entire time.


11/29A-12/2 B English III

Ra Ta TA-R24-26 Multiple Due 12/9 A-12/12 B

Research logos/pathos-library/B100-2 class periodsA3-Presentations-Social Conflict-Due 12/13-12/15 A 12/14-12/16 B-100 pts/80%

Remember for logos-look for facts, statistics, convincing evidence
for pathos- look for images, video clips, audio, word choice or present stories or personal experiences meant to trigger your audience's emotions

3 sources min must documented in presentation.

If in a group, must prove equal effort.

A Day- 2nd day Benchmark testing keeps students out of class. Complete research
at home.


11/21A-11/22 B

Independent Reading-15 minutes-Turn in R20-22 Connections-today 11/21 A-11/22 B-80%

Class survey: Answer the following and turn in to basket. 1)Make the following a 2 sentence response: I go to school because.. 2)Make the following a 2 sentence response: Students who skip school are.. 3)Make the following a 2 sentence response: Students who disrupt class are.. 4) Make the following a 2 sentence response: Students who make good grades are.. 5) Rate how much you think high school will impact your future from 1 to 5 and explain your rating (5 being the most impact). 6)List the advantages of graduating high school versus not graduating. List the advantages of getting a college degree versus not getting a degree. 7) In 10 years from now, what job do you see yourself with and what steps will it take you to get there?

View Persuasive speeches: Why Hip hop is the Devil and Drunk Driving and take notes on the positive and negatives of both speeches. Then with your group, on a paper with all of your names, list both the positive and negative aspects of both speeches. Also as a group list 5 categories you think I will grade you on when evaluating your speech. If absent do this on your own by watching both speeches here. Why hip hop is the Devil and Drunk Driving.

At the end of class, Unit 1-Comparison/Contrast essays returned
. Students given a model and encouraged to write or rewrite this paper if they didn't do it or didn't like their score. This essay is 100 points-part of the 80% assessment grade.


11/15 A-11/18 B English III

2 day lesson

Independent Reading-20 minutes-R20-22 Connections-80%-Due 11/21 A-11/22 B

Finish R23-Letter to Birmingham-chart-p281-282.
Logos/Pathos/Ethos with explanation. Background info for this assignment available on 268, 276 and 280. Turn in this assignment to the basket today.

Class draws numbers to choose thier persuasive topics. They are allowed to work with a partner or by themselves. Once a topic is taken for the class, no one else can sign up for it.

So far the groups are as follows. Name(s) followed by topic #:
1st A day-Darrion-7, Briana/Akiera-9, Kenneth-11, Nick/Jarvis-12, Amy-16, Tyler-18, Solynn/Prentis-24, Tim-25, Randy/Alex-27, Zach-33, Roshawn-39, Rick-42, Jacob-43, Pat-44

2nd/A day-
Teyonna/Cheyene-9, Kayla/Yolanda-11, Wilbert/Darren-12, Mayra/Xiomara-16, Briana/Latavia-18, Tristan/Jeremy-24, Fernando/Sau-25, Raven-26, Joel/Chase-27, Devaughnte/Andre-30, Mitsu/Kamal-2, Alyssa/Chrissy-39, Jazmine/Ricardo-42- NEW- Bam (2), Andrew (5),

5th/B day- To be determined.

Review-R19/R23 started
. All exit slip questions reviewed in class. Stanton uses more emotion in her speech because she is speaking to women at a women's rights convention. Emotion would appeal to them the most because they are by nature more emotional than they are logical. Also, she wants to get them to feel something about women's rights because they've remained passive for so long. If she can get them to feel angry, neglected, abused, oppressed, then they should want to also stand up and join her cause. King uses more logical argument because his audience is the government or those who can and do make laws. Obviously he uses more logic because they are lawmakers, and should be very rational, logically thinking beings. Emotion wouldn't work as well on this audience, but he still uses it a bit to appeal to their human nature.

2nd part of lesson posted after it is taught-

2nd Part of Lesson
Independent reading-20 minutes-R20-22 Connections due 11/21 A-11/22 B

Students must finish R23-Letter from Birmingham and turn in

Finish review R19-R23-Class discussion. R19 and R23 returned for this review.

Absent students choose persuasive topics for Performance Task 2-Unit 2-Social Conflict. Assignment, go ask 5 students for their opinion of your topic. If they do not agree with you, get a reason why. Each person or group presents their topic and how many people agree/disagree with them. This is important so you know what type of audience you will be persuading. If more than half of the class disagrees with you, your audience could be hostile, if most of the class agrees with you, you are dealing with a supportive audience. You must keep this in mind as you plan your presentation.

5th-Chooses Topics:
Donnel/Fabi (9), Justin/Nate (11), Vance (20), Ron/Destiny (24), Krystal-for (27), Andre/Alante-against (27), Jasmine/Ashley (30), Kayla/Taran (42), Baraka/Maurkeisha(44)

11/10 A-11/14 B English III

Copy Exit 13: 1)What was MLK Jr's purpose in writing "Letter from Birmingham.."? (Answer in a complete sentence)2. Contrast "Declaration of Sentiments with "Letter from Birmingham." Which one uses more logic? Which one uses more emotion?? Explain why each author uses more of this type of persuasion in their writing? (consider audience)

Independent Reading-20 minutes-R20-22 Connections Due 11/21 A-11/22 B-80%

Turn in Exit 12 if you haven't already. Exit 12 returned to some students for corrections.

Finish R19-Women's Rights with your group. Turn in by stapling the individual assignments to the group assignment.

Start R23-Letter to Birmingham- First, read pg 286 paradox and Reading Focus: logos, ethos, pathos. Class reviews the types of persuasion together.

Then read p276 MLK Jr. short Biography. Read to learn why he wrote this letter from jail in the first place.

Then read p280 Rhetorical question-Class discussed that when using rhetorical questions the author is most likely appealing to someones logic.

Setup a chart like the last one you did for R19, but this time add Ethos/Ethics.

R23-Letter to Birminham-Document on the chart all persuasive devices used and if these devices are logos/logic, pathos/emotion, or ethos/ethics or more than one. Provide an explanation for each of your choices. Due the next class.

Class given compare/contrast essay model for W4-Performance Task-past due. Student told that they can redo their essay if they do not like their score. If they never turned in an essay, they should use the model to help them, as the essay is 100 points and 80% of their grade. If they don't turn it in, they cannot pass.

Class given persuasive topics to choose from for their Unit 2-Performance Task-Present a persuasive speech on a social conflict-80%-100 points.


11/8 A-11/9 B English III

Ra Ta Ta-Connections
Example done in class.

Independent Reading-20 minutes.
R16-18 Connections-80% due today. R20-22 Connections Due 11/21 A-11/22 B. Students reminded that for each set of reading entries, they were given 13 to 14 days and 5-6 days inside of class to complete. They had a minimum of 100 minutes given to them to use for these entries in class. There is no reason they shouldn't be turning them in.

Finish Group Work-R19-Women's Rights-Remember to turn in the group assignment with your individual assignment.

Start new Holt assignment if finished.

11/4 A-11/7B

Independent Reading-20 minutes. R16-R18 Connections-80%
Due 11/8 A-11/9 B

Turn in Exit 12.

When finished work on independent assignment R19-Women's Rights. Holt pg 159-160. Go through the speech and identify any persuasive technique used by Elizabeth Cady Stanton as Logical or Emotional and explain why. Turn in to basket.

Teacher returns all R19 assignments.Class review R19 pg 159. Ms. Batten displays her chart. For example on pg 159, the author quotes the Declaration of Independence which is logos. It cannot be disputed that this historical document exists or that it was created to establish equal rights. It is also pathos because the author purposely placed the word women in the speech to stir up emotion in the audience.

Ms. Batten stops the review on p160 2nd paragraph. Now with your group finish, going through the speech together. Look at what you did individually, see what you should combine, add or take away from your group chart. From the 3rd paragraph on pg 160 on, your group is to record everything that appeals to logical and/or emotional appeal and explain why. Staple the individual assignment to the group assignment and be prepared for me to ask questions of all group members about why you labelled something as logical or emotional. Turn in.

Last 10 minutes-Review Author's Purpose Post Test with student example. Students told that this is an 80% assessment grade and if they didn't get a passing score, to come in after school or during lunch for tutoring so they can retest.


10/31A-11/3 B English III

Independent Reading-20 minutes-R16-18 Connections- Due 11/8 A-11/9 B-80 percent. 20 minutes.

Turn in W4-Performance Task-Compare/Contrast essay-100 pts/80% if turning in late. Remember 10 points is deducted each day its late.

Finish W5-Vocab 2 foldable and turn in to basket. Turn to p158 and read about emotional and logical argument.

Logical/Logos: facts, statistics, not to be disputed, or appeals to someones reasoning and ability to make sense

Emotional/Pathos: anything chosen on purpose to trigger emotions, such as diction, word choice

PowerPoint/examples shown to students.

Make the chart from p158 with Arguments on the left and the type of argument on the right. On the right, you must put whether the argument is Logical/Emotional or Both and you must you explain.

Read the speech from 159-160 including the background of the author Elizabeth Cady Stanton and complete this chart.

2nd day- Ms. Batten reviews p159 with students and how she would document on the chart. Students continue working. Work on independent reading if you finish before others.

on p159 where Stanton quotes the Declaration of Independence she uses both logos and pathos. Its logos because she is quoting a historical document. It cannot be disputed that this document exists or that is says this. Its also logic because referring to a document which was created with the rights of mankind in mind should appeal to the reasoning of those who say women shouldn't vote. Why have a document establishing equal rights and exclude one group of society? That doesn't seem to make much sense. Its also pathos because she purposely placed the word women into her excerpt from the historical document. This was probably done to make women feel like they aren't being excluded any more.

You really need to understand logos (logic) and pathos (emotion) because for your Unit 2-Performance Task you will have to present on a social conflict using both types of argument.


10/26 A-10/27 B English III

Copy Exit 12:1) How is emotional appeal different than logical appeal? Use comparison /contrast transitions to respond to this question. 2)What is the author’s purpose in writing “Declaration of Sentiments..”? 3) How do you know this is her purpose-give examples from the text and explain.

Turn in Exit 11/Turn in W4-Performance Task if you didn't the last class.-past due

Review Author's Purpose:
1)To inform, explain, show, educate, point out, demonstrate, support, make it clear
2)To persuade, convince, argue, support, influence
3)To entertain, amuse, describe, tell a story, narrate

Students review how to eliminate key words when you know what the purpose is not. Students cautioned to look at the entire answer and to be careful as some key words could go either way. For example, they might say to show the statistics on traffic accidents and that would be informative. Or they might say, to show the opinion that driver's should be held responsible for.... That would be persuasive.

A2-Author's Purpose Test-80%- Mark the text at least two different ways. Do NOT underline everything. It serves no purpose.

Independent Reading-Work on Connections-R16-18 Due 11/8A-11/9B-80%

W5-Vocab. 2 Foldable/Word Wall-Holt p158-finish at home-setup like foldable one with the following new words. Definitions given to class.

Words: covenant (n.), chastisement (n.), remuneration (n.), prerogative (n.),
abject (adj.)


Turn in W4-Performance Task Unit 1-final essay 100 pt/80%. Attach rubric, venn diagram and outline if applicable.

Finish and turn in exit 10 if you haven't already

Copy exit 11Exit 11: What is a connection? What are the 3 types of connections? Explain each-from previous lesson

Ra Ta Ta-Connections reading entry explained in detail. For each entry, you only need to find 2 connections. You should put in extra what type of connection it is you found. Key words you can use to show you are connecting with the book are I remember, I recall, This reminds me of, I can relate, I connect, etc.

are when you can associate to the book because you find similarities to your life, something you've read or in the world around you. The three types of connections reviewed as a class: text-to-self (when you personally relate to whats in the book because something similar happened to you), text-to-text (when you relate the book to another book, movie or tv show), text-to-world (When the book reminds you of something going on in the world around you, such as current events.)

Example of each:
Text-to-self: I can relate because my grandmas also doesn't let people sit on her furniture.
Text-to-text: This reminds me of the National Lampoon movies because of the Griswald's evil cousins who are also hyper and rude.
Text-to-world: I can connect this to the presidential elections going on now, because they also use negative campaigns against each other.

Review Author's Purpose-Test the next class.
When taking a test on author's purpose, eliminate the purposes you know the passage is definately not.

If you have an information text, you could eliminate any key words in front of answers which mean to persuade or entertain.

10/20 A-10/21 B

Batten reviews lesson left with student when sub was present. She reads over the lesson in detail and explains to students.

Students work on essays in class with Ms. Batten's feedback and help.

W4-Performance Task-Unit 1-100 pts-Due next class-extension given.


Mass MediaYB 6th block/7th 10/18

MASS MEDIA-6th block only
Create an ad list. Loucite Michel to check before you submit to sub.

Copy upside down triangle from board before lunch.

After lunch, you must list the following:

Renewals: At least 10 businesses who advertised last year and all of their contact info including address and phone numbers.

Friends and Family: At least 10 friends, family members or friends of family members or family member's friends who own a business, have a child graduating or would benefit somehow from taking out an ad. List their names, their relationship to you and why you think they might be interested in an ad.

Places you and your parents spend money:
List 30 businesses in which you or your parents spend your money.

Vendors List at least 10 businesses which the Parker uses for supplies, sports, clubs, etc.

Have Loucite check your list before submitting to see you've followed the above directions. When finished turn your list into Ms. Gore with this handout.

7th block/Advanced Yearbook
Before submitting your 300 word story which is due today, do all of the following:
-Write at the top, if you haven't included this, how many words total are in your story. Do not count the title or any word not in your actual story. If you do not have at least 350 words, I will not accept it. I told you to write the rough draft with too many words. Keep and fix if not at least 350 words.

Circle all planned and effective repetition which sounds poetic to the ear. If you do not have any. Keep, fix and turn in when fixed.

Make sure your beginning/hook and end are circular and connect to each other. If not, Keep, fix and turn in when fixed.

Label each quote from your interviewee with a Q. If you do not have a couple of quotes from your subject which are short and powerful,keep, fix and turn in when fixed.

Underline all descriptive words or phrases. If you do not have enough description, keep, fix and turn in when fixed.

Label where your shift in tense occurs. Like in "After the Sky Fell" it starts in the present, shifts to past, then goes back to present. If you didn't shift the tenses at least once,keep, fix and turn in when fixed.

Put an asterisk * next to all facts and details. If you do not have enough, keep, fix and turn in when fixed.

At the top of your paper, tell me which plot you used when writing this story and what universal feeling/emotion everyone can relate to

Label any occasionally breaks in traditional English rules for poetic sound. Ex: Fragments

Finally, have someone proof your story and make sure you labelled everything correctly. Have them write any suggestions for improvement in the margin. Turn in the essay to Ms. Gore if you followed all of the guidelines.

If you have a lot of mistakes, please pay closer attention when editors are teaching how to do things, use your time more efficiently, refer back to your copy section to the model 300 word stories and remember to fix asap as the deadline for the rough draft was today.

ENGLISH III 10/18 A-10/19 B

Independent Reading- 20 minutes-work on R13-15-Inferences-due 10/24 A-10/25 B-80 percent assessment

Remember, today in class, you are to work on your W4-Performance-Task-Unit 1- in which you have to write an essay comparing and contrasting two stories from Unit 1. This essay must be a minimum of 4 elaborate paragraphs (most of you will want to have at least 5) and have at least 3 points of contrast and comparison. This unit performance task will be worth 100 points and is 80 percent of your grade. It is due 10/20 A and 10/21 B. That is the next class I see you. That is the equivalent of over 3 reading entries, so if you do not complete it, you will not pass this next term. Therefore, all of you who hope to pass, will complete this essay. Why not take the time given to you in class and when you are being taught how to do it, to actually do it. In other words, Do Not Waste Your Class Time today. Since it is due the next class, if you do not do what you are supposed to today, you will feel extremely behind when I see you again. You also will not be able to get much help from me before submitting your essay. Late essays will be penalized 10 points off each class.

Today, you will need to finalize your Venn diagram, write your introduction and write at least one supporting paragraph. If you finish this, before class is over, move on to your other supporting paragraphs. The next class, you will finish your essay and submit.

The Venn Diagram
Take out your W4-Performance Task-Unit 1-Venn diagram Most of you, did not put your own notes here. This will not be enough for you to have just copied what I put on the board. You must put your own comparisons and contrasts. If necessary, look back at the stories or the assignments you chose to compare and contrast (story titles and assignments on board). You can add details about any of the following to your diagram: plot, characters, setting, journey for identity. If you do not add your own notes, it will be hard to generate an essay and you will lose points on your diagram which will be turned in with your essay.

The Introduction
All introductions must start with a hook. This means you have to engage the reader somehow. If you cannot think of a way to do this, why not use a quote from either story which relates to your thesis.

My hook:
"Guided by my heritage of a love of beauty and a respect for strength--in search of my mother's garden, I found my own," Alice Walker said.

All introductions must end with a thesis statement. Your thesis must state both works or authors and why the comparison/contrast is worth writing or the so what.
My thesis
My thesis: Both Walker and Cisneros discovered their passion for writing [<- the first part is my so what]through struggles, family influences and cultural restrictions.[the last part is the points I will be writing about-which will develop into my supporting paragraphs.

Now look at my hook and thesis. Together, they do not make sense without something connecting them. Most students do not think about this, but they should. I would need to add a lead-in to my thesis which relates the hook to the purpose of my paper. Example intro with connector:
"Guided by my heritage of a love of beauty and a respect for strength--in search of my mother's garden, I found my own," Alice Walker said in her story,"In Search of Our Mother's Garden." What Walker is really saying is she found her identity or her love for writing by learning from her mother's creativity. Likewise Sandra Cisneros developed a love for writing which she discusses in her story "Straw Into Gold". Both Walker and Cisneros developed their passion for writing through struggles, family influences and cultural restrictions.

Write Your own Introduction paragraph

Use comparison contrast transitions and elaborate each point. This time, pay attention to the writing rules from W3. Any mistakes made present from W3-the 10 tips will result in point deductions for each mistake made. Yes, I'm serious. I don't teach you things for you to ignore them, as some of you did in your first essay.

Make sure you use alternating comparison contrast. This means, you cannot list all the details for one story, then the other. It also means, you can not randomly list the similarities and differences. Instead, you must let your thesis guide your paper. Look back at my thesis. I would have to have a supporting paragraph on struggle, family influences and cultural restrictions. In my paragraph about struggle, I cannot mention anything but how struggles helped both authors develop their identity as a writer,the differences between their struggles and specific story details about their struggles. The reason you want to use alternating style is so that you do not confuse yourself or your reader and you do a good job pointing out how the two stories are similar and different.

When writing your support, you may want to do an outline. This is not necessary, but it could help tremendously. See example on the board for my struggle-supporting paragraph if interested in outlining.

Make sure your supporting topics are mentioned in your thesis, you use appropriate comparison/contrast transitions, you elaborate-using story details and you compare and contrast. You do not need to cite the text. Instead you can use the title of the book or the author's name. For example:
In "Straw Into Gold"......, whereas in "In Search of Our Mother's Garden"
According to Cisneros ........ On the other hand, Walker ......

Now Write your First Supporting Paragraph. The points you can write about in your paper, which should be included in your thesis if you choose them are:
plot, characters, setting, journey for identity, authors, author's style, family influences, culture

You will finish your essay the next class and submit it for a grade. It does not have to be typed. If you were in FCAT testing during this lesson, you were told to refer to this website for details of your assignment to make sure you still turned it in on time.

10/14 A-10/17 B English III

Independent Reading-20 minutes-R13-15-Inferences-Due 10/24 A-10/25 B-80 percent

Groups-Compare and Contrast American Idol with X Factor using a Venn Diagram. Class reviews all differences and similarities between these shows. Check off the items your group had on their diagram and add anything you didn't have. Now write a paragraph using the alternating comparison/contrast style. This means, you must choose one element of both shows, rather than including all of them. For example, your paragraph may be about the rules, the judges or the setup of the show. Use the comparison/contrast transitions and submit to the basket your group diagram and paragraph. Both assignments can be on the same sheet. Make sure all group members' names are on assignment. Transition sheet distributed to students. Teacher explains to keep this handout for the comparison/contrast essay and future essays.

Student reading entry explained to class for inferences. Teacher explains what not to do when infering-do not report what is directly stated and put I predict, I guess, I think, I infer in front of it. Inferences are only when you guess or predict something not directly stated. Use appropriate key words. Only use I predict when actually predicting something will happen in the book.

Student work returned-progress reports issued.

Oct 14-Deadline-All Unit 1 assignments must be submitted by this date.


10/13 B-10/17 A Mass Media/Journalism

3rd/6th block

Use this period to study for your ad test
, where you have to sell me an ad. Be prepared for any excuses given for why I cannot purchase and ad, as you have to try to persuade me still. Practice selling to each other and make sure you have all of the proper materials and put them back when finished. James and Mariana will be quizzing all of 6th block on ad sales to make sure you do it properly.

Also study for your class procedures test. Remember I will be coming to ask you 5 random questions from the handout. Each of you will get different questions. James and Mariana should quiz you on this as well-6th block.

Both tests will be on this grading term so study. Do not waste your time.

When finished, complete any missing work from this term. It must be submitted by Friday, Oct. 14.

10/12 A-10/13 B English III

Copy Exit 10 1)Which organization system will you use for your performance task and why? 2)What example was used in class today to teach students how to write comparison/contrast essays? 3)Write 4 sentences comparing and contrasting 2 objects (ex pen and pencil). Use transitions, obviously.

Do not turn in this exit slip today. You will turn it in the next class.

Work on R13-15 Inferences-Independently read for 20 minutes. (Group in charge of reading books, don't forget to organize bookshelf after reading.)

Take out Holt books. Label a piece of paper W4-Performance Task-Unit 1-Venn Diagram
With your groups, look at all 3 stories read for Unit 1 (p10 R1-Coming Into the Country, p1294 R5 Our Mother's Garden, 1310 R9 Straw Into Gold). Decide which two stories you think are the most alike, then complete a venn diagram. Think of at least 4 similarities and 4 differences for the two stories you choose. Remember the similarities go on the inside of the diagram, where the circles join. Each of you should have a copy of this diagram. Turn diagram into the basket when finished, but make sure you have 4 similarities and differences. (see board for one example-which you can include on your diagram).

Remember you will be writing a comparison/contrast essay for your performance task for unit 1. This assignment will be worth 100 points and is an 80% assessment grade. Use your time effectively. The essay is due on 10/20 A-10/21 B

If you finish before others, discuss with your group the similarities and differences between the shows American Idol and X Factor. You will have to complete an assignment comparing these two shows, the next clsas.


Exit 9-1)Why do I use proofreading marks in this class? 2)Do I take the FCAT reading retake? If yes, when do I take it and where? 3)What is the Unit 1 Performance Task (80%) and when is it due? 4)When are all assignments due for partial credit this term?

Copy Exit 9 and Turn in Exit 8
after group duty is given.

RA TA TA-2-Inferences/Independent reading 20 minutes. R13-15-Inferences Due 10/24 A-10/25 B

Proofreading Marks distributed. Quiz coming-Group Corrections Due-Myself essay

W4-Performance Task Unit 1-Assigned. Compare and Contrast two stories from Unit 1 in essay form. Due 10/20 A-10/21 B.
p10 R1 "Coming Into the Country"
P1294 R5"Our Mother's Garden"
p1310 R9 Straw Into Gold"

Review Exit slip answers

Turn in R10-12 Inferences today for 80% grade.


10/3 B-10/7 B

CAST testing-Pre-test

Exit 8-Copy
1) What are the names of my group members? 2) Why are we in a group together? 3)What is our group duty and how will we make sure its completed weekly? 4) Why are there groups and procedures for all groups (give at least 3 reasons)?

Time given to meet with group. Group Procedures and Rules distributed. Students expected to read over with group to answer some of questions. Quiz coming on handout.

Review all Holt stories-Unit 1. Coming Into the Country p 10-13. Questions 1-2. Our Mother’s Garden. 1294-1298 Student chart. Straw Into Gold 1310-1314. Discuss what all 3 have in common. Review post-test failure procedures with class. If you fail a post-test, you can make it up. You have to come to tutoring on Tuesdays or Thursdays or during lunch in order to make it up. Explanations given for how to complete charts accurately and completely and how to answer questions using a sentence addressing the prompt, 2 examples from the text, transtions leading into support and elaboration, elaboration and a concluding sentence.

Groups to turn in 3 ideas for what they will do around the class for their group duty. Assignments returned, new progress reports and scholarship warnings issued to students.

FCAT Reading and Math Locations distributed to students. Students told to write down this information


9/28 A-9/29 B English III

Review Inferences-Teacher reviews how to complete the reading entries, what inferences are and the key words to use when infering. Reminder given that R10-12 Inferences is due 10/10A-10/11 B-80%

Teacher explains in detail the mistakes made with R9 "Straw Into Gold" and how to fix/complete the assignment. She even does the first part of assignment with students/reviews. Turn in R9-Straw Into Gold

FCAT Conferences about Exit 6 finished. Class Procedures Test for class finished.

Students to read independently if they finish R9.
Class goes over the 3 purposes of writing and the author's purpose in "Straw Into Gold"


9/26 A-9/27 B English III

Copy Exit 7:
1)What is an inference? 2)What are the keywords I can use to show I'm making inferences? 3)What are the different purposes for writing? 4)What is the author's purpose for writing "Straw Into Gold"?

Turn in Exit 6-Only if you conferenced with Ms. Batten about your FCAT scores.

FCAT conferences continued. Class Procedures Tests given to students individually-continued.

Setup R9-"Straw Into Gold" Chart. On left put Family Background. On Right put Acheivements in Writing. As you read p1310-1314, record the author's family background and expectations on the left and her achievements as a writer on the right. Then do Questions 1,2,6. Answer in complete sentences using the question stem.

(5th block Only) RA TA TA-Inferences- R10-12 Due 10/10 A-10/11 B/-80%-Teacher teaches how to do reading entries for inferences. Inferences are predictions, guesses or assumptions in which the reader must use clues from the author to figure out something not directly stated. See model for how to do this set of reading entries.

Turn in R6-8-Visualizing-80%-Due Today


CopyExit 61)Did I pass the 10th Grade FCAT reading test? 2)What was my most recent score? 3)By how many points and questions did I pass or fail? 4)Did I make improvements? Explain. 5)What safety nets can I use to help me pass the FCAT retake test or ACT/SAT?

For exit 6, if you haven't yet met with Ms. Batten, do so for the answers. Turn in.

Finish R5-"Our Mother's Garden"-80% assessment.

Common problems: Students not following directions, allusions not explained-I don't want to know who the allusion refers to or what it says in the footnote about them, but I want to know why Alice Walker would include them in the middle of her story. See Blog from 9/19 for help with that assignment. Other problems included: students not listing allusions on correct side, not including their own notes after Ms. Batten's notes and not writing in complete sentences for the answer to question 2 or using the question stem in their answer.
Fix all mistakes-turn in for 80% assessment grade.

Portfolio Title Page
Decorate your Portfolio Title Page. Include Your Full Name, English III, Ms. Batten, Yearbook Room. When finished, slip inside your portfolio. I'll be looking for it on the first portfolio check.

Data FolderGet a manila folder from Ms. Batten and a RTI handout. On the file, put your last name, first name and period on the tab. On the RTI sheet, put your name on the front and back and put it inside of the data file. Return manila file to Ms. Batten.

A1-Main Idea Post Test-80%-If you miss, must make up by the Thurs. following absence. You must mark the text using a key. Do not underline everything.

Progress Reports Distributed and Signed For. Class Procedures tests given to students as oral exam-continued.

R6-8-Visualizing Due 9/26A-9/27 B-80%
and Underclass Pics on 9/27 B and 9/28 A


9/16 A-9/19 B English III

Copy exit slip.Exit 5:1. In your own words define allusion. 2. What type of allusion does Walker use in “..Our Mother’s” and why does she use them? 3. What is the main idea of this story (sentence)?

R5-Our Mother's Garden-continued
Teacher explains how to complete chart and helps students do first part of assignment. Students are to read Holt pg 1294-1298 and document allusions on the left and notes/important details on the right. On the allusion side, list the allusion, the pg number and why you thought Alice Walker randomly included this allusion. Do not just write what the footnote says about the allusion, but instead think about it. For example, on 1296 Ma Rainey is alluded to. You would not put for your reason that Ma Rainey is a blues singer, because I don't want to know who she is. I want to know why Alice Walker put a random blues singer in the middle of an essay about her mom. If you think about it and read the context around Ma Rainey's name in the text, you'll see it says "Unlike Ma Rainey's songs...No song or poem will bear my mother's name." So you might infer that she included an allusion to Ma Rainey to show a contrast between an overly confident singer who sang about herself and her mother who will never truly be recognized for her creative genius, even though she is just as creative as Ma Rainey.

Allusions documented as a class:1296 Virginia Woolf-because she too felt women needed a place to express themselves like Alice Walker believed. She also believed that genius exists in the lower class and the suppressed, like Walker believed about her mother.

1296 Emily Bronte-because she is an English author who made it
1296 Robert Burns-because he is an Irish author who made it.

1296 Sainthood- because they were suppressed African American women who went crazy with no outlet to create.

1296 Jane Austen- because she is a successful women writer who made it.

On your own add on at least 5 more allusions

Notes documented as a class:
-her mother ran away at 17 and got married
-At 20 has 2 children and pregnant with the 3rd
-Mother struggles with racism
-Mother worked in field and at home
-Quilt in Smithsonian made by unknown black woman
-Most women have passed on their "creative spark"

Finish reading the story and complete on your own.

Class reviews assignment and completes Exit 5.

Work on R6-R8-Visualizing- due 9/26 A or 9/27 B in spare class time.


9/14 A-9/15 B English III

Copy Exit slip 5: 1)In your own words, define allusion. 2)What type of allusion does Walker use throughout "Our Mother's Garden" and Why does she use allusion? 3)What is the main idea of this essay in sentence format?

Turn in exit 4, W1-Final Draft with Rubric, Final Draft, Peer Edit sheet,Rough Draft and sketch-80% assessment

Independent Reading-20 minutes. R6-8 Due 9/26 A-9/27 B-80% Assessment

Turn in R2-R4 Visualizing-Due today. 80% Assessment

R5- "..Our Mother's Garden" Holt p 1294-1298

On a piece of paper, put a chart. On the left side label allusions. On the right side label Notes. As you read, you must document allusions, the pg they are listed, and why you thought the author included this allusion. Also, since this is a personal essay, which could be confusing, list important details on the right.

Ms. Batten does the first part with the class. Everyone takes notes with her as she documents allusions and notes on the board. Students will finish chart on their own.

R5 "Our Mother's Garden

Allusions (left side of paper) /
1296 Virginia Woolf-because
she too felt women needed a
place to express themselves.
Genius exists in the lower class
and in the suppressed.

1296 Emily Bronte-because she
is an author who made it.

Notes (Right side of paper)

-Mother ran away at 17 and got married
-At 20, has 2 children, pregnant with 3rd
-Five children, author born
-Mother worked in field and at home
-inspired by her mother to be an author
-quilt Smithsonian made by unknown woman

Lesson to be continued the next class. Do not read on own yet.


9/12 A-9/13B

Complete Exit 4 and turn in. If you don't know the answers listen to Ra Ta Ta today.

5th-Review Exit 3.

Ra Ta Ta Visualizing- Batten teachers how to do visualizing and reading notes for
3rd time.

Pg /Quote / Visualization / Extra
16 /"monster of a house"/I see a gigantic brick house / metaphor
16/ "sound that woke me"/I hear coal against metal /
17/"dirt-floor basement"/I an feel dirt between my toes/
17/"the voice..mice" /I can hear his piercing voice / sound, feel
18/"cocktail dresses" / I see a senior citizen planting/
rose garden / flowers while dressed up /

11 to 20
The narrator shares his childhood background, including family and home.

Independent reading- 20 minutes

W1-Bio-Final, RD, sketch, peer/self edit-Due 9/14 A-9/19 B (changed for 5th)

Take out a blank piece of paper, label peer edit, your name, period, date

List the following, leaving space for comments from a peer and yourself:
Hook/Engage reader
Elaborate details, specific info
Transitions, Organization
Spelling, Grammar

On this peer edit sheet, you MUST have someone read and make comments on your paper. For each item on your list, they need to comment. For example, for hook, they might put that they really enjoyed your hook, that your hook was ineffective or that you don't even have a hook. When they get to the spelling and grammar, they must go through the 10 writing tips given with W3 and make sure that they verify you haven't make any of those 10 mistakes. For example, if you abbreviated something you shouldn't have, on the edit sheet or your rough draft, they need to write, spell things out.

Then, you must go back and make comments next to their comments about your paper and/or their comments. So if there is something they missed or something they misunderstood you should clarify it yourself.

R2-4- Visualizing- Due 9/14 A- 9/19 B (changed for 5th due to schedule conflicts)

Turn in exit slip


9/8-9/9 English III

Copy Exit 4 1)How much of your English grade is reading notes with an independent reading book worth? 2) Describe in detail how to complete a reading entry. 3) Name 3 rules or requirements for each set of entries. 4) When is R2-R4 due for your class?

Teacher reviews in detail how to do the reading entries, which are 80 percent of student's grade in this class. See English blog from 9/6-9/7 for how to complete reading entries in detail.

Students reminded by teacher to turn in Exit 3 from last class. If not there for teacher explanation, you can answer this exit slip on your own after reading "Coming Into the Country."

Students reminded to turn in W2-Vocab 1 Foldable

Independent reading time given for students to start R2-R4-Visualizing.
25 minutes given.

W3-Writing Tips-Take detailed notes from lecture.
1. Spell things out. Ex: N-E-ways, bcuz, I am in KLPEE
2. Don't start with Well, Like, But, And, Or, Because
3. Don't talk to the reader unless directed to. Ex: In the next few paragraphs I will tell you all about myself.
4. Speaking in fragments and run-ons sounds horrible. Ex: What I expect from a teacher. (fragment) I play basektball and baseball but also I play football and I watch tv too. (run-on)
5. Don't write like you speak. Avoid slang. Ex: um, oh, well, like
6. Write more and Elaborate. Avoid Listing and instead put concrete details.
Ex: Instead Of: I like science because its fun. Write: My Biology Honors class taught by Mrs. Wait intrigues me. We conduct interesting labs, such as measuring the properties of light with a spectrometer.
7. a lot is two words
8. Watch usage of words. Ex: to, too, two their, there, they're
9. Subject and verb should agree. Ex: The people who hang with me is.. (people is plural but is is singular) the students is nice. (students is plural but is is singular) She like to take me to Chili's every Friday night. (Singular 3rd person subject means an s at the end of your verb). They likes to take me to Chili's every Friday night. (plural 3rd person subject means no s at the end of your verb)
10. An before vowel sounds
A before consonant sounds
Ex: An egg, An oboe, An honorable discharge, an honest error
A bowling ball, A cat, A game

W1-Bio Sketch returned. Everyone who turned it in received 25 points for participation. Now, you must edit and revise it into a final draft.

You and a peer must review for the following:
Did you engage the reader:
Do you have elaborate details instead of list like support?
Did you use transitions and do you have an organizational pattern?
Did you make any of the mistakes from W3-Writing Tip notes.

You and the peer reviewer must make editing notes to your draft. The peer reviewer must sign their name. If you do not submit a rough draft with editing marks, you will lose 15 points on the final draft. Final draft is 80 percent of grade. Do not turn in a paper that looks just like your original. Even if by some miracle, you don't find anything wrong with your essay, you must find things to revise and fix.

W1-Final-Bio Essay/RD/Sketch-Due 9/14 A and 9/15 B. 80 percent

Turn in exit slip 4


9/6 A-9/7 B English III

Finish W2-Vocab 1-Foldable-submit to basket

R1-"Coming Into the Country

Take out the piece of paper you already folded in half vertically and labelled one side positives and the other side negatives.

Make sure you have it labelled appropriately.

Now read "Coming Into the Country" by Gish Jen pg 10-13 Holt. As you read, document the positives and negatives the author mentions coming into America for the first time as an immigrant. One side should outweigh the other.

Then, at the end of the narrative essay, answer questions 1-4 in complete sentences on the same paper. Turn in. (5th block-due to issues with schedule, complete only chart and first question.)
If you don't finish R1 Coming Into the Country in Class, finish it at home at the Holt book site. My.hrw.com Login: tparker806 Password: braves Click on oarnge book and type in pg 10.

RA TA TA- Prayer for Owen Meany. (Didn't get to finish 5th block)

Teacher models how to do reading entries which are 80 percent of grade.
R2-R4 Visualizing Assigned-Due 9/14 A Wed 9/15 B Thurs

Guidelines for Reading Entries:
-They are 80 percent of your grade, so do them on time.
-Always 3 entries turned in for each independent reading assignment
-Each entry must indicate you've read 10 pages. So since you have to turn in 3 entries, you will be reading a total of 30 pages.
-Each entry must have 5 reading notes based on the strategy we are working with. Each set of notes should go with the 10 pages you are currently reading. This means since you have 3 entries, you will have a total of 15 notes.
-There are always 4 columns: pg, quote, strategy, extra.
-You will use the extra column at least once during the 3 entries.
-Use key words which indicates the strategy you are using or points off. For visualizing, this might be I visualize, I see, I hear, I smell, I feel, I taste

Author:John Irving Title: A Prayer for Owen Meany (Put the title and author on first entry of the three)

Pg/ Quote /Visualizing / Extra
2/"who was so small" /I see a boy that looks like a doll /sight
2/ "little he weighed"/ I feel him light like a feather/ feeling
2/ "gray powder" /I see him covered in soot /
2-3/ "reflected skin"/I see him as a pearl / simile
3 / "chunk of granite"/I feel a rock at my throat /sight/feeling
PG 1 to 10
The narrator introduces us to Owen Meany, a small character with some type of affliction.

R#3-Visualizing (Don't need to put title and author again, unless switching books)
This entry would have to start notes at pg 11 to keep with the 10 pgs per entry rule.

9/6 A-9/7 B Mass Media/Yearbook

Finish Commercial Critique/Turn in

Yearbook Critique
On a piece of paper list the following:
-Theme of last yearbook
-How is it used throughout the book visually and verbally (should be a long list)
-5 Likes and reasons you like
-2 things you would change,don't like or want to add
-submit to basket

Group Evaluation
Write everyone who was in your commercial group and explain everything they did to help make your commercial. Be as specific as possible. To be continued next class.


English III 9/1-9/2

Finish Word illustration for Word Wall with Group. Turn in.

W2 Vocab 1 foldable- 1. Fold piece of paper like a brochure, into thirds. Horizontally fold one edge to middle of paper, then the other edge of paper over the first fold. Make sure the foldable opens towards you like a book. 2. On front flap title Words, then space all 6 vocab words out down flap: disoriented (adj.), affliction (n.), inalienable (adj.), grievance (n.), communal (adj.), mainstream (n.) 3.On inside flaps, left flap List definitions of words, and on right folded flap, pictures that illustrate words
4. Open up folded flap, and label across two blank flaps Sentences. 5. Fold back up and turn over to remaining blank flap for heading: Your name, date, per, title. 6. Infer meanings of words based on word wall gallery. Discuss definitions as a class. 7. Finish drawing pictures for each word and writing sentences using the words with context clues. Turn in

Turn in W1-Biographical Sketch/Essay. Due today in basket.

Last chance to show Ms. Batten porfolio and reading book for this class. Both should be with you on a daily basis. If not turned in by today, points deducted.

Setup R1-"Coming Into the Country" by folding a piece of paper in half vertically, unfolding, then labelling left hand side of chart Positives and right side of chart Negatives. Label paper Name, date, period, Title. Start reading Holt, Coming Into the Country p 10-13. As you read, list on chart the positives and negatives she mentions for coming into America as an immigrant. To finish assignment, next class.

Question of the Day-Discussed.
15,688 responses
Question of the Day Statistics
Number Answered
Correct 10,575
Incorrect 5,113
67% correct
Critical Reading > Sentence Completions
Choose the word or set of words that, when inserted in the sentence, best fits the meaning of the sentence as a whole.
Scientists are studying the birth and growth of thunderstorms to discover what causes the difference between showers that enable crops to ------- and ------- storms that cause floods and erosions.
• (A) flourish . . violent
• (B) wither . . damaging
• (C) grow . . harmless
• (D) parch . . severe
• (E) multiply . . essential

Correct: AThe blanks call for a verb that is associated with the effects of showers and an adjective that is associated with the effects of storms.

A shower is gentle rain that waters crops, making them “flourish.” In contrast, the deluge of rain in a “violent” storm may damage crops and soil.

English III 8/26-8/31

Copy Exit Slip 3: 1)What is the main idea of "Coming Into the Country" (Write in sentence format)? 2) What was Jen's purpose for writing this essay?

Next, take out W1 Biographical Sketch and Finish essay. For 5th block, finish sketch then essay. For essay, hook-engage reader (Do not start with I was born or My name is), Elaborate details, use transitions and maintain an organizational pattern, and keep spelling and grammar in mind.

20 minutes given to finish essay in class. If not finished, MUST complete at home. Due 9/1 A and 9/2 B. Turn in Essay and sketch together with proper heading.

Portfolio/Reading book check-Participation points, Parent info sheet turned into basket for grade

Group Word Wall With group, on a piece of drawing paper, write your word large enough to be seen from far away, draw a picture which illustrates the word, use the word in context, making sure to use it properly according to the part of speech. Have word approved by teacher, then make it permanent, visible from far away. Put all names on drawing and turn in.

8/26-8/31 Mass Media/Journalism

Yearbook Commercials continued- Filming and Putting together Finalized. Students permitted to film around campus. Must be in .mov or .mp4 format. Target audience guides commercial and is explained during commercial presentation. Have buying info. $35, $25, $25. Can email projects to Battens@duvalschools.org.

Mass Media/6th-Also mark Class Procedures with Sub using the Annotating Text Key hanging in class. Teacher asks questions upon return. Test to come.

9/1-9/2- Present Commercials

Commercial Critique- Rate each commercial 1 to 10 and give commentary. Give one postive and one need for improvement for each commercial.

YB Critique- With group identify: What is the theme? How has the theme been used throughout the book? Look for visual and verbal clues to theme.


Mass Media/Journalism 8/22A-8/25 B

8/22 A-8/23 B
Pick up 2 index cards and Welcome Handout upon entering room. Fill out index cards, while using the directions on the Welcome Handout.

Class Procedures Reviewed and Option to get schedule changed if in applicant class. Choice also given to apply if wanting to stay.

Article: Commercials.

Read as a class or group.

Commercial Project Given to class. Each group to produce a yearbook commercial, film and direct and submit to class.

YB commercial specifications:
-Choose a specific target audience and be prepared to discuss how this target audience played into your commerical idea.
-Brainstorm at least 3 commercial ideas after viewing commericals in class or researching ideas online.
-Choose an idea with your group and determine, who will do what, how will we do that, is it possible to do this by the deadline. In detail, plan your commercial and how you will meet your deadline.

Filming/Finalizing Commercial: A 8/26-8/30 B-8/29, 8/31.

Project Due: 9/1 A, 9/2 B- Present commercial to class.

8/24 A- 8/25 B English III

Copy Exit slip 2/Exit slip 1 past due.

Finish Marking Class Procedures. Teacher walks around to monitor and ask students questions to see if their stategy is effective for marking the text.

Class Reviews Class Procedures and Rules

Exit 2 1) What is an exit slip and what is it used for in this class? 2)Why should a student never copy someone's exit slip answers? 3) How often will students be expected to turn in exit slips?

W1-Biographical Sketch: Drawing and Essay. Sketch out the following things on drawing paper and then write a biographical essay: Place of birth, parents, grandparents, places lived, schools attended, significant adults, dreams of parents and yourself, disappointments or struggles, places visited. For essay, write a minimim of a one page reflecting sketch. Teacher gives example. Paper distributed.

Homework: Portfolio, Reading Book and Parent Info sheet due 8/30 A, 8/31 B.

8/22 A-8/23 B

First day of School.

Pick up 2 index cards, Welcome Handout, Class Procedures. Follow directions on the Welcome Handout for how to fill out the index cards. Turn index cards into teacher.

Copy Exit 1 and answer during lesson. Turn in before leaving.

Exit 1Why is marking the text a strategy that helps readers be more efficient? 2? Why is it ineffective to mark the text all the same? 3)What should you mark in informational texts. List all possibilities.

Document annotating/marking the text key on Classroom Procedures handout. Mark with teacher, with class and then finish handout on your own. Only mark what is important to mark and use the text chart as a strategy for comprehension, not just for
a grade.

Annotating the text chart
* Words You Don't Know
# data, statistics, important numbers
Circle Proper Nouns
Underline Important Details or anything that relates to the main idea.
Box Transitions
? They will probably ask this

Homework: Bring in Portfolio, Reading Book and Parent Info Sheet By 8/30 A-8/31 B



Exit 361. Explain how Janie met Teacake. 2. Name 2 things/places that Teacake introduces/teaches Janie that are typically for men. 3. Why does Hezekiah say Teacake isn't good enough for Janie? 4)Name 2 reasons the town citizens become angry with Janie. 5)When Jane says "Ah done lived Grannie's way, now Ah means thuh live mine" what does she mean?

Copy Exit slip and answer while or after reading. Don't copy answers from anyone.

Turn in R45 Major Works for Ch 10-12 (Summary, Quotes, Characters, setting, symbols)

Exit 35/R49-Ch7-9/W10 Vocab Foldable Past Due

R50-Ch 10-12. Take reading notes or mark your text while listening to the audio. Due 5/25.

Class review Ch 10-12/Do R45 for 10-12 before review and submit.

A17-Ch 10-12 Quiz

Turn in Exit 36

R50-Ch10-12 notes/marking due 5/25.
R51-Ch 13-16-Due 6/1 or before



Exit 35 for Ch 7-9 copy and complete while reading or after.
1. Find 1 metaphor, 1 simile and on example of personification. List and label each.
2. Why does Joe get upset when Janie makes a comment about his age?
3. Why does Janie want to talk to Joe before he dies?
4. Why does Janie hate Nanny?
5. Why does Ike Green warn Janie about who she marries next?

Turn in R45 Major Works Data Sheet for Ch 5-9. (summary, quotes, characters, symbols and setting) 7th-due Importance of Opening Scene

R49-Ch 7-9 Due 5/23 marked and turned in. Audio played in class. Review Ch 7-9. A16 Chap 7-9 Quiz.
W10-Vocab Foldable due.



Exit 34-1. Name 3 ways Joe Starks improves Eatonville.
2. What does Joe do at the store opening that makes Janie feel cold and unloved?
3. Name two reasons the town starts to resent Joe Starks.
4. Why does Janie get upset when the men tease the mule?
5. After Joe and Janie fight about pigs feet in the store, why does she start to question her marriage?

Copy Exit 34 and answer while or after reading. Turn in R45-Major Works Data Sheet, ch 1-4 Summaries, Quotes, characters, and info filled out by class. R45 returned the same class.

Review Ch 3-4 how to mark the text with teacher. Ra Ta Ta performed with example on board. Class reviews all of 3 and 4.

Read Ch 5-6 and mark the text or complete R48-Ch 5-6 Notes -80 percent. When reading Ch 6 skip over the folktale part on p63 "Maybe Sam" to p70 "I god"

Fill out Major Works Data Sheet for 5-6, complete exit slip, Review Chapters as a class and discuss.

A15-Ch5-6 Quiz-80 percent Quiz split into two parts so students take the quiz right after the review for each chapter. If you miss the 2nd part, you can make it up by the Thursday following your absence in A101.

Turn in R48/R45-Major Works for Ch 5-6.

Start reading R49 Ch 7-9 Mark text/reading notes. Due 5/17. Quiz 5/17. Audio and time given to mark 5/12-5/13.



Turn in Exit slip 32/wkbk pgs 288, 289-292-last chance.

Ch 1-2 marked in book or R46-notes on Ch 1-2 last chance
figurative language-squiggly line, m, s, p (metaphor, etc)
Character names-circle them the first time you see them
H-History/time period
:( Tragedy
asterisk *-words you don't know
important details-underline
memorable quotes-?

R45-Major Works-Chapter summary 1-2 sentences for Ch 1 and 1-2 sentences for Ch 2.
-Memorable quotes 2 per chapter with explanation/significance.

R45 Major Works Chapter Summary 2 sentences per chapter. Memorable Quotes 2 per chapter. Do for Ch 1-4.

Class ads notes to R45 Major Works Data Sheet- add Characteristics of Genre, author's style, Example of author's style from text.

Next class, class ads setting, opening scene, symbols.

Read Ch 3-4 Audio. R47-Ch 3-4 notes or mark in your book. To be checked 5/3. A14 Ch 3-4 Quiz.

Turn in Exit 33

1. What is Janie's main concern about her marriage to Killicks? 2. What tragic event happens to nanny in Ch 3 Andwhy do you think it happens? 3. Name 2 things that attracted Janie Joe Starks? 4)How does Janie's life change significantly in Ch 4?

Ch 3-4 Marking, R45 Major Works summary, quotes, characters and exit 33 all due 5/3.


Exit 32
1. Name 2 things which brought Hurston criticism or scorn from her peers/others?
2. Explain what WEB Dubois meant by twoness.
3. According to the narrator of TEWWG, name one difference between men and women.
4. Give two metaphors and your interpretation of them. See ex. given.

Powerpoints-Zora Neale Hurston- take notes on R45 Major Works-about the author
-Harlem Rennaisance/WEB Dubois- take notes R45 Major Works:Historical info

Read Chapters 1-2 (Audio played). R46-Ch 1-2 notes/or Mark Ch 1-2 in your own book.

Pg/Quote/Marked As/Extra (there isn't a number of entries, record everything you can. You can skip over some of the figurative devices, but should find at least 10 in each set of 2 chapters) Due Thursday 4/21. 80 percent

Quiz coming on Ch 1-2.


4/11-4/15 FCAT week

Turn in Exit 31-from "How it feels.."

p289-292 checked, reviewed.

Zora is My Name- first 15 min. Do pg 288 individual wkbk-checked16-25 min Do pg 295 question 1
Group work pg 295 Question 2-3 and 296, 1-mark text * high, -neutral, ^low
Pg 295-296 checked

Their Eyes Were Watching God-Get book for EC. We will be reading it next week. If you don't have your own book, you will have to take reading notes on separate paper. Those who have their own book, will write directly in the book.



Exit 31:
1)What line or quote stands out to you? Explain why. 2)What is use word you didn't know? Write the word in context and explain what you think the word means. 3)Explain the change Hurston went through at 13? 4)Find 2 examples of figurative language, label each device used and explain why each is that device. Ex: Life is like a box of chocolates. Simile because comparison between life and chocolates, using the word like. 5)After reading, How do you think Hurston would respond to the following quote "Racial discrimination is the reason a lot of African Americans weren't successful in Hurston's time."

1)Finish Zora Presentations/Exit 30 if needed. Turn in.
2)Reminder R42-44-this term-80% 10 points off late. Nor more Explorer/Retake test this week.
3)Read SB p289-92 (0n your own) Mark the following:
? any quotes that stand out/trigger questions
*words you don't know
H-anything Historical/time period
squiggly line- figurative devices and label m, s, p for metaphor, simile, personification
Ha-Humor used
box-transition or signal words
4)Complete above exit slip 31.



Exit 30-Exit 30-From Presentations and Background of Their Eyes Were Watching God (TEWWG)If absent, check out a presentation book from Ms. Batten to makeup. Do not copy.
1) How long did it take Hurston to write TEWWG?
2) Briefly explain what the book will be about using the main character’s name in your explanation.
3) List 3 interesting facts about Hurston’s life.
4) Who brought Hurston out of obscurity, why did they and how did they (be specific)?
5) What was the Harlem Renaissance? Explain in at least 2 sentences.
6) Name one reason scholars had a problem with the name Harlem Renaissance?
7) Name one person in Hurston's circle, their accomplishments and how they helped Hurston accomplish her dream.
8) Why did Richard Wright criticize TEWWG? Give at least two reasons.
9) Considering her accomplishments as a writer, what was unusual about Hurston’s death?
10) How did Hurston’s books fight stereotypes for black women in fiction?

Presentations-Zora Neale Hurston. While groups present, everyone listens and answers Exit 30. If absent, you must see Ms. Batten for a presentation topic or paper topic.

Grade conferences. Grade recovery given to students failing and who didn't pass FCAT retake test, which must be completed Spring Break.



Turn in Exit 29

A9-CC lesson. Rock the SAT-group work. While working as a group, each person lists the 22 bold words from the song and the meanings their group has inferred via context clues. Then while listening to the song, write a proununciation of each word if you do not know how to prounounce it. Turn in A9-lesson to basket.

Group word wall assignment- On the piece of paper given to you, write your word, illustrate the meaning and write a sentence using the word in context. Make sure it is visible if hung on word wall. Put all of your names on the back and turn in.

Review-Class reviews each definition and the context clues that lead to the meanings.

A9-CC-Post test-80 percent of grade.

Zora Presentations-Group
Each group is given a section of the reading guide for Their Eyes Were Watching God and poster paper. Each group is to teach their section to the rest of the class, while highlighting the most important points. Groups come up with a plan for splitting up their section and how to teach it to the class. Presentations-next class.

R42-44 Multiple-Due today 3/22 or Alternate Explorer assignment. 80 percent grade.

3/15A-3/18 B

Students to finish A12-The Crucible Test-Part 2

Exit 29List 3 differences from what really happened in Salem to what Miller wrote in The Crucible. For each difference, explain why Miller might have changed what was historically correct.

Fact or Fiction-The Crucible powerpoint Powerpoint shown twice. Differences discussed.

Each group assigned a Discussion question in which they must:
1)Thoroughly discuss questions and all of the possible reasons Miller might have changed this element of the story
2)Take a page of discussion notes, in which each person's name is added next to their part of the discussion
3)Make a visual where 3 items from the Fact or Fiction powerpoint is highlighted. Must use color and feature both fact and fiction.
4)Present question and opinions to class

Don't forget to bring in Their Eyes Were Watching God for extra credit. We will be reading it after Spring Break.


3/11 A-3/14B

Finish Film-The Crucible

Finish filling out R32-Character Chart-right hand column/motivations.-80 percent assessment. Due after test.

Survival Cards for Act 1,2, and the film returned before test to those who did them. Students allowed to use survival cards and character chart during the test.

A12-The Crucible Test-Part 1-oral quiz given by teacher. Must be made up after school or during lunch by Thursday following absence. The Crucible Test Part 2-Analysis chart-Find 3 quotes for your character and complete the chart as directed. Test is an 80 percent assessment.

R42-44-Multiple-Due 3/22 or alternate with explorer-FCAT non-passers only. Reading and explorer can be done for extra credit.

Turn in Exit 28-last chance.



Exit 27-List 3 differences between the film and the book. Also for each difference, explain why you feel the director made this change.

Copy Exit 27, answer while watching film, turn in. Wkbk p 255-256 past due-20pts.

The Crucible-Film-Survival Cards/R32-Character Chart (fill out chart for anything missing in Act 1 and 2 and fill it out when watching part 3-4 of film. This R32 chart will become an 80 percent assessment.

The Crucible Test/Character Analysis is 3/11A and 3/12 B.

Conferences-Grades, FCAT notices, papers returned

R39-41 Multiple/or/Explorer last 4 skill seminar lessons-Due 3/8 (Today)-80 percent assessment. Non-passers: Do both Reading and FCAT Explorer for Extra Credit.

Remember to bring in Their Eyes Were Watching God for Extra Credit.

R42-44-Due 3/22



FCAT Writes-3/1; 7th block-guest speaker on 3/3 for whole period.

A11-Act 2 Quiz 18 points (80 percent Assessment)Students allowed to use survival cards.

wkbk P 255-256 Graded-20 points.

R32-Character Chart returned with directions regarding how to fix before final grade. This will become an 80 percent Assessment. Do not copy someone. Do it on your own.

Grade Conference/Reading Model given to struggling students/Tutoring Notices/Progress Reports/Papers Returned

Exit 27- List 3 differences between the film and the book. Also for each difference, explain why you feel the director made this change.(Don't ever copy exit slips answers, as they are to reflect what you learned not someone else).

Film-Watch The Crucible-Part 1-add to character chart and complete Exit 27. Due next class. If you miss the film, you can watch it at home or you can read Act 3 and 4. Remember the Holt book is at my.hrw.com Login: tparker806 PW: braves. Act 3 starts on p1137.

Discuss Analysis/The Crucible Test 3/8.

Remember, in spare time and at home complete R39-41 Multiple strategies or students who didn't pass FCAT can Do Explorer Last 4 skill seminar lessons-Due 3/8. Both reading and Explorer can be done for Extra Credit.-80 percent of grade.

2/18 A-2/25 B

Some classes weren't seen due to President's Day holiday, Benchmark Testing-2 days. Work completed this week is below.

Exit 25: 1)How do you know that Mary Warren isn't acting like herself? 2)According to Mary, how does she save Elizabeth's life? 3)Why are Good and Osburne easy targets for accusations of witchcraft? 4)Give 2 reasons Hale suspected the Proctor's of witchcraft? 5)What does Elizabeth admit she doesn't believe in?

Exit 261)What analogy does Hale use to justify charges against Rebecca? 2) Explain why the poppet causes Elizabeth trouble. 3) What metaphor does Proctor use to insult Hale? 4) Why doesn’t Hale believe Proctor when he says Abigail is lying? 5)Why does Mary Warren refuse to testify the poppet is hers?

Finish Act 2- The Crucible-p1131 to end. Then finish filling out the R32-Character Chart for Act 2. Submit to basket.

Index cards passed out for Survival Cards-Act 2. On these cards write anything you want from Act 2, which you will be able to use on the test. Turn in by the end of class. Do not keep it. If absent, ask Ms. Batten for a survival card to fill out.

For Act 3 and 4 we will watch the film and continue to fill out R32-Character Chart.

Springboard wkbk p255-256. On pg 255, look up each word in Act 2 in context and write the context inside each box, for each word. Then looking at the context, put a definition for each word based on context clues only. You are allowed to work as a group, but don't simply copy. This is to help prepare you for the context clues post-test test, and a lot of students failed the pre-test.

On wkbk pg 256, first identify each as a metaphor, simile or personification. They are not all metaphors. Then underline, or write for each, what is being compared. Then in the right hand column, put what you think the character actually meant when they said this. This also can be done as a group.

Both 255-256 to be graded next class for 20 points.

In spare time, work on R39-41 multiple strategies, due 3/8, 80 percent of grade. As an alternative Assessment students who didn't pass FCAT can do the Last 4 skill seminar lessons in FCAT explorer if they provide best effort.Students who haven’t started explorer can do preflight check as alternate. Both reading and explorer can be done for extra credit.

Remember, Their Eyes Were Watching God by Zora Neale Hurston is extra credit if you bring in your own copy to read.


2/16-2/17 B

Sign up for part daily.

Exit 24: 1)What do the author's stage directions reveal about the Proctor's relationship? Give an example from the text. 2)What has the Deputy Governer promised to the witches who don't confess? 3) List one metaphor used and explain why its a metaphor. 4. List one simile used and explain why its a simile.

Read-Act 2
4th 1123-1125, 5th 1123-1127, 7th 1123-1127

Gallery Walk, 5th. Group Duty All.

Exit 24 Copy, do, turn in.

Character Tableau-Act 1.

In spare time work on R36-38-multiple strategy Due 2/22 or Alternate 4 skill seminar lessons-Explorer.


2/14 A-2/15 B

Sign up for parts daily, 1st come, first serve.

Survival Card-Act 1-The Crucible. Due today. If you missed this, ask Ms. Batten for card. On the index card provided by Ms. Batten, take 15 minutes to scan through Act 1. You can put anything from Act 1 on this card and can use the front and back. Be sure to put your name and Act 1 on the card. You will receive this survival card to use during the test. Cards turned in after 15 minutes. It isn't a graded assignment, but is used as a tool to help students review Act 1.

A7-Compare/Contrast packet-Handed back all and finished reviewing as a class.

Review marking the text strategies/Also posted.

A7-CC Posttest80% Assessment. You are allowed to mark on the text if you use a marking strategy only.

When finished with Post-test, work on R6-38-Multiple strategies (Your Own Book)which is due 2/22 or Alternate Assignment: Only for those who didn't pass FCAT-Do Part 2 in Explorer/Best effort on 4 skill seminar lessons also due 2/22.(80% Assessment grade)

Review of Act 1-the end (Abby and Betty accuse witches/Tituba questioned.

R32-Character Chart for Act 1-returned with ? for anything left off of chart for Act 1. No grade has been assigned yet to this chart. Students have the opportunity to fix the missing details before the final grade is issued after reading.

Act 2, start reading p 1122. 4th 1122-1124 Eliz-quietly, fearing; 5th 1122-last time; 7th 1122-1123 It is a mouse no more. R32-Character chart used.

Teacher stops and discusses text for greater depth, possible test questions and future exit slip answers.

Students reminded to buy Their Eyes Were Watching God by Zora Neale Hurston in the next 3 weeks as extra credit.


2/10 A-2/11 B

Add Giles Corey, Goody Proctor and Rev. Hale to your chart, above or below it in white space.
Read The Crucible-pgs 1116 to 1120 (the end of Act 1) as a class.

Do Exit slip 23:1)How do you know Rebecca Nurse really belives in her religion(Book Quote is acceptable to answer with). 2)Why does Giles Corey have a problem with his wife reading "strange books"? 3)Why is Parris so surprised the devil would strike his home? 4)What was in the kettle which Hale sees as evil worship? 5)According to Tituba, why did she conjure spirits?

Discussed the text/reading as a class.

Finish R32-Character Chart for Act 1. -Turn in. Remember you will continue to use this chart in other acts, so don't feel like you have to have something for every character, just the ones you encountered in Act 1.

A8-Act 1-Quiz-The Crucible-80 percent of grade

R36-38-Multiple strategies-Due 2/22. Alternate assessment: For anyone who didn't pass FCAT. In explorer, provide best effort on first four lessons of skill seminar check. Also due 2/22. Or if you never did Explorer but turned in a reading entry for R33-35, you can substitute this reading entry with best effort on the Preflight check-10th grade Reading Timeline Explorer. -80 percent of grade


2/7 B-2/9 B

From Backmap, add anything you didn't have on your backmap for Performance Task-The Crucible. Or copy what is on the board and staple it to the old backmap. Turn in

Read p 1111-1116 The Crucible (4th and 5th block) or 1112-1116 (7th block). Fill out R32-Chart.

Exit slip 22: 1)What are two reasons someone will accuse Rebecca Nurse of being a witch? 2)Explain what Proctor and Parris argue about. Why are both men upset? 3)On p 1114, Miller says "There were no witches then." Why do you think he tells the reader this now? 4)What is one scientific reason why people may have been showing bizarre behavior such as muscle spasms or hallucinations? 5)What is revealed about hwy Putnam's daughter was involved with Tituba? (1110-1116)

Answer questions after copying exit slip, turn in.

Ms. Batten reviews reading and where to find exit slip answers.

Work time-work on R33-35 Reading-Multiple strategies or the alternative assessment-Explorer reading timeline-Preflight check. Due today 2/9 for 80 percent assessment grade.

2/3 B-2/4 A

Performance Task-End of Crucible
Choose a character from The Crucible. Complete a character analysis, explain their motivations for accusing others of witchcraft using a miminum of 3 textual examples in an analysis paper.

Backmap Performance Task with group. Also discuss as a class why it is important to map out everything we will need to discuss, do or learn before reaching this Performance Task at the end of The Crucible.

Turn in A7-Compare Contrast lesson-both parts should be completed.

Fix W9 Vocab 4 foldable with mistakes fixed as your Vocab Test Grade-80 percent assessment grade.

Work on R33 to R35 if time left, Due 2/9-80% Assessment Grade.



Sign up for parts for The Crucible.

Copy Exit slip 21 and answer questions during lesson

Exit 21: 1)Give one adjective to describe Abigail's relationship with the other girls. Also include a book quote that supports your adjective. 2)How do you know Proctor suspects Abigail is up to no good, when he visits Betty? 3)Give a quote from the book which discloses Proctor and Abigail had an inappropriate relationship. 4)What does Betty do, which others think is a notorious sign of witchcraft? (Comes from reading pages 1105 to 1110.

Take out A7-Compare/Contrast lesson-Part 2- Work on for 20 minutes. Part 2 is to mark using your own reading strategy pg 65, Do p 67, using short response frames. Mark using your own reading strategy pg 73 to 74. Do p75-76. This lesson is due, in complete, part 1 and 2 on Thursday, 2/3.
W9 Vocab 4 foldable returned to students with teacher comments on what should be fixed by vocab. test date, 2/3. Make sure all corrections have been made by that time. Also, study for your vocab test on 2/3.

Students sentences with stars are written on the board, to point out examples and non-examples of how to use words appropriately.

Play-p 1108 John Proctor Enters to 1110 before author's commentary (4th and 5th). Fill out character chart appropriately with characteristics, actions and motivations.

p 1110 A Psalm to 1110 Author's commentary.(7th) Fill out character chart appropriately with characteristics, actions and motivations.

Character chart is now an independent assignment. Students are responsible for recording info as the class reads. If you miss, read the part you missed and fill out chart on your own. Do not copy from another student. Be sure to listen to class discussion or ask the teacher what was discussed while absent to answer exit slip questions. DO NOT COPY EXIT SLIP ANSWERS. They are supposed to reflect what you learned, not someone else.

R33-35-Multiple- Assessment 80% grade-All students Due 2/9
For FCAT passers:Do Reading Entries 33-35, multiple strategies.
Remember its 10 pages, per entry. Find at least 5 strategies, but this time don't focus on just one type. You can record any strategy we have used before such as, visualizing, connection, Questioning the text, Inferences. Remember to record the pg you start at and the page you stop at for each entry and a one sentence summary. See Ms. Batten's modeling/Ra Ta Ta for more direction.

For students who still need to pass 10th Grade Reading/new students not in Explorer yet
You can choose to do the reading or you can work in FCAT Explorer. Explorer will help you improve your FCAT score if you take it seriously. As an alternative assignment to the reading you can opt to complete the 10th Grade Reading Timeline. By 2/9, you must provide best effort on the Preflight check. On a piece of paper you will right your heading, R33-35, and then write I tried my best and completed all of the preflight check. I will check your score and see if you took your time on the computer.

For pullout students in 7th block only.
Submit work completed in your pullout class from 1/27, 1/31, 2/2, 2/8 as an alternative assessment. Label a piece of paper as R33-35 and attach the work you've completed. If necessary you can also write what you complete each day with your pullout teacher. Due 2/9


1/27 A-1/28 B

Sign up for reading parts: The Crucible

Take out A7-Compare/Contrast lesson- Part 1 and work on. Due 1/28.
As a group do pg 58 Activity together. Mark pg 58-59. Do p 59 on own. Mark p 60. do pg 60 on own.

On own time do Mark p 61. Mark pg 62-names/data, important details, words they might ask about, transitions all different ways. Come up with a key for how you will mark each. Also, chunk the text into 3 chunks and for each chunk put a 3 to 4 word title summarizing what that chunk is about. Then do pg 63 Venn diagram and questions 1-2.

As a group Class Reviews pg 62-64 together.

A7-Compare Contrast lesson-Part 2- Assigned to students. Due 2/3.
Mark p65 using a strategy that is obvious to teacher. Do p67 using short response frames. Mark pg 73 to 74 using your own marking strategy that is obvious to teacher. Do p75-76

4th/5th Read The Crucible in Holt pg 1105-Parris: Pray Not to 1108 Enter John Proctor. Fill out R32-Character chart as you read.

7thRead The Crucible in Holt pg 1107 Betty collapsing to the floor to 1110 A psalm is heard being sung below. Fill out R32-Character Chart as you read.


1/25 A-1/26 B

No Journal. Sign up for parts at the beginning of class for The Crucible.

R32-Character Chart- Read from 1105, Parris: Oh Pray Not to 1107, Betty:-Collapsing on bed: Mama, Mama. Teacher stops and directs students when to fill out chart.

A7-Compare/Contrast Lesson. Everyone. New procedure discussed: All students will do focus lessons now, as a lot of students were passing pre-tests and failing post-tests. To make sure this doesn't happen any more, everyone will listen to the lesson.

Part 1-A7-lessonStudents Read through packet pgs 57 to 62 with teacher guidance.
Do, pg 58, activity 1. Mark important detail on pg 58, last paragraph and pg 59. Do pg 59 activity. Mark p 60. Do pg 60 activity. Mark p 61. On p 62, put a key at the top of your paper for the following items which you will mark throughout your reading: proper nouns/names, data/numbers, words you don't know/think they might ask you about, important details, transition/key words. For each of these items, you must mark them separate ways, or come up with a marking systems so that everything doesn't look the same. Also, chunk the text and use the Table of Contents strategy, in which you put 3 to 4 word title summaries for each chunk. When finished, move on to the Venn Diagram and fill it out.

Exit 20:
1)What is the setting of The Crucible?
2)What is the main reason Reverend Paris is concerned about Betty's illness?
3)What rumor has spread about Betty's illness?
4)What did Reverand Parris Witness in the forest?
5)Why does Reverand Parris, think Abigail has tainted her reputation

1/20-A-1/21 B

No Journal. Instead sign up for a part from pg 1099, Holt. When volunteers run out, students names will be randomly drawn. If a student's name is drawn and they refuse to read, they must do R32-cont.

R32 Cont
Today's Date:

Pg___ to Pg___

My 5-7 sentence summary of today's reading.

Turn in each day you refuse to read.

Finish W9-Vocab 4 foldable and turn into basket. Due 1/24.

R32-Character Chart

Class reads from 1100-1105
Parris: Oh Pray Not.. and fills out chart for characters. Teacher stops at characters and directs students where to take notes on R32-Character chart.

1/18 A-1/19 B

J24 Find your new seat, Scan Holt p 1100-1102-The Overture/Author's commentary. Now as a group, list in journals together at least 10 major details the author wants you to know before reading.

W9-Vocab 4 Foldable Words assigned on gallery. PowerPoint given for students to practice with each vocab word.
Blasphemy (N.), Dissemble (V.), Partisan (N.), Adamant (Adj), Theocracy (N.), Deposition (N.), Avidly (Adj), Beguile (V.)Foldable due on 1/24. Students should make sure they look at the model on the standards based bulletin board as an example and space out the foldable, to act as a study guide.

R32-Character Chart-The Crucible distributed. Teacher models how to fill out chart and points out example on chart. It is explained that the first part of the story will be modeled with the chart, but students are to eventually to take over responsibility for filling the chart out themselves.

1/13 A-1/14 B

J23 Tell me which pg# and paragraphs you personally summarized. Give me the summary and main details.

Groups organize books, stickers on desks and get familar with group duty.

Chunking The Crucible p 1100-1102 continued. Groups present posters to rest of class.


1/11 A-1/12B

No Journal. Instead, organize books in proper desks. This is their home, don't leave them homeless. Discuss and split up group duty so its completed on time. Organize portfolios and stack properly at class end in proper location

Exit 19: 1)What is my group color? 2) What is our group duty and ow will we split it up? (List names and responsibilities)? 3)Where should our portfolios be stored in class and how should they be stacked? (be specific) 4)What desk # do I sit in and what books belong in my desk? What doesn't belong in my desk

Turn in R30, R31 and exit slip 18. All are past due.

-Finish chunking activity with group and split up presentation of posters 1100-1106
-conference with Ms. B about your current grade
-sign up for The crucible parts p 1099

For group activity, jigsaw your chunk into paragraphs; assign equal amounts to group members. Each group member should be able to explain their chunk , know the words they don't know by looking them up, and list details. Meet together and combine info. On Poster 1- Group summary of entire chunk in paragraph form. On poster 2, list all details from entire chunk.



"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it." -George Santayana
-Apply your example to The Crucible and The Red Hunt

Remember the steps for responding to a quote are:
1)Copy Quote
2)Summarize in own words
3)Give specific examples from real life, the world around you, TV, film books etc
4)Elaborate how the example relates to the quote

Think, pair share with group to apply it to The Crucible and the Red Hunt

R31-About the AuthorRead pg 1094 and write a one paragraph summary. Then read pg 1095 to 1096 and write a paragraph summary of why Miller wrote the Crucible, using textual support in your answer.

Performance Task 1-Reviewed briefly. Remember you were supposed to use 3 sources, 2 from Unit 1. Works Cited Page was 15 points, the use of parenthetical citations was 15 points. Citationmachine.net was supposed to be used for those documents. The backmap was 20 points.

If you had problems writing the paper or going between textual support and your response, come to Tutoring for help with that essay.

Chunk Act 1-1100 to 1106
Each group is assigned a chunk from the beginning of Act 1, pg 1100 to 1106. With that chunk, jigsaw it into paragraphs. Each person should be able to explain their paragraph(s), look up unknown words and be able to list important details. Now meet together and on one poster write a paragraph summary of the entire chunk and on the other poster list all of the important details from that chunk.

Turn in Exit slip 18


1/3 C-1/6B

J21: After watching the clip (search on YouTube for The Crucible trailer-extended version), predict what the book will be about in a detailed paragraph. Be sure to include the images, words and sounds from the clip which support your answer.

Exit 18: 1)What are 3 characteristics of Puritanism? 2)What was the Salem Witch Hunt and why did it occur? 3)Why did Arthur Miller write The Crucible?

R30-The Cruciblee Taxonomy
Setup your paper A to Z, but this time leave space for several words for each letter. While watching the PowerPoint about Puritanism, Salem Witchcraft Trials and The Crucible classify any term, character name or characteristic that applies to The Crucible,puritanism or Salem Witch Trials onto the chart under a designated letter. For example, Salem should be added under S, Trials under T, Puritanism under P.

Next, view mini-video from my.hrw.com, student resources, Power Notes, Collection 15, The Crucible, mini-video. Add more terms to your taxonomy as they relate to The Crucible.

Finally, with your group, read the printed article about New England Puritans and add final terms to your taxonomy.

Turn in R30 Taxonomy and Exit 18 to the basket

Portfolio Organization reviewed with class.
Make sure you don't mix up assignments in sections. For example W, Writing assignments don't go in A, Assessments. Everything should be in numerical order and title name. For instance, W1-Myself, W2-District Writing 1, W2-District Writing-Rewrite, etc. When you get to Assessments, it should be pretest, lessons (if applicable), post-test. For instance, A1-pretest context, A1-Lesson-Context (if applicable), A1-Post-test Context.