

Copy Exit 21-The Ravin in depth-12 points
1.What end rhyme pattern continues throughout the poem?(2pts) 2. What shift in internal rhyme occurs in lines 1-24.(2pts) 3)Why do you think Poe chose to alliterate the "f" sound in line 64?(2pts) 4)Give one example of an allusion in the poem and explain its importance(2pts)5)Name two symbols and what they most likely represent in this poem.(4pts)

Turn in Exit 20 or hold until review. Copy Exit 21 above.
Take out "The Raven" packets/returned/reminders
"The Raven"-Ms. Batten models how to mark the text, starting with alliteration. You should mark one device at a time, throughout the whole poem and look for patterns. Don't forget to summarize each stanza and fill out each page in the packet. At least one example should be present on each chart.

a)metaphors, similes, personification and meaning in text (1-Pat 2-Breanna)
b)internal/external rhyme and alliteration and its meaning in poem (1-Amy
c)Allusions and importance (1-Kyrell 2-Joel)
d)Symbols and importance (1-Zach 2-Kayla)
e)Vocabulary replaced with proper word in context (1-no one 2-Vonte_
e)Onomatopoeia/Repetition patterns and importance (1-Time, 2-Chrissy)

To present the next class. To continue TEWWG the next class.

Poe short story or poem-Due after Spring Break 3/26 B-3/27 A-100 pts/80%-MUST TURN IN WITH CHECKLIST AND RUBRIC. If you lose one, this site has a link to the document on the right of this site.

The Raven-packet-marked and revised-Due 3/26 B-3/27 A-50 points/80%-Be prepared for my questions about the packet and why you marked things as you did.

TEWWG-marking/log due 3/26 B-3/27 A


Copy Exit 20TEWWG-Ch1-8pts 1. Give an example of a metaphor used in Ch 1 and explain what the author really means (2pts)2.Give me an example of personification used in Ch1 and explain its meaning(2pgs) 3. According to the narrator, how are men and women different? (2pts)4.At the beginning it says "she had come back from burying the dead. Explain what the author means. (2pts)
Due-3/15B, 3/16A

Each class 25 minutes used to work on Poe Short Story or anything you are behind on.

Poe checklist and rubric reviewed in detail.

TEWWG marking modeled for class in book or on paper.


*Words you don't know
H-Historical/reflects time period
m.s.p with a squiggly line for metaphors, similes, personification
f-feminine gender roles
m-male gender roles
c-cultural references
:( tragedy
underline important details
? next to important quotes/quotes that stand out
circle names the first time you see them

TEWWG Ch1- read in class and marked

A6-TEWWG Ch1-Quiz

TEWWG Ch 1 marking/exit slip/Major Works to be reviewed on 3/26B-3/27A