
2/21A-2/22 B

Exit 19-sound devices and figurative language (10 points) 1. Describe something you own using alliteration (2 pts). 2. Give 2 examples of onomatopoeia (2 pts) 3. Use personification to bring an object in this room to life in one sentence. 4. What is the difference between a metaphor and a simile (1pt). 5. Give 2 examples of similes (2pts) 6. Describe someone you know using a metaphor (2pts). -80 percent assessment

Take notes if it will help you on Sound devices

The Raven Packet
-distributed to those who haven't yet received one. Student told to put name on this handout and have it every day in class. Class the reads through the poem with audio first and discusses the following: Who is the speaker mourning over? If there is a tapping and an echo of what he says, what can you infer at this point in the poem? 3)What does a Raven symbolize? 4)Why would it be wrong to mark the Raven talking as personification? 5)Why does the Raven keep repeating Nevermore?

Independent Reading-10-20 minutes depending on time in class left.

Students reminded to bring in Their Eyes Were Watching God by Zora Neale Hurston as extra credit.

Student teaches Ra Ta Ta, other students answer questions.


Independent Reading-20 minutes R34-36 multiple Due 2/14 A-2/15 or R 37-39 multiple-80% Due 2/29A-3/1B

Student selected to teach Ra Ta Ta and given time to prepare and present with group if desired.

Ms. Batten shows the class Battensclasses.blogspot.com website and how to navigate using control+f to find words. She also reviews exit 17 and/or 18 and points out what she was looking for in each for full credit. Students called on for comprehension checks.

Take out exit 18

Take notes on the following or be able to tell me all of the below:

Theme, Stated, Implied,Universal. (2nd block finished presentations from Masque of Red Death and didn't get to theme or irony notes with other classes)

Irony-Situational, Verbal, Dramatic

If absent-see Ms. Batten or get notes from a group member.

Class discusses the theme of Masque of the Red Death and irony in Masque of the Red Death.

Turn in Exit 18.