
9/18 A-9/21 B
J#7 "An angry man opens his mouth and shuts up his eyes." Anonymous
think-pair-share with group and write for each group member an example under your journal entry

Turn in W1 or W2 rewrite-homework

With group finish your group rewrite of the W1 Myself student paper which was typed. Remember to attach you individual proofreading corrections to the worksheet to your group paper. Due today.

Journalism-6th- J#7
Ad contact sheet started in class and ad contracts reviewed; complete class duty;

Journalism-7th- Ad contact sheet explained and started.

9/22 A-9/23 B
Review Journals 1-7 to make sure they look like you've responsed for five minutes, you have a summary, and you have examples elaborated which relate to the quote.

Group work returned to redo. Students are supposed to fix W1-myself worksheet as if they were the student who wrote it. As a a group they should eliminate the 15 common writing mistakes discussed in W3 and in class. Redo and turn back in.

Group rubric. Taking the 6 Expository essays, 1-6, come up with a group rubric for each level of the fcat writing test. In the four areas of focus, organization, support and conventions tell what a student needs to do in order to achieve each score. Turn in.

Conferences- Teacher conferences about FCAT reading practices with each student.

9/24 A-9/25 B

J#8 "The harder you fall, the higher you bounce." -Raffiki, The Lion King
Think pair share, and discuss as a class.

Group rubric returned. Individual FCAT Writes rubrics distributed. Class marks level 6 on the FCAT writes rubric by the 4 categories you are graded on: 1)Focus 2)Organization 3)Support 4)Conventions. Then they underline and discuss key words in each section that indicate how well you are supposed to do in each area. For example, for Focus, we underlined focused, purposeful, and reflects insight. Finish the rest of the rubric on your own. Then meet back with group and compare the FCAT rubric to your group rubric. Add anything your group is missing but in student friendly language.

Turn in.

Continue conferences with teacher. Progress reports distributed.

Proofreading symbols/Writing Tips checked
Photo workshop
Ad contracts distributed
Rewrite due-attach old to new
Ad contacts due- finish and turn in
Class Duty
Magazine Hw- last chance for partial credit
Ad manual distributed

Ad manual distributed - told to read through for test on Thursday
Ad to ad contact sheet for more credit