
9/21 B Day English III

M&M review 2. Turn in M&M 6-10 (bipartisan-denotation) in order, stapled together to basket.

Take out Exit 1-OMG-80%, R2-OMG and Holt books. The class reviews R2 and the chart everyone filled out together the last class from Battensclasses.blogspot.com. Students reminded that on the allusion side, they are to put the pg number, the allusion, a brief description of the allusion and most importantly the reason why she included the allusion. For the reason, they may struggle a bit. To help, they should always think, why would she randomly throw this allusion in the middle of a story about how her creative mom influenced her to become a writer or how does this relate to the main idea of this story.

For example, the allusion on 1296, Sainthood-a group of African American women who went insane due to their creativity being stifled.

The student should ask, what do these women have to do with Alice Walker becoming a writer or her mother's creativity. Then they should make an inference: a guess

Inference: Maybe Walker included this allusion to show what happens if a woman doesn't have a way to express herself, like her mother and she were able to do. Perhaps not all women found an outlet.

Also student will want to look at the footnotes and the context in order to make the inference. For example, in the footnote it explains the Ma Rainey is a famous Blues singer. But in the context it says that she sang songs that bore the name of their creator, unlike her mother..

Inference: Perhaps she included this allusion to show the contrast between Rainey who was famous and sang about herself versus her mother who wasn't famous and didn't brag about her talents to anyone, so no one knew they existed. Maybe she is trying to tell us that some of the most creative and talented people aren't always famous or well known.

Reminders: Do not forget to add any detail that relates to the main idea of the story on the right side-these should be notes about Walker's mother, Walker, or her and her mother's creativity

Students given 30 minutes to finish the R2-OMG Allusions and notes on their own. If they didn't finish, they had to complete the assignment for homework with the online Holt book the login is my.hrw.com  and the passwords is tparker806 (When navigating on the site, click on the orange book, and type the page number in the box at the top of the page, click arrows to move to next page). Ms. Batten helped students with the first 5 allusions, there are at least 7 more. Students should have at least 10 allusions down on the left-making sure they include the reason they think she used the allusion.

Exit 1-OMG-80% can be turned in today or the next class. Ms. Batten will review the assignment before students have to complete.

5th: Reviewed R1-Cnotes/Ain't I a Woman-grading, main idea and author's purpose

Ain't I a Woman: In the margin you were supposed to put the main idea and the author's purpose in sentence format. You only lost points if you didn't follow directions, however, a lot of you are confused about the main idea and purpose. Main idea is basically what the speech is about and the purpose is to inform, persuade or entertain in sentence format, and it cannot be all 3. You would want to decide which the author does the most. For example in the poem the main idea really is: Women are just as good as men and deserve equal rights (don't copy my main idea-do your own.) The purpose: She is writing to persuade women to band together and demand equal rights (don't copy my purpose-do your own). On the Back wksht: we reviewed the answers together. I also gave this assignment to students with comments for how to fix, elaborate answers. Some students lost points because they didn't fix anything, despite being given a chance to.

On the Cnotes-Allusions-Students were graded using the Cnotes rubric.

Papers were returned-students directed what to do with assignments since this is the first time papers were handed back. Students were also instructed to update their TOC for each section as they received assignments if they hadn't already done so.

Progress Reports distributed to all students present.