
9/23 A- 9/24 B


"If a million people say a foolish thing, it is still a foolish thing." -Anatole France

R#8- Asking Questions

Solzhenitsyn homework due today (40 points)
Journals 1-8 checked (40 points)

I Am From models distributed, recording played.

EA1- I Am From- poem DUE 9/29 A and 9/30 B. Must be typed. Also, bring in a blank CD-R or CD-RW or tape your own recording of the poem onto your CD and bring it in on the due date.

Mass Media

J#8- Copy
Newspaper Parts-
News-tells you what is happening on local, state, national, and international scenes.
Feature Stories-Expand your knowledge of social issues and events
Opinion Columns/Editorials-Provide arguments and debate on controversial topics
Advertising-space paid for by stores and businesses, provides information about goods and services available in and around your area.

SB Quiz 1
SB1-Numbers/Amounts- due to in basket

After quiz, copy SB2-Numbers/Amounts
1. Never use the year within the current year, nor for the preceding or coming year unless there would be confusion.
Use: December 12, last May 5, Next June
NOT: This year, the football team...
2. Always use numerals for ages, dimensions, money, percentages, days of the month, degrees, hours of the day, scores, room numbers, page or chapter numbers and street numbers. Except for those in the preceding rule, spell ou numbers one through nine, and use numbers for 10 and greater.
EX: $5 Not: Five dollars
EX: She had two donuts NOT: She had 2 donuts
3. For money under $1, use numerals and the word cents. For $1 or over, use the dollar sign. Omit zeros when possible
EX: 25 cents, $10, $1.50, 35 cents Not: .35 Not: ten dollars
4. Do not begin a sentence with a numeral. Spell it out or rewrite it.
Not: $5 is how much it costs.
DO: It costs $5.

Newspaper sort- Groups-due

9/21-9/23 Yearbook


Inspiration homework due today.

Editor's meeting.

Faculty info. sheets distributed for faculty members. Please go to your faculty members who haven't turned in their sheet, and ask them for one. For the faculty members who did turn in sheets, write down their availability, so you know when to contact them.

Class duties.

Editor's display of Theme


Journal check 1-15 (75 points)

Editor's finish presentation of Theme, showing their inspiration for the designs.

Inspiration homework explained once more. Teacher warns staff, they have one more chance to get credit for this homework assignment. It is needed for a spread they are about to complete on themselves, and without the inspiration, they will not be able to complete the assignment.

Staff meeting:

A) Faculty Info. Sheets: explained again; staff members are to turn the sheets into Brandi when they are finished with them
B)Report info. from faculty members: Students were supposed to report on what they learned from their faculty members on this day, however, only a couple of students had things to share. Teacher warns class that next Monday, they MUST have spoken with each of their faculty members (7 maximum). They will go to each faculty member and ask if they know of anything we should take pictures of or if they have any ideas of what we should feature in the book. They MUST do this weekly and report back to staff meetings on Monday. Next Monday, it will be a grade.
C)Ads Test-Coming Soon. There will be a test on the information in the ad manual. It will most likely be after Homecoming, but it would be wise to start studying now. You must be able to have responses to common objections.
D)Inspiration- DUE tomorrow- last chance
E)Parking Lot
F)Photo Shop- Ms. Batten gives Photo Shop tips

Hayes- delivers Photo Shop workshop. Teacher and Hayes suggest for students to take notes, however, it isn't mandatory.

Bday celebration