
Mass MediaYB 6th block/7th 10/18

MASS MEDIA-6th block only
Create an ad list. Loucite Michel to check before you submit to sub.

Copy upside down triangle from board before lunch.

After lunch, you must list the following:

Renewals: At least 10 businesses who advertised last year and all of their contact info including address and phone numbers.

Friends and Family: At least 10 friends, family members or friends of family members or family member's friends who own a business, have a child graduating or would benefit somehow from taking out an ad. List their names, their relationship to you and why you think they might be interested in an ad.

Places you and your parents spend money:
List 30 businesses in which you or your parents spend your money.

Vendors List at least 10 businesses which the Parker uses for supplies, sports, clubs, etc.

Have Loucite check your list before submitting to see you've followed the above directions. When finished turn your list into Ms. Gore with this handout.

7th block/Advanced Yearbook
Before submitting your 300 word story which is due today, do all of the following:
-Write at the top, if you haven't included this, how many words total are in your story. Do not count the title or any word not in your actual story. If you do not have at least 350 words, I will not accept it. I told you to write the rough draft with too many words. Keep and fix if not at least 350 words.

Circle all planned and effective repetition which sounds poetic to the ear. If you do not have any. Keep, fix and turn in when fixed.

Make sure your beginning/hook and end are circular and connect to each other. If not, Keep, fix and turn in when fixed.

Label each quote from your interviewee with a Q. If you do not have a couple of quotes from your subject which are short and powerful,keep, fix and turn in when fixed.

Underline all descriptive words or phrases. If you do not have enough description, keep, fix and turn in when fixed.

Label where your shift in tense occurs. Like in "After the Sky Fell" it starts in the present, shifts to past, then goes back to present. If you didn't shift the tenses at least once,keep, fix and turn in when fixed.

Put an asterisk * next to all facts and details. If you do not have enough, keep, fix and turn in when fixed.

At the top of your paper, tell me which plot you used when writing this story and what universal feeling/emotion everyone can relate to

Label any occasionally breaks in traditional English rules for poetic sound. Ex: Fragments

Finally, have someone proof your story and make sure you labelled everything correctly. Have them write any suggestions for improvement in the margin. Turn in the essay to Ms. Gore if you followed all of the guidelines.

If you have a lot of mistakes, please pay closer attention when editors are teaching how to do things, use your time more efficiently, refer back to your copy section to the model 300 word stories and remember to fix asap as the deadline for the rough draft was today.

ENGLISH III 10/18 A-10/19 B

Independent Reading- 20 minutes-work on R13-15-Inferences-due 10/24 A-10/25 B-80 percent assessment

Remember, today in class, you are to work on your W4-Performance-Task-Unit 1- in which you have to write an essay comparing and contrasting two stories from Unit 1. This essay must be a minimum of 4 elaborate paragraphs (most of you will want to have at least 5) and have at least 3 points of contrast and comparison. This unit performance task will be worth 100 points and is 80 percent of your grade. It is due 10/20 A and 10/21 B. That is the next class I see you. That is the equivalent of over 3 reading entries, so if you do not complete it, you will not pass this next term. Therefore, all of you who hope to pass, will complete this essay. Why not take the time given to you in class and when you are being taught how to do it, to actually do it. In other words, Do Not Waste Your Class Time today. Since it is due the next class, if you do not do what you are supposed to today, you will feel extremely behind when I see you again. You also will not be able to get much help from me before submitting your essay. Late essays will be penalized 10 points off each class.

Today, you will need to finalize your Venn diagram, write your introduction and write at least one supporting paragraph. If you finish this, before class is over, move on to your other supporting paragraphs. The next class, you will finish your essay and submit.

The Venn Diagram
Take out your W4-Performance Task-Unit 1-Venn diagram Most of you, did not put your own notes here. This will not be enough for you to have just copied what I put on the board. You must put your own comparisons and contrasts. If necessary, look back at the stories or the assignments you chose to compare and contrast (story titles and assignments on board). You can add details about any of the following to your diagram: plot, characters, setting, journey for identity. If you do not add your own notes, it will be hard to generate an essay and you will lose points on your diagram which will be turned in with your essay.

The Introduction
All introductions must start with a hook. This means you have to engage the reader somehow. If you cannot think of a way to do this, why not use a quote from either story which relates to your thesis.

My hook:
"Guided by my heritage of a love of beauty and a respect for strength--in search of my mother's garden, I found my own," Alice Walker said.

All introductions must end with a thesis statement. Your thesis must state both works or authors and why the comparison/contrast is worth writing or the so what.
My thesis
My thesis: Both Walker and Cisneros discovered their passion for writing [<- the first part is my so what]through struggles, family influences and cultural restrictions.[the last part is the points I will be writing about-which will develop into my supporting paragraphs.

Now look at my hook and thesis. Together, they do not make sense without something connecting them. Most students do not think about this, but they should. I would need to add a lead-in to my thesis which relates the hook to the purpose of my paper. Example intro with connector:
"Guided by my heritage of a love of beauty and a respect for strength--in search of my mother's garden, I found my own," Alice Walker said in her story,"In Search of Our Mother's Garden." What Walker is really saying is she found her identity or her love for writing by learning from her mother's creativity. Likewise Sandra Cisneros developed a love for writing which she discusses in her story "Straw Into Gold". Both Walker and Cisneros developed their passion for writing through struggles, family influences and cultural restrictions.

Write Your own Introduction paragraph

Use comparison contrast transitions and elaborate each point. This time, pay attention to the writing rules from W3. Any mistakes made present from W3-the 10 tips will result in point deductions for each mistake made. Yes, I'm serious. I don't teach you things for you to ignore them, as some of you did in your first essay.

Make sure you use alternating comparison contrast. This means, you cannot list all the details for one story, then the other. It also means, you can not randomly list the similarities and differences. Instead, you must let your thesis guide your paper. Look back at my thesis. I would have to have a supporting paragraph on struggle, family influences and cultural restrictions. In my paragraph about struggle, I cannot mention anything but how struggles helped both authors develop their identity as a writer,the differences between their struggles and specific story details about their struggles. The reason you want to use alternating style is so that you do not confuse yourself or your reader and you do a good job pointing out how the two stories are similar and different.

When writing your support, you may want to do an outline. This is not necessary, but it could help tremendously. See example on the board for my struggle-supporting paragraph if interested in outlining.

Make sure your supporting topics are mentioned in your thesis, you use appropriate comparison/contrast transitions, you elaborate-using story details and you compare and contrast. You do not need to cite the text. Instead you can use the title of the book or the author's name. For example:
In "Straw Into Gold"......, whereas in "In Search of Our Mother's Garden"
According to Cisneros ........ On the other hand, Walker ......

Now Write your First Supporting Paragraph. The points you can write about in your paper, which should be included in your thesis if you choose them are:
plot, characters, setting, journey for identity, authors, author's style, family influences, culture

You will finish your essay the next class and submit it for a grade. It does not have to be typed. If you were in FCAT testing during this lesson, you were told to refer to this website for details of your assignment to make sure you still turned it in on time.

10/14 A-10/17 B English III

Independent Reading-20 minutes-R13-15-Inferences-Due 10/24 A-10/25 B-80 percent

Groups-Compare and Contrast American Idol with X Factor using a Venn Diagram. Class reviews all differences and similarities between these shows. Check off the items your group had on their diagram and add anything you didn't have. Now write a paragraph using the alternating comparison/contrast style. This means, you must choose one element of both shows, rather than including all of them. For example, your paragraph may be about the rules, the judges or the setup of the show. Use the comparison/contrast transitions and submit to the basket your group diagram and paragraph. Both assignments can be on the same sheet. Make sure all group members' names are on assignment. Transition sheet distributed to students. Teacher explains to keep this handout for the comparison/contrast essay and future essays.

Student reading entry explained to class for inferences. Teacher explains what not to do when infering-do not report what is directly stated and put I predict, I guess, I think, I infer in front of it. Inferences are only when you guess or predict something not directly stated. Use appropriate key words. Only use I predict when actually predicting something will happen in the book.

Student work returned-progress reports issued.

Oct 14-Deadline-All Unit 1 assignments must be submitted by this date.