
2/11 B- 2/13 A

Review FCAT MC practice test 1- answers

E6- FCAT Prompt due
Essays checked in class by teacher-suggestions and help offered for students who didn't score a 4 or higher

In class do FCAT Practice 2- Multiple choice
Answers reviewed in class by groups. Groups to give the right answer, why it is the right answer, and what type of question (focus, organization, support, convention)

R#34- Ch 4-TFA/Achebe
Write: see book for marks
S-what Okonkwo thinks makes him strong- physical, no emotion, violence, rages
W- what Okonkwo thinks makes him weak- emotion, sympathy, physical
P= all proverbs
put a circle around all names except Okonkwo's family members, put a squiggly circle around them. EX: Nwoye- special circle around his name

Also, keep marking
f- references to fears
*- compound or culture
I- imagery
C- conflicts

remember if you don't have your book, you must keep your post it notes, with the pg #s and stick them on your reading entry

Ch 4 Quiz- next class day

Feb. 12th- FCAT Writes Test- 4th