
2/12 English III

Read 20 minutes- A Prayer for Owen Meany. Work on  R11-R12 pgs 61-80. Due on 2/19, 2 more classes from now.

Copy new word. Words are different now, because only your 3rd and 6th block teacher are supposed to teach them. You will still take quizzes and only 5 words will be given per word set, rather than 20. This means it should be extra easy to pass quizzes now. We will no longer do the peer review, but students will need to learn from comments added to their papers by me and not continue to make the same mistakes. For example, If I say, not enough context clues, then the student should start using them.

43)Transgress (v.) Words 38-42, past due.

PREFIX: trans: through, across   ROOT: gres: take steps, move around

Model: Some students seem to transgress often by constantly violating rules and procedures.

You write your own sentence using context clues.

R10-Makeup Quiz allowed for anyone absent the last class. They can take the quiz during reading or after school before the Thursday, following their absence.

Ms. Batten reviews inferences for pages 40-60. For 40-50 she reviews the main idea with the class: Johnny's mom meets Dan Needham on the train and introduces him to her family. Then on page 40 and 41, several inferences are reviewed with the class to make sure they aren't skipping over things that could be written on their chart. The class reviews the main idea for 51-60: Johnny' visits his wild, crazy cousins, who is feels comfortable with. Then on pg 52 and 53, inferences are reviewed with the class which could have been recorded for R8-R9. This is meant to especially help those who have struggled submitting R8 or R9 or who didn't do them properly.

Copy Exit 9-MORD (Masque of the Red Death)-16 pts. Due at end of reading, not this class.
1. What was Poe's purpose for writing M.O.R.D.? (2 pts) must be a complete sentence
2. Name 3 Gothic Elements present in this story. (Be specific) (3) must name specific story elements
3. Name 2 symbols and what they might represent. (4) Make sure you think on symbolic level
4. Explain the significance of the 7 rooms. Be sure to mention each room in your response. (7) You must
    mention each room and its significance in your response

Take out R13-MORD Packet-Students directed to label packet as R13 MORD and to make a key on their packet for how to mark the text:
*words you don't know
~~~~~ under diction and repetition
box around symbols

Ms. Batten reminds students of the meaning of diction.

Diction: word choice. Words authors use on purpose, when there are other words they could have used. In gothic fiction, you will definately see a lot of gloomy, depressing words which are a part of that diction.
Ex: shack vs. cabin
If I was writing a scary story, I would be more likely to use shack.
If I was writing a pleasant story about my childhood vacation spot, I would be more likely to use cabin.

Ms. Batten reveals the meaning of symbolism and the ways to spot it in the text.

Symbolism: when something represents something larger than itself
How to spot it:
-repetition (sometimes symbols are objects or ideas that repeat)
-unusual placement or unusual name
-words that don't belong together (like if I said Mr. Samson was steaming smoke from his forehead.) Sometimes this reveals a metaphor instead of a symbol.
-patterns in diction (like if words all associate with a color, lightness, darkness or are related some how)
-long, drawn out, wordy descriptions. (For example, in Their Eyes Were Watching God, the chapter all about the street lamp. You hear about the lamp so much, it is obviously a symbol)

Students read the first page of packet, pg 53 and mark the text using the key Ms. Batten has given to them. Class discusses first page.

Diction on first page mentioned: pestilence, fatal, hideous, profuse, termination, dauntless, sagacious
For explanation of why marked, look at the 1st and 2nd line "No pestilence had ever been so fatal, or so hideous." pestilence is used to reveal this is a plague, disease, not just an illness. Fatal is used to show that it is deadly. The author could have said harmful there. Hideous is used because the symptoms of the disease are horrifying and disgusting.

Symbols on first page mentioned:
Prince Prospero: marked because its an unusual name for a person. People aren't named after adjectives.
Red: pattern in diction reflects words that are associated with the color such as Red, Blood, bleeding, scarlet

Diction on 2nd page (54) mentioned: seclusion, girdled, ingress, egress, appliances, Beauty, security
Explanation: Girdled is unusual to use with a wall, so its obviously used on purpose. Ingess and Egress means entry and exit, so he could have just used those words. He uses these more sophisticated words to reflect the time period.

Possible Symbols on 2nd page (54) mentioned: The castle is constantly referred to using a similar pattern of diction referring to isolation such as seclusion, strong and lofty wall, gates of iron, welded the bolts. It is described in detail and mentioned many times how the castle isolates Prospero and his guests, so its most likely a symbol.

We will finish reading this story the next class. Make sure you have your packet with you.

Students reminded that Exit 8 will not be given more than 50% credit if submitted after 2/12. It was due 1/31 and is now 2 weeks past due. Exit slips cannot be turned in at any time, but should be submitted before the next Exit slip is given to students.