
2/18 A- 2/19 B


FCAT #4 Does Modern Society Make Us Fat

Ms. Batten checks homework- ch 2-3 TFA

1B- Last chance to turn in FA 7, 8, 9
review proverbs and Ch 1
FCAT 4, FA 7, 8, 9 reviewed as a class.
Ch 1-4 Quizzes coming the next class

Ch 4 HW- Mark the following in TFA
S-Okonkwo's perceived strengths ( what he thinks makes him strong)
W- Okonkwo's perceived weaknesses (what he thinks makes him weak)
P- all proverbs
Circle all names- ex circle Osugo
Put a special circle around Okonkwo's family- ex special circle around Nwoye
f- fears
*culture or compound


J#7- What radio show will your group present today? What character will you play? How did your group prepare for this show? How do you feel about performing?

Time is given in class to prepare and practice with microphone. Turn in rubric when performing radio show. CDR or CDRW due.

SB1- Quiz moved to next class


J# 76-77
Faculty contact due next Monday 1/23
Computer settings cannot be altered
finish senior spreads
UC spreads- Mofi and Avery will be doing them for everyone since so many of you are behind
Deadlines 4, 5 coming soon
Myspace Ads= ad credit
After school today, or some time this week
Absences- some of you are really pushing it
Helpers- must document who they help and make that their focus

2/13 A -2/17 B

English II Honors

A- Last chance to turn in Formatives 7, 8, 9- past due homework, teacher checks bookmarks
A/B-Teacher comes around to check Ch 1 homework- marking the text as directed
turn in Okonkwo drawings

Proverbs- finish all 9 proverbs with group. Ms. Batten to read correct proverbs and all students will record them on wkbk page 148. Write explanations on page 148 of any proverbs your group didn't get correct. Have Ms. Batten check, then turn in group paper to basket.

Class discusses meaning of all proverbs.

Ch 2-3 Homework
F- all fears, causes or effects of fears
*- any references to Okonkwo's culture or compound
C- any conflicts of any kind
I- Imagery (also mark any figurative devices you see, such as metaphors, similes, etc)

1A- discussed chapter 1 in detail
1B- made bookmarks for TFA

No Journal, instead prepare and practice for your radio show. It is due the next class. SB1 quiz moved to next class as well.

J#75- senior pages should be done, if not, find your seniors and get their information needed