Submit 2 articles (was homework- related to the following topic: American students are undereducated and either don't realize this, don't care or find themselves lacking knowledge needed for college or the workforce. Remember to email them to, put your printed versions to the in basket or give them to Ms. Batten via your USB or thumbdrive. 20%
Jaywalking segment shown to students and discussed as a class. Jaywalking is where Jay Leno, The Tonight Show host walks around asking common knowledge questions to every day people.
Jaywalking-Part 1
Jaywalking-Part 2
Discussion Question: After watching both clips, does this segment Jay Leno does reveal anything about the true intelligence of the people he is questioning? Explain.
4th-Learns Connection-see notes from last blog given to 5th block.
5th-Reviewed Connections.
Don't be vague: This reminded Cindy of baseball (not enough detail). Sam connected because he saw this in a book. (in what book) Mary related to the violence on the news. (Be more specific)
Groups given 30 to 45 minutes to work on R20-21 Connections. Due 5/7.
Calendars distributed. Students warned that they will be held responsible for everything on that calendar. The Ch1 marking and reading will be coming next Tuesday. On Thursday, we will take a quiz on Chapter 1. Students cannot use I wasn't here as an excuse for not taking a quiz, because they have when all quizzes are.
Exit 12 20 points:Zora- distributed to 5th only. Due on Tuesday, 5/7.