
12/5 A-12/7A

12/5- sub present- work not given to classes; this put B day (12/8) ahead of A day (12/9)

English II

J#29 "Eighty percent of success is showing up." -Woody Allen

Homework Due: Formative Assessment ( A and B day)/Brainstorm (B only)-Ms. Batten checks each person's homework at their desk.

Turn in Formative Assessment 4 to basket

R#29-Multiple pg__ to pg __ (at least 5 entries or a summary)

Class discusses meaning of cultural misunderstanding. Ms. Batten brainstorms on the board her own ideas for writing a cultural misunderstanding narrative.

Class reviews: I Love Lucy, Dave Barry, Seinfeld, Children of the River, By Any Other Name, as examples.

Class members share their own examples of cultural misunderstandings from what they've experienced, heard about, or seen on television, etc.

Benchmark Testing- Started today - Part 1

Mass Media

J#29- What is/are your favorite commercial(s) and why?

A15- Propaganda- Notes- review as a class

Now, design a poster and commercial for a product of your choice. Present in class.

A16-Propaganda presentations

-One group member's name

-Rate 1-5

-What they did well

-What they need to improve



Monday- meeting

Spread checklist distributed to everyone and reviewed. Spread process is recursive; diagram drawn and explained.

SB5-Quotations reviewed and quiz given in class]

Journal- important, everyone must be in seat and quiet when doing this.

Faculty contact due every other week. Another one is due next Monday. Don't wait until the day its due to contact your faculty members. Email is also allowed.


Portfolios- discussed (Journal, Inspiration, Working Portfolio, Presentation pieces)

Each section discussed with class.

YB Ads- discussed. Staff is graded on effort but they must show effort through the ad contact sheet.