
10/11 A-10/12 B

Turn to pg 11 of the Holt text, and compare and contrast the two pictures in a detailed paragraph. Refer to the pictures as the 1915 and 2007 photographs. Use a venn diagram as a pre-writing strategy. Transitions would also help. Such as, Similarly or In contrast.

Exit slip 7
1)What was Whitman's purpose in writing "I Hear America Singing"? 2)What was Hughes' purpose in writing "I, Too Sing America"? 3)What was Tremblay's purpose for writing "Indian Singing.."? 4)What was Jen's purpose in writing "Coming Into the Country"?

Mini-Lesson: Diction and Tone in poems on pg 36-39 SB. You will fill out pg 35 after this lesson in which Ms. Batten tells you which diction words should have been marked in each poem and the tone of each poem.

Finish Vocab Test if not done.

Work Independently on
R16-18 Inferences due 10/18 OR if finished iwht 16-18, Do R19-21 Making Connections Due 10/29 (Connections briefly explained)

(everyone). Read Holt pg 10-13EVERYONE-A2 "Coming Into the Country". On pg 13, write questions and answer each question completely.

A2-lesson(For pretest scores of 60% or below) Ms. Batten works through and reads the first part of the lesson and assignments with students. Then excercises are given to students. Due the next class for mandatory grade. Any student not working independently on their own work, who didn't have to participate in this lesson, will have to participate and turn assignment in, as well.

Closing: Person/Group teaches inferences

Conference about grades with teacher/She also will check wkbk pages

Author's Purpose Post-test coming.