

"We know what a person thinks, not when he tells us what he thinks, but by his actions."
-Isaac Singer


1A-Turn in Proofreading Marks

By Any Other Name checked as a group grade

By any Other Name reviewed as a class, including chart, and thesis statement

Thesis handout and explanation of thesis.

Model essay about By Any Other Name distributed, read, and technique discussed.

FCAT 6 point rubric distributed

Transition worksheet distributed

EA3-Cultural Misunderstanding Rubric distributed and Embedded Assessment Backmap completed

Mass Media

Copy each term and leave several lines under each for note taking

Camera Positions
  1. Extreme Long shot
  2. Long shot
  3. Medium Shot
  4. Close-up
  5. Extreme Close-up


  1. Birds-eye-view
  2. High Angle
  3. Eye level
  4. Low Angle
  5. Oblique/Canted

Camera Movement

  1. Pans
  2. Tilts
  3. Dolly shots
  4. Handheld Shots
  5. Crane Shots
  6. Zoom lenses
  7. Aerial Shot

Class takes note of each term, as teacher explains. Class thinks of examples of each during discussion.

A- takes quiz SB3 and turns in SB3 notes

Jerome Liebling- article read in class. Discussion of how photography relates to cinematography and Liebling's effect on the art world.


J#33 Free Response

300-word-story due

Must be in 3rd person but about your life

-staple questions to story (List questions someone would have to ask you, in order to find this story)

-Put word count at top of paper

Sign up for which groups you want to be in 1-3 in order of desire

Layout, Reporter, Photographer, Clerical, DVD

Work on Yearbook duties and rewriting captions