"We know what a person thinks, not when he tells us what he thinks, but by his actions."
-Isaac Singer
1A-Turn in Proofreading Marks
By Any Other Name checked as a group grade
By any Other Name reviewed as a class, including chart, and thesis statement
Thesis handout and explanation of thesis.
Model essay about By Any Other Name distributed, read, and technique discussed.
FCAT 6 point rubric distributed
Transition worksheet distributed
EA3-Cultural Misunderstanding Rubric distributed and Embedded Assessment Backmap completed
Mass Media
Copy each term and leave several lines under each for note taking
Camera Positions
- Extreme Long shot
- Long shot
- Medium Shot
- Close-up
- Extreme Close-up
- Birds-eye-view
- High Angle
- Eye level
- Low Angle
- Oblique/Canted
Camera Movement
- Pans
- Tilts
- Dolly shots
- Handheld Shots
- Crane Shots
- Zoom lenses
- Aerial Shot
Class takes note of each term, as teacher explains. Class thinks of examples of each during discussion.
A- takes quiz SB3 and turns in SB3 notes
Jerome Liebling- article read in class. Discussion of how photography relates to cinematography and Liebling's effect on the art world.
J#33 Free Response
300-word-story due
Must be in 3rd person but about your life
-staple questions to story (List questions someone would have to ask you, in order to find this story)
-Put word count at top of paper
Sign up for which groups you want to be in 1-3 in order of desire
Layout, Reporter, Photographer, Clerical, DVD
Work on Yearbook duties and rewriting captions