
English III 9/1-9/2

Finish Word illustration for Word Wall with Group. Turn in.

W2 Vocab 1 foldable- 1. Fold piece of paper like a brochure, into thirds. Horizontally fold one edge to middle of paper, then the other edge of paper over the first fold. Make sure the foldable opens towards you like a book. 2. On front flap title Words, then space all 6 vocab words out down flap: disoriented (adj.), affliction (n.), inalienable (adj.), grievance (n.), communal (adj.), mainstream (n.) 3.On inside flaps, left flap List definitions of words, and on right folded flap, pictures that illustrate words
4. Open up folded flap, and label across two blank flaps Sentences. 5. Fold back up and turn over to remaining blank flap for heading: Your name, date, per, title. 6. Infer meanings of words based on word wall gallery. Discuss definitions as a class. 7. Finish drawing pictures for each word and writing sentences using the words with context clues. Turn in

Turn in W1-Biographical Sketch/Essay. Due today in basket.

Last chance to show Ms. Batten porfolio and reading book for this class. Both should be with you on a daily basis. If not turned in by today, points deducted.

Setup R1-"Coming Into the Country" by folding a piece of paper in half vertically, unfolding, then labelling left hand side of chart Positives and right side of chart Negatives. Label paper Name, date, period, Title. Start reading Holt, Coming Into the Country p 10-13. As you read, list on chart the positives and negatives she mentions for coming into America as an immigrant. To finish assignment, next class.

Question of the Day-Discussed.
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Critical Reading > Sentence Completions
Choose the word or set of words that, when inserted in the sentence, best fits the meaning of the sentence as a whole.
Scientists are studying the birth and growth of thunderstorms to discover what causes the difference between showers that enable crops to ------- and ------- storms that cause floods and erosions.
• (A) flourish . . violent
• (B) wither . . damaging
• (C) grow . . harmless
• (D) parch . . severe
• (E) multiply . . essential

Correct: AThe blanks call for a verb that is associated with the effects of showers and an adjective that is associated with the effects of storms.

A shower is gentle rain that waters crops, making them “flourish.” In contrast, the deluge of rain in a “violent” storm may damage crops and soil.

English III 8/26-8/31

Copy Exit Slip 3: 1)What is the main idea of "Coming Into the Country" (Write in sentence format)? 2) What was Jen's purpose for writing this essay?

Next, take out W1 Biographical Sketch and Finish essay. For 5th block, finish sketch then essay. For essay, hook-engage reader (Do not start with I was born or My name is), Elaborate details, use transitions and maintain an organizational pattern, and keep spelling and grammar in mind.

20 minutes given to finish essay in class. If not finished, MUST complete at home. Due 9/1 A and 9/2 B. Turn in Essay and sketch together with proper heading.

Portfolio/Reading book check-Participation points, Parent info sheet turned into basket for grade

Group Word Wall With group, on a piece of drawing paper, write your word large enough to be seen from far away, draw a picture which illustrates the word, use the word in context, making sure to use it properly according to the part of speech. Have word approved by teacher, then make it permanent, visible from far away. Put all names on drawing and turn in.

8/26-8/31 Mass Media/Journalism

Yearbook Commercials continued- Filming and Putting together Finalized. Students permitted to film around campus. Must be in .mov or .mp4 format. Target audience guides commercial and is explained during commercial presentation. Have buying info. $35, $25, $25. Can email projects to Battens@duvalschools.org.

Mass Media/6th-Also mark Class Procedures with Sub using the Annotating Text Key hanging in class. Teacher asks questions upon return. Test to come.

9/1-9/2- Present Commercials

Commercial Critique- Rate each commercial 1 to 10 and give commentary. Give one postive and one need for improvement for each commercial.

YB Critique- With group identify: What is the theme? How has the theme been used throughout the book? Look for visual and verbal clues to theme.