
1/28 A -1/29 B



Journals postponed until after FCAT. Every day will now start with FCAT practice.
1A-Turn in p65- REF#3
EA Backmap for BIB

R# Postponed until after FCAT

FCAT 1- Baggy Pants article- reviewed in class

Formative Assessment 6 returned.

Fill out charts appropriately.

Watch movie beginning- talk about engaging the reader
FCAT rubric broken down into parts.

Things Fall Apart starts next week-book due for extra credit

Bare: 1,2 FCAT SCALE
I like science because I enjoy it.

Extended: 3 on FCAT Scale
I like science because we do fun experiments.

Layered: 4 on FCAT scale
I enjoy Biology because my teacher Mr. Kasteler teaches us interesting experiments such as...

Elaborated: 5, 6 on FCAT scale
In Biology Honors we perform fascinating experiments. For example, last week we filtered dirty water with rocks and gritty sand. My teacher, Mrs. Kasteler really teaches in a captivating way, which draws me to her room, B101, every A day.

REF#4 Expository Essay
If you could spend the day with anyone from any time period, who would it be and why?
Time yourself 45 minutes

Look at examples of FCAT 1-6 essays

Mass Media

Think about how many times different forms of mass mediums are used in your daily life on a weekly basis. Now write about the different forms you use. 5 min.

Present charts on obvious/non-obvious/purposes of

Class Procedures TEst Friday-A, Monday-B; Portfolio due as well

Research Projects- topics given
start research on 1/3 Tuesday A, 1/4 Wednesday B

Presentations on 2/9 A - 2/10 B

Research Projects
15 questions to guide your search

research done outside of class with group

graded using presentation rubric

must answer all questions generated during presentation

must show the history and evolution (change)

A2-Rubric for Presentation distributed and reviewed


Focus on senior spreads first
UC spreads to be designed
Layout check-when waiting for reporter
Editor checklist a must
reference section