
Mass Media 3/7 update

All work for Deadline 5 should be finished by today, except for the following which need to be turned in ASAP:

Track, Flag football, Tennis, Baseball-both, Athletic Directory(please do ASAP)

Remember the warning given to you at the beginning of this week. If you haven't finished something that is past due, it has to go into the publisher.

This means if you don't do it, and I get to it before you, you don't get a grade for it. I've already started doing it. Remember this isn't just for a grade, we won't get our yearbook if we don't turn the work in.

Students who didn't sell enough ads will have a chance to make that up through yearbook sales.

Next week is FCAT. A lot of you juniors/seniors think you are going to skip. We will be working on finishing the sports spreads we couldn't this week (Only baseball, track, flag football). We also will be working on proof corrections. Keep in mind if you don't show up, then you can't fix your proofs. I cannot wait around while you skip school to let you fix them. We our way past our deadlines. So either you come to yearbook and fix them, or I will and you won't get the grade for it. It's your choice.

Also remember you can always come after school and work.

Also, now that we should be finished with out deadlines, the only way you can leave class is by first asking me, then letting me sign your planner, then signing out on the hall pass log and then back in on the hall pass log. If you don't follow this procedure, I will be forced to write you up. Some of you have been taking advantage, and I'm tired of it.

Also, if you are just sitting around the class because you assume you're finished with things, you are receiving a class participation grade of zero. It is a yearbook class. How many times do I have to remind you that people need help with things. There is always, always something that needs to be done. Please get up and ask and stop trying to text message your friends. Laziness will not be tolerated.

The days I will see you for FCAT:

3/7 B-3/8 A English II Honors

Compare and Contrast Okonkwo to Uchendu. Use support from the text to support your answer.

R 17-18 Do wkbk pgs /Do Pg 168 -169 homework

Homework given out for FCAT week-handout-see handout

Quiz 14-16

Review Embedded Assessment/model shown
Choose groups or to work as an individual on Things Fall Apart Embedded Assessment 1/Unit 3-Comparing Communities
-Rubric given (Don't lose; write the following on rubric)
-Bibliography worksheet given with proper formatting
-Topics/Groups Chosen
-Must use TFA as one source and use textual examples in presentation.
four sources needed total (min.)
-Must work with group outside of class

-Due dates: Must Present on
3/25 B Day
3/26 A Day
First Grade of Last Term