
12/12 B -12/15 A

English II

"A superior man is modest in his speech, but exceeds in his actions." -Confucius

*Turn in Formative Assessment 4 to the basket-don't staple

R#30-Multiple Pg__ to Pg___

(at least 5 or a summary-cannot use summary every time)

Group- Think Pair Share- Brainstorms. Decide with your group's input, which of your ideas you will write about for your cultural misunderstanding paper. Ms. Batten comes to discuss your ideas with you.

Mother's Day- Begin reading as a class. Parts assigned.

Jigsaw- Split apart chart on PG 92-93. Each group member should mark the play (text) for separate things. One person might mark Mrs. Pearson's chart items, while another person might mark Mrs. Fitzgerald's.

At breaks, group will discuss the things they marked and copy them on the chart.

EA3-Cultural Misunderstanding Narrative-
Brainstorm-Turned in by 12/11
Outline-turned in 12/16 B and 12/17 A
Rough Draft 12/18 B and 12/19 A
Peer Editing Sheet 12/18 B and 12/19 A
Revised Final Draft 1/5 B and 1/6 A

Mass Media
J#30- Think of TV shows or movies in which you've seen products or name brands used by the characters. List the shows/movies and the products you saw them use.

A18-Product Placement
Take detailed notes on the following:
  1. Define/explain Product Placement/current examples
  2. Early examples/current examples
  3. categories, impact, types
  4. overkill, criticism
  5. parodies, placement, displacement

Ms. Batten distributes information to groups to read, learn, and then teach to the class. Presentations will be graded on ability to get the information to the class in and effective manner. All members should speak.

Homework A17-Due in Basket. If late 5 points will be deducted.



Monday-Faculty contact Due

Today- Layout 1 (print pictures)-Reporter-clerical-copy editor

December event? Why haven't we done anything about this yet?

Ads-Yb sales, PP, small ads, club ads, senior ads all count for this. Final deadline Jan. 9.

Deadline 1- Must be sent on 12/19- Has to go through all groups prior to 12/19

Deadline 2- Ideally would be in on 12/19, but extra credit will be given to those who can get it in. Otherwise, it must go through all groups and be sent by 1/9.

Deadline 3-56 pages due on 1/16