

No Journal. Instead turn in portfolio. When you leave make sure you leave your portfolio in your designated spot. If your groups missing a sticker, see me. Also, if you aren't ready for me to grade your portfolio, put a post it note that says don't grade yet. Late portfolios will cost 5 points a day.

Open to pg 297 Tom Walker-Class reviews what was read and finishes the story to 299. Discussion continues regarding items that will appear on the test for this story.

After the story, go back and add in the last column for R28-What really happened-on your own.

Review W8-vocab 3. Foldable returned. Reviewed, fix mistakes and turn back in.

Main Idea Post Test-Postponed-next class-80% assessment

notices/reports/data chat conferences continue

A6 Test Tom Walker Part 1. Allowed to use foldable,story diagram, story terms, R28. Part 2,can use book.The next class.

Late work due by 12/17.


No Journal, instead continue organizing your portfolio for the check on 12/15.

If you haven't conferenced with me about Exit 16 and the Fcat data, please do so. Turn in exit slip 16.

W8-Vocab 3 foldable due today.

Taxonomy of a story. Take out a piece of paper and letter A-Z. For each letter put a term associated with writing or reading stories. For example,F:Fiction or C: Character. Try to put a term for every letter. Start on your own, then with your group and the Holt book, then as a class. Turn in to basket.

Class reviews part of Tom Walker they were supposed to read on their own, pg 294-296L. Discussion test questions. Plot diagram discussed. Exposition: beginning of the story where the main characters, beginning of conflict and setting are revealed. Rising Action: complications and further conflicts are added to build suspense. Climax: The most interesting part of the story or the turning point of the conflict.Denouement (Day-noo-mahn): Resolution or how the story ends.