
3/20 A -3/25 B

3/20 A- 3/23 B


Each person in group gives Ms. Batten a rubric

While each group presents, take notes on the method they use to present, making sure to record thier names or group color. Then after the presentations, write a reflective paragraph, mentioning specific things about how effective different groups were in the methods they chose.

TFA HW-Refer to calendar- Ch 12-13 Homework- add TFA- when anything starts to fall apart in the Ibo community

J#16- What is propaganda? Define it, talk about it, then write one paragraph about what you feel it means.

A10-TV shows that changed TV- finished
Groups answer 4 together

Add to A10 notes about why the TV show really changed TV- from Ms. Batten's lecture

Photo Scavenger Hunts checked again

Deadline 4 Due
16 pages of Ads cut
today after school
Grades aren't given for spreads unless they are completed, all editors have signed off on the checklist, and he envelope has been placed in the deadline box

3/24 A- 3/25 B

No Journals until after Spring break

EA5-Bend it Like Beckham Paper discussed in detail. Numerous handouts, including rubric, outline, model outline, model papers, etc given to each student. Paper is due April 9-A or April 10-B

HW ch 14-18 over Spring Break- don't forget to add TFA

Finish Bend it Like Beckham-the movie- pg 110- part 4 notes

J#17-Take notes on the following propaganda terms from teacher lecture. If absent, copy from a group member.
  1. Testimonial
  2. Plain Folks
  3. Bandwagon
  4. Transfer
  5. Card Stacking
  6. Glittering Generalities
  7. Name calling

A10- notes from teacher lecture finished and turned in for credit

Propaganda Group work- Choose any product to sell to the class: cell phone, shoes, yearbook, etc. Then choose two propaganda techniques. Make a poster for each technique on the product you've chosen. To be presented the next class


work on deadline 5