
1/9 English III (ER)

M&M 33. deferential- adj
            34. credulous- adj
            35. conduit-n

Copy chart:

33. prefix: de: out of           root: fer: to bear, carry   suffix: al: pertaining to
34. prefix  x                         root: cred: to belive        suffix: ous: forms adj
35. con: together                 root: duc: to lead            suffix: x

Infer definitions from the following models:
33. He showed his grandma deferential treatment over his brother, out of respect for her age and wisdom.
34. To automatically believe someone's argument as credulous without them providing logos and pathos, would be foolish.
35. He used his straw as a conduit to drink the thick shake.

Definitions for each word reviewed as a class.
deferential: showing or expressing respect, courteous
credulous: gullible, willing to believe without proper evidence
conduit: a natural or artificial tube or channel through which something fluid, liquid travels.

Write your own sentence, using context clues for each of the words. Have a peer review. Ms. Batten comes to verify peers have reviewed the word accurately. Remember a circle around their name means they aren't taking the time to give you proper feedback or they don't know how to use the words. Don't keep using someone whose name is continually circled for reviews.

Presentations (Continue Evaluations-Remember to submit Evaluations at the end of each class day)

Personal Reflection-Each group/presenter will be submitting a personal reflection after presentations. They will receive a list of comments from classmates and their grade from the teacher and will evaluate themselves on logos, pathos, ethos and speak of any changes they would make if presenting in the future.

Data Folders Students add to data folders, diagnostic mastery done in November.Students told to turn in today or next class.

APOM: Students reminded we will start reading A Prayer For Owen Meany again on Friday. They should bring their own copy of the book if they have one or the book they checked out. We will work on inferences, the next class.

Comprehension checks Reviewed. Student reminded that the thumbs up, out, down are universal signs in this class for any question I direct to them, such as: Do you understand: I'm not close-up  A little-thumbs out  Not at all: down   Do you need more time: Yes-Up Almost Done: thumbs out  I'm done: Thumbs out
Show me you're listening  Thumbs up: Yes  Thumbs out: I missed something you just said Nothing: not paying attention

Students reminded that if absent for a presentation or here but not prepared, that 25 points is deducted from the possible grade, meaning the highest grade to receive would be a C. Also student told to make sure they have their presentation ready, so that when I have time in class to fit in late presentations, they are prepared. They should bring their project to me at the beginning of class, and be the first one with their hand up when I ask who wants to present today.

1/7 English III

Group Presentations

Groups/Presenters submit PowerPoint to Ms. Batten at the beginning of class and make sure everything works.

While each group presents, you must evaluate them.

On a piece of paper, put your name and Group Eval/Presentations in the top right corner

For each group that presents, you will write:

Group Names: ____________________________________________________________

Topic (What they are trying to persuade you of.) ___________________________________

Ethos:  Commentary (must put 2 separate comments) and Grade (3, 2, 1, 0)

Logos: Commentary (must put 2 separate comments) and Grade (3,2,1, 0)

Pathos: Commentary (must put 2 separate comments) and Grade (3,2,1, 0)

For commentary and grading, use the rubric that has been provided to you. Ms. Batten hands out rubrics to anyone who hasn't brought theirs to class, to use while evaluating.

Students must turn in their Evaluations each day for credit. Absent students do not have to make this up for the presentations they weren't  present for.

For the remainder of class students can conference with Ms. Batten and/or work on their projects if presenting another day this week.  

1/3 English III

Reminder turn in M&M words 28-32.

Presentations are Monday 1/7, Wednesday 1/9, and Friday 1/11

Do not forget on the day of your presentation to turn in

W3-Persuasive Speech
-W3-Persuasive Contes (25 points)- Remember we took notes on logos, pathos, ethos, completed charts on all 3 and came up with level 1 and 2 questions for each section. You also were supposed to come up with 1 level 3 question for all of your notes. Don't forget to answer the EQ: Essential Question.
-Blank Rubric (can be the ones we've used in class or the one from your packet)
-Visual (Powerpoint, Display Board)
-Persuasive Packet/Outline-Follow directions on packet and half sheet given with research tips. Fill out packet completely before presenting. It walks you through your presentation. Also see the model outline for how to complete if you need help.

Each group practices Ethos with their group partner or another group. While practicing, their peer or fellow group must evaluate them using the following:

Ethos: Evaluation (10 points) Record on own paper

1)Dress:  Discuss what each of you plans to wear for your presentation. Evaluator to put a comment only regarding how effective they feel your choice of outfit.

2)Hand gestures, posture, facial expression: Each group/member is to practice using natural gestures, expressions and standing body posture while comparing McDonalds to Burger King. Evaluator is to document their commentary on how effective they feel you are at all 3 and improvements you need to make.

3) Note cards: Each group member is to reveal or discuss their plan for using note cards or memorizing speech. Evaluator is to document their commentary on how effective they feel the plan is and any improvements needed to ensure person is not dependent on power-point or notes.

4)Eye contact: Each group/member is to practice use of eye contact while repeating what they said about the 2 fast food restaurants, which incorporates the entire class and isn't awkward. Evaluator is to document their commentary on how effective they feel eye contact was and any improvements that need to be made.

5)Speaking Voice: Each group/member is to practice using a clear and audible speaking voice, changes in tone when appropriate and at a speed that is understandable. They will do this while repeating what they already said about the two fast food restaurants. Evaluator is to document their commentary on how effective they feel the speaker, their tone, their pace and any improvements they feel need to be made.

6)Sources Cited: Each group/member will discuss the sources they've found so far for their project. Evaluator is to document their commentary on how reliable they feel each source is and any sources which should be changed or eliminated before presenting. Citationmachine.net mentioned again for students to use for citing sources.

7) Everything together: Each group/member will practice hand gestures, standing posture, facial expression, eye contact, speaking voice volume, tone, speed of voice  and use of proper English while discussing their opinion on their actual topic.
Evaluator is to document their commentary on how effective they feel speaker is at incorporating all ethos aspects together and provide suggestions for improvement.

- Groups directed to turn in Ethos Evals this class in basket or in the library.

-Ms. Batten review entire rubric and reminds students they will be graded using this rubric on the day of their presentation.

-Ms. Batten reviews persuasive packet with class again and stresses how important it is to complete the packet and use it as a guide for your speech. 

Groups given more time in library to research.

To present:

1/7 Monday
Rajym 40 Pro
Edwin/Barry 12 con
Kwenessia/Alex 9 con
Manny/Shaneyvian 33 pro
Tanaysha/Nicole 48 pro
Kaos 16 Pro
Terell/Jordan 18 con

Curtis/Carl 43 Pro
Trey 12 Pro
Xaynah 27 Pro
Tyler 40 con
Shayla cell phones con
Juliano 33 pro
Jordann 4 con

1/9 Wednesday
Eddie 42 con
Morgan 27 Pro
Nate 12 con
Klaus/Denis 17 con
Ru'Deisha 22 pro
Adrian 47 pro
Nate/Brandi 11 con
Tracy/Andre 15 con
Josh/Akiya 38 pro

1/11 Friday
Victoria 23 pro
Domonique 16 con

Harvey 11 pro
Shawn/Tyler(re) 17 pro
Cody/Ray 2 pro
Chrissy 20 con
Roberto/Ian 14 con