
1/7 English III

Group Presentations

Groups/Presenters submit PowerPoint to Ms. Batten at the beginning of class and make sure everything works.

While each group presents, you must evaluate them.

On a piece of paper, put your name and Group Eval/Presentations in the top right corner

For each group that presents, you will write:

Group Names: ____________________________________________________________

Topic (What they are trying to persuade you of.) ___________________________________

Ethos:  Commentary (must put 2 separate comments) and Grade (3, 2, 1, 0)

Logos: Commentary (must put 2 separate comments) and Grade (3,2,1, 0)

Pathos: Commentary (must put 2 separate comments) and Grade (3,2,1, 0)

For commentary and grading, use the rubric that has been provided to you. Ms. Batten hands out rubrics to anyone who hasn't brought theirs to class, to use while evaluating.

Students must turn in their Evaluations each day for credit. Absent students do not have to make this up for the presentations they weren't  present for.

For the remainder of class students can conference with Ms. Batten and/or work on their projects if presenting another day this week.