Creative Writing
"Minds are like parachutes, they only function when they are open." -Sir Dewer, Scientist
(5 min)
Think Pair Share; Share with class; Teacher provides feedback
Study for test 10 min.
R1-marking/responding- take out and add to notes, FCAT stands
2)main idea/plot/purpose
3)compare/contrast and cause/effect
The following handouts explained in detail:
short/extended response rubric and checklist
short/extended response frame
identifying strengths chart
Class Procedures Test taken in class
After test, answer R2-China. Record answers on the China worksheet, while filling out Identifying strengths chart. Finish for homework. Must have information in next class.
Yearbook/6th block
J#2-Free Response
1)Procedures/Rules/Questions/Manual Check- discussion about procedures and rules with teacher
2)Banners outside
3)Posters-4 each
4)Windows take down old and put up correct info
By Wednesday, should have manual.
Wed Sept 9 ID pics taken
Yearbook/7th block
Hang posters, banners and clean up