
11/21A-11/22 B

Independent Reading-15 minutes-Turn in R20-22 Connections-today 11/21 A-11/22 B-80%

Class survey: Answer the following and turn in to basket. 1)Make the following a 2 sentence response: I go to school because.. 2)Make the following a 2 sentence response: Students who skip school are.. 3)Make the following a 2 sentence response: Students who disrupt class are.. 4) Make the following a 2 sentence response: Students who make good grades are.. 5) Rate how much you think high school will impact your future from 1 to 5 and explain your rating (5 being the most impact). 6)List the advantages of graduating high school versus not graduating. List the advantages of getting a college degree versus not getting a degree. 7) In 10 years from now, what job do you see yourself with and what steps will it take you to get there?

View Persuasive speeches: Why Hip hop is the Devil and Drunk Driving and take notes on the positive and negatives of both speeches. Then with your group, on a paper with all of your names, list both the positive and negative aspects of both speeches. Also as a group list 5 categories you think I will grade you on when evaluating your speech. If absent do this on your own by watching both speeches here. Why hip hop is the Devil and Drunk Driving.

At the end of class, Unit 1-Comparison/Contrast essays returned
. Students given a model and encouraged to write or rewrite this paper if they didn't do it or didn't like their score. This essay is 100 points-part of the 80% assessment grade.