
10/3 B-10/7 B

CAST testing-Pre-test

Exit 8-Copy
1) What are the names of my group members? 2) Why are we in a group together? 3)What is our group duty and how will we make sure its completed weekly? 4) Why are there groups and procedures for all groups (give at least 3 reasons)?

Time given to meet with group. Group Procedures and Rules distributed. Students expected to read over with group to answer some of questions. Quiz coming on handout.

Review all Holt stories-Unit 1. Coming Into the Country p 10-13. Questions 1-2. Our Mother’s Garden. 1294-1298 Student chart. Straw Into Gold 1310-1314. Discuss what all 3 have in common. Review post-test failure procedures with class. If you fail a post-test, you can make it up. You have to come to tutoring on Tuesdays or Thursdays or during lunch in order to make it up. Explanations given for how to complete charts accurately and completely and how to answer questions using a sentence addressing the prompt, 2 examples from the text, transtions leading into support and elaboration, elaboration and a concluding sentence.

Groups to turn in 3 ideas for what they will do around the class for their group duty. Assignments returned, new progress reports and scholarship warnings issued to students.

FCAT Reading and Math Locations distributed to students. Students told to write down this information