
3/11 English III

Start with 20 to 30 minutes of silent work time
Finish R14-R15-visualizing if not done (can submit today) OR finish 2 worksheets given to you the last class (Irony, Allusion)

51. sustenance n.

Prefix: sus/sub: up from below     root: tenenre: to hold    suffix: ance: forms nouns

Model: Students must provide sustenance to their schooling by going to school, listening carefully, submitting work on time and monitoring their grades.

Do your own sentence using context clues

definition: Maintenance of life, providing nourishment, livelihood.

Quick check R16-Cnotes. Ms. Batten walks around to make sure all students have completed the plot, theme and irony notes as directed. If they haven't, she instructs them on what to fix or add. Any suggestions she makes will be looked for when she grades the cnotes. Do not submit them yet. We still have more terms to take notes on.

Exit 10 is past due. If you didn't submit exit 10 the last class, do so today.

Exit 9 is returned to class to fix. Universally a lot of students didn't answer the questions appropriately. See red notes below for how to fix exit 9. Submit fixes by 3/13. Time given in class to fix Exit 9 and resubmit.
Copy Exit 9-MORD (Masque of the Red Death)-16 pts. Due at end of reading, not this class.
1. What was Poe's purpose for writing M.O.R.D.? (2 pts) must be a complete sentence Make sure you included the purpose, its a complete thought and its why you think Poe wrote it. Do not just put to inform you, tell a story about, persuade you about the red death. He clearly didn't just write this to talk about a disease, so take it a step further.
2. Name 3 Gothic Elements present in this story. (Be specific) (3) must name specific story elements
Make sure you put how your elements are Gothic. For example, if I was giving you a Gothic Element of Dexter I might say. Psychotic killer: Dexter Morgan is a serial killer who kills other criminals. He is clearly insane. Some of you put elements that weren't Gothic, so explain how they are to me.
3. Name 2 symbols and what they might represent. (4) Make sure you think on symbolic level Some of you didn't think symbolically. So if you put a clock represents time, that's literal, not symbolic. If you put blood represents death or pain, again that is not symbolic, its literal. Also, make sure you put a word down for the symbol, not a phrase. So if you were telling me what the light post represents in Their Eyes Were Watching God, you wouldn't say, it represents the shining of the good things to come for the village, you would simply say, enlightenment.
4. Explain the significance of the 7 rooms. Be sure to mention each room in your response. (7) You must
    mention each room and its significance in your response  Make sure you actually give a significance first, then when describing the rooms, make sure they support that theory. For example if you said you thought the importance of the rooms was that they represent the 7 deadly sins, they for each color room, you must prove how that room is a deadly sin. Likewise, if you say, the rooms represent the stages of life, then each room should represent a stage of life. If you put royalty for purple, that wouldn't support either of the above theories.

Students reminded not to copy each others work. Exit slips and reading entries should never be copied or even given to someone to look at. Students have been copying exit slip answers and reading entries, and its obvious they have been. If you let someone else copy your work, you will not get credit for it. Is it worth it?

Irony and Allusion wkshts reviewed. Submit worksheets for full credit today.

Pop Assessment-Irony and Allusions given-80% 30 pts
Students start assessment this class, and will finish the next class

Remember to submit your group reading entry fixes for visualizing if you haven't yet. Remember this was a visualizing entry done on pages 80 to 90 in which you and your group were supposed to fix the strategy and extra. Some of you never submitted this, and others submitted, but needed to make corrections and resubmit.

3/7 English III

50. equivocal-adj   allowing possibility of several different meaning, often to deceive, deliberately.

Prefix: equi: equal    Root: voc: voice, speak, word      Suffix: al: forms nouns, adj

Model: Some students use M&M words in an equivocal manner, deliberately to avoid the extra step of providing context clues.

YOU DO: Your own sentence using context clues.

-Copy words 49 and 50 and write sentences for both
4th only
CNotes- listen to directions for setup. If absent go to battensclasses.blogspot.com
Theme, Irony (If absent, look back at last couple of blogs for notes)
4th/5th Discuss as a class the climax for MORD and the irony. Submit Exit 10. Do not copy others. This is an 80% assessment. It should be in your words, reflect your learning.

Independent Reading-R14-R15 Visualizing Due today. 15-20 minutes for 4th block, 30-40 minutes 5th block, dependent on time. Submit R14-R15 today to Mrs. Ricks.

Worksheets-Complete in class or do for homework: Allusion 1-8 (A and B), Irony 1-6 (Type and Explanation)-Due by 3/11/next class. Both of these worksheets have questions that will be on the Pop Assessment 80% the next class

Fix group work on visualizing problems if handed back by Mrs. Ricks and submit to basket by next class. If absent last class for this, see battensclasses.blogspot.com and fix the entry on your own.