
11/13 A 11/14 B Yearbook

This is Blog 6, label it, put your name on it
Make sure you have completely
-taken notes
on every part of Blog 5 that relates to you specifically and your group members specifically
Remember these notes prove to me that you've done what you should, and it also tells me what others in your group are supposed to do, so you don't get blamed if they don't do it.

If you don't turn in the notes, I can't give you a grade because there is no documentation that you've done what you were supposed to. So, turn in the notes.

Ad Assignments Given Out to all students who turned in the Spending Power sheet. If you didn't turn it in, or you didn't complete it accurately, turn it in the correct way.

Every week you will bring Ms. Batten 5 ad contracts or 5, 2 sentence rejections from 5 locations/contacts on your ad assignment sheet. At least 2 a week must be Businesses.

If you don't bring a signed contract, you must bring the following for each contact:
  • Person(s) in charge of advertising name(s)
  • Their contact phone number
  • When and How you contacted them (Can't be calling on phone)
  • A statement (preferably two sentences) why they don't want to invest in advertising with you written by that contact person.

*I also will call some of these contacts personally, to see if you really went there and what your approach was.

Ad Test Part 2- Presentations continued


Look at the previous Blogs and do what has been assigned. Your editor isn't responsible for making sure things are done. You are all responsible. This means if things aren't done, you all will receive zeroes for the missing assignments.

Kierra- Your group is focused on selling yearbooks and ads. YOU must look at the previous blogs and do what has been asked of you. See me if you don't understand.

Shane- SEND out AD BILLS, update ad list (or assign to Brittney Hicks or Jordan Comacho). Also, can one of them please make the ad chart I've discussed several times with you. It should be a bar chart of all the ads already sold. You can do it by the amount of contracted ads sold, or do it by the amount of money actually in for ads (not billed). You decide, but they should update it. You can split it up so one does the yb ads sold by yb members typed list on excel and the other does the bar graph. Its up to you. I need the bargraph up so everyone can see the progress we're making.

Also, Sherricka needs to make the yearbooks sold bar chart and post it as well. She can see Lindsay Harrell or Louvennia to get a final # of ybs sold count.


Design a spread electronically using your own unique design elements that incorporate the MOVE theme. Make sure you use all of the fonts and headlines styles we plan to use this year. If you don't know, meet as a group and make a final decision. Save your spreads to the Layout USB drive that Nicole has.

Practice with Photoshop handouts

Regnissha- PLEASE take the photoshop handouts, put them in the sheet protectors, inside of the white binders given to you. Once this is done, place a finished binder by 5 different computers Layout most likely will be using.

Nicole/Louvennia/Tiff- Be sure to indicate which editor(s) complete each of the following tasks. It has been unclear in the past who is doing what.

Finish Blog 5. Fix spread checklist based on Ms. Batten's notes.

Design Sports Template- Lisa hasn't emailed it. So, you must do it.

If you are going to Reverse the Academic template you have, go ahead and reverse it and save it as a Template as well.

I need the printouts of the Ad templates. I've asked multiple times. I really, really need them. Please give them to me. Please don't make me me type it again. Thanks.

After approval of checklist, assign all layout, photo, copy, caption, research assignments to each checklist along with appropriate deadlines.

Now, decide what is going into the senior spread (portraits) page. Which will we be sending for the 1st deadline- seniors or previously decided? Decide what we'd need in order to accomplish sending senior portraits. Antwan has portraits- so you can count to see how many were photographed.

If senior portraits are going in 1st deadline, design that template as well.


All photographers including editors

-all pictures organized completely and specifically

Ex: BattenEngIIHon1stblockADay

NOT: English Class

NOT: Battenclass

-Make sure all Folder names are spelled correctly

Ex: MrRobertsAPUSHistory1stA

Not: MsRoblentsAphisetery

-Make sure all pictures are batched correctly- and the batched names are spelled correctly

EX: MrRobertsAPUSHistory1stA_AdrianWalker (Specific photo assignment name_your name how you want it to appear in the yearbook

-Make sure you've gone through your school event photos, such as Homecoing, and after batching them, make sure you cut subgroups out into their own folders.

EX: Homecoming Parade_Jordan C. (Ladies of Infinity will be cut out of this folder and pasted into the Ladies of Infinity folder. The batched name Homecoming Parade_Jordan C. will not change, however, because we still need to know these pictures of LOI were from the Homecoming parade.

-Make sure all pictures are flipped the correct direction. Rotate in Irfanview, save, replace(click yes with mouse- don't hit enter).

-Make sure all red eye has been removed if necessary. Irfanview.

-Make sure all pictures have been brightened or darkened if necessary using Adobe Photoshop Image Adjustment or Irfanview Adjust Colors (Photoshop is better). See photoshop handouts in white binders if needed. (see Regnissha for binders)

-Make sure all pictures are cropped if needed.


You and Maritza MUST stay after school to finish moving the deadline pictures to the proper location. You can't do this until all photographers have organized, batched, flipped, edited, cropped their pictures.

Maritza- see bottom of blog

Copy- The research group is no longer going to help you with your observations or captions. They will only find out who is in pictures, their 3rd block locations, and they will complete all surveys and sidebar information for you. You will be responsible for interviews, copy observations, and writing the captions and copy.

Make sure you take notes on who has been assigned what on the blogs, otherwise you all get zeroes for unfinished assignments. Your editors aren't responsible for reading and assigning blog work. You are all resposible for making sure assigned blog work is assigned, and that you all have been assigned something equally. The same people shouldn't be doing all of the work.

Finish Move assignments- Grades Assessed

Finish Homecoming Assignments- Grades Assessed- zeros given for any assignment not covered by copy group in place when homecoming assignment was given on blogs

Fix captions- Grades Reassessed (next time please read the blogs as Ms. Batten has directed)

Turn caption and copy notes in for grade. They are two separate sets of notes.

New Caption worksheet given out. Ms Batten to make copies for whole group.

All assignments must be turned in for a grade or zero will be given

Fix any problems with previous assignments- last chance


MOVE SURVEYS- split up, make sure those going around know how to distribute these surveys. New ones were put in PR cabinet for you.

Brittney Hicks/Jelita Jackson- Take over student electronic alpha list from copy. Replace each name as directed. See Blog 2 for Deidra's directions for the directions in writing. Finish by Friday. Remember Lindsay has the yb purchasers surveys

Brittany Lester- Continue your part of Move surveys as directed by Ms Batten. Type up all Yearbook Rules. 1 Rule per piece of paper (horizontally). Make them Large so they can be seen and post them, since a lot of yearbook students are not abiding by them.

Donisha- Assign someone to take over Faculty Alpha list from Copy.

Work on sidebar research- assign to your group members. They can research for themselves some things, they don't have to go to teachers. For example, interesting facts about History can be researched online. They need to find multiple sources, not just one.

If anyone in your group is ever not doing anything, let me know IMMEDIATELY, as we always have things for the research group to work on. Stop doing all of the work on your own.

Photo Continued


- I must see a checkout form for each camera, memory card, camera bag, and battery that is missing from the cabinet

-every photographer must have a camera checked out to them, and must carry it with them daily in order to stay in the group

-anyone who has a large camera must have a camera bag that they carry it in

-learn from Dee or Ms. Batten how to copy deadline pictures to Organized for Layout folder

11/13 A 11/14 B Eng II Hon

Finish Group Work Previously Assigned- On Board- In complete. All will be checked on Thursday- completely. Follow directions carefully.

Essay- Make sure you include details from the story in your persuasive essay. Do not just write an essay about how you feel about dating outside of one's race or culture, rather use the story details, characters, and plot to defend the way you feel.

See model essay for how to write about stories, if needed.
All extra handouts are at table in front of room.