
Yearbook 4/11-4/22

DVD Project due 4/16-A
Must have all 3 parts- or points will be deducted
must be turned in on time or points will be deducted

All items associated with a spread MUST be cleaned out of box and placed in the correct copy envelope today. This is a grade. Last chance.

3) Bid Project- This is a project that will have many parts. Please pay close attention during instruction of this project, and turn every part in on time Late parts will not be accepted as ample time is given for groups to complete assignment in class.

Part 1) On your OWN, Brainstorm the following 3 categories for things that would have made this year better. Teacher explains in detail.
1)Yearbook Company
3)YB Staff

Make a chart of all the things that would have made this year better from each. You can use any of the following to help you with your list: (expectations, pricing, equipment needed to produce, equipment needed to teach, workshops and price, quality, performance of yearbook rep, performance of photographer, performance of staff, ways to supplement income, solutions to common yb issues (no sales), senior, uc, personality pictures, quality of products, advertising/posters, software, delivery of product, commission pictures, coverage, etc)

Part 2) Join together with 1 or 2 group members and
1)TAKE your lists and combine them into a separate list/chart. This must be on a new sheet of paper
2)Add to the group list things which you brainstorm as a group
3) Search through current yearbooks' colophons for resources they had which you could potentially add to your group list/chart
4) Make sure there is a minimum of 20 items under each column

TURN IN PART 1 and 2-
PART 1- individual list/chart (each person's)
Part 2- Group list (minimum of 20 items per column)
Turn in all work together in one of your folders
Due Thursday 4/17 B and 4/18 A

PART 3- Lists returned (part 1 and 2)

Take your group list and revised if needed. Now, eliminate any thing listed that isn't realistic or revise it to something more realistic. Research each item in detail ( if applicable). For example, if your group put new computers, you must research what type of computers you will be asking for in detail. The following description was found calling a computer store for the best specifications for a computer for publication and digital image production in 2005.

3 - Pentium 4 computers, 800 FSB Systems or comparable with:3.0 Ghz, 1Gb Ram (minimum), 200 Gb HD, DVD-RW, Windows XP Professional, flat screen 19-inch monitors (minimum)

This means you will have to search the internet, call places, ask experts.

For items that describe quality or expectation from people, be specific about what you expect. Also think about potential problems with the item you are asking for and include solutions. For example:

1) The photographer will provide student identification cards for students grades 9th through 12th personalized by student name and student number by September 1st. All IDs must be in the same format as the IDs printed on campus. Examples will be given to accommodate. Photographer will print these pictures from all student pictures taken during senior photography or underclass photography. If a student refused to take a picture or enrolls after pictures, the photographer is not liable to produce an ID for that student.

1) Staff members and their parents will sign a contract stating if they do not meet their deadlines, they will receive a zero on that deadline, which most likely will result in failure of the term, and potential removal from the class. Students and their parents will be expected to abide by their signed agreement.

When finished, you should have 3 categories of well-thought out, researched, and detailed expectations. This must be typed and be reviewed for mistakes or grammatical errors before turning in. Each category must have a minimum of 10 detailed expectations. Extra credit will be given to those groups that have more than 10 per category. Make sure each group member's name is on typed project, and that it has been saved to a secure location so that it can be accessed again.

Part 3 DUE as specified on Monday 4/28 A- Day or 4/29 for groups with B Day students.

Megan, Jordan, Dee- Index project. Pictures of index students and ID pictures must be taken, downloaded, and saved in proper location or inserted into index spread by tomorrow. DVD Project assigned. Due April 29th. Speak to Adrian.

Indexed names must be revised by tomorrow.

Andrew, Nicole, Louvennia
Revise yb application and make it more specific to Terry Parker. Come up with a list of 15 interview questions each (total of 45 questions), which you would think will help route out the students who will not succeed in the yearbook program. Save the revised application in a secure location and print it out as well. Type interview questions.

Part 4 to come

English II Honors 4/11 B-4/22-A

4/11-B -4/14-A

NWEA testing reading finished-B
A- see 4/7-4/8 entry and J#43

Write the theme you've chosen in your journal, then write your thesis. Read your theme and thesis out loud to your group. Get their opinion on whether its effective. Change if needed.

Workbook pages assigned during NWEA checked 177, 184, 185 as well as R#45

Thesis statements checked and approved by Ms. Batten.

Study Guide TFA distributed. Students to go through and answer questions together.

Test 4/21 B
4/22 A
EA 2, Unit 3 Assigned- Due in completion on 5/1-B 5/2-A
Must contain all of the following parts
1)Brainstorm of theme
2)Intro/Peer Review of Intro
3)R#45 in detail
4)Supporting paragraphs/Peer review of those paragraphs
5)Conclusion/Peer review of conclusion
6)Revised Final Draft typed-double spaced with parenthetical documentation

4/17 B- 4/18 A

Based on what you've learned this year about introductions, attempt to write an intro for your analysis paper

Literary Analysis Guide- worksheets reviewed in class. Introduction only- including engaging beginnings

Revise introductions based on information learned about analysis intro.
Must turn in revised introduction with teacher suggestions next class day.

Models viewed of Introductions and Thesis statements.

No Journal. Instead review study guide for test today

Class reviews workbook pg 177
students present questions about study guide items for class discussion

Test TFA- taken