
English II Honors 4/11 B-4/22-A

4/11-B -4/14-A

NWEA testing reading finished-B
A- see 4/7-4/8 entry and J#43

Write the theme you've chosen in your journal, then write your thesis. Read your theme and thesis out loud to your group. Get their opinion on whether its effective. Change if needed.

Workbook pages assigned during NWEA checked 177, 184, 185 as well as R#45

Thesis statements checked and approved by Ms. Batten.

Study Guide TFA distributed. Students to go through and answer questions together.

Test 4/21 B
4/22 A
EA 2, Unit 3 Assigned- Due in completion on 5/1-B 5/2-A
Must contain all of the following parts
1)Brainstorm of theme
2)Intro/Peer Review of Intro
3)R#45 in detail
4)Supporting paragraphs/Peer review of those paragraphs
5)Conclusion/Peer review of conclusion
6)Revised Final Draft typed-double spaced with parenthetical documentation

4/17 B- 4/18 A

Based on what you've learned this year about introductions, attempt to write an intro for your analysis paper

Literary Analysis Guide- worksheets reviewed in class. Introduction only- including engaging beginnings

Revise introductions based on information learned about analysis intro.
Must turn in revised introduction with teacher suggestions next class day.

Models viewed of Introductions and Thesis statements.

No Journal. Instead review study guide for test today

Class reviews workbook pg 177
students present questions about study guide items for class discussion

Test TFA- taken