
10/9 A -10/10 B

Turn in caption rewrites to the basket.

Typography lesson on fonts, styles, types, weights, etc

Copy (Story) - lesson on how reporters have to be good observers in order to write. Article "When the Sky Fell" distributed. Label on the story what techniques the writer uses to make the story effective.


Captions returned. Teacher teaches captions again for the third time, this time modeling how to write each caption with a picture.

Students who didn't get a high score need to rewrite the captions.

Kristian teaches SB3 to class on punctuation style rules

Homecoming decorating at Brandi's house on Sunday at 3 p.m.

"It is dangerous to be right in matters on which the established authorities are wrong." -Voltaire

R#14- Asking Levels of Questions (min of 5 questions; each level used at least once)

Formative Mini-Assessment (Day 6) Returned and Reviewed with class

Formative Min-Assessment (Day 12) Distributed to class. Turn into basket when finished.

Finish By Any Other Name- group work. To be checked the next class.

EA2-Persuasive Essay Censorship Due (first draft)

Mass Media

J#14 How do you feel about news organizations that let their personal views interfere with their story-telling? Explain.

A6 Radio Homework due.
Discuss with group your log. As a group, determine what subjects and content repeat themselves in all of your songs. Then discuss what this means. Are the artists purposely choosing to write about these subjects? Why? Are the radio stations purposely playing only these songs? Why? What message does it send to youth when songs are about these subjects?

Class Debate

All assignments and projects handed back
A7-Radio Show rubric and recording

2B-Class finishes watching news casts from different news organizations. Then using their individual notes, they discuss each news cast as a group and complete the following for each news organization

News Organization:
Discussion/Notes: (take these notes during your discussion about possible bias; should be a minimum of a paragraph in length)
Biased or Not and Why? (Determine if the organization is biased, what it may be biased toward, and why your group feels that way)

Turn into basket

All papers handed back in class.