

1) Do Journal 16. Write a detailed paragraph. Do not think, pair, share with group: Many people belong to groups such clubs or teams. These groups can offer a sense of identity and belonging. In a detailed paragraph, write about a group you belong to and explain what you gain from belonging to this group.
2) Turn in A3-TOC Strategy to the basket with your name and heading. This is the article Ms Batten gave you the last class, in which you had to chunk the text and write the main idea or 3 to 4 word title next to each chunk.
3) Turn in R22-34-Connections into the basket. It is due today.
4) Remind yourself that the Proofreading Quiz has been postponed to the next class, Wed. 11/10. Study for it if you haven’t.
5) You are about to read a selection from the Holt Book. Make sure to follow the following steps, in order, when completing this assignment. If you don’t finish in class, YOU MUST COMPLETE FOR HOMEWORK To access the online book at home go to http://my.hrw.com Login: TParker806 PW: Braves Click on online text book and type in the page number you are currently working with. Complete any work done on the website on your own paper. You are only using the site for the online textbook.
a) Open Holt Book to 1300 and read about the author James Baldwin. Now on your paper titled A4-Autobiographical Notes Write at the top of the paper: About the Author. Now write a one sentence summary that gives the main idea of his life as a writer.
b) On pg 1301 read what a parenthetical aside is and as you read the story, document all parenthetical asides that you see on your paper in a section labeled Parenthetical Asides.
c) Before reading, set up a table on your paper in which you will take notes on the internal conflicts (problems they face within themselves) and external conflicts (problems they face with the outside world) James Baldwin says writers face. As you read the story, be sure to take notes in this chart.
d) On pg 1306 Do 1, 2(use your extended response frame as a guide), and 4-11 on your paper.
e) Turn in A4-Autobiographical notes into the basket with parts a-d completed above. If finishing for homework, have it ready at the beginning of the next class.