Faculty Liaison due Friday-reminder given with an example how to do the assignment in class
- Smith-10/22 Hexarts show 6:30 Auditorium
- Reynolds-nothing at this time
- Maynes-Doing a lab 10/20 1st, 2nd, 4th (-2 points because assignment turned in to late to take these pictures)
- Parker-Roots and Shoots service project, 10/25 at 6 p.m. at the school
- Baker-nothing at this time
- Bradford-Baseball scholarship presented on 10/23 at 9 am in conference room
- Adams- never responded to my emails
Assignment due Friday/ to go on Report card:
Word spin offs
- Exclusive synonyms: list all the words and phrases that mean almost the same ex: Private, secret
- List spin off phrases and words for EX and I, excuses, excellent, I am brave, I play, Who am I?
Then- Design
Design using pgs 3-4 of your wkbk, Remember we are going for a magazine look
Turn in: word spin-offs, wkbk, notes from the last class