4/29- 4th- Most kids American History EOC testing. Students in class, conference about grade and work on missing assignments
5th-Conference with Batten about grade. Class discussion: Whats are some problems if someone graduates, but is not truly educated or is missing major links in their education?
5/1 Early Release
4th- Class discussion: Whats are some problems if you/students graduate, but you/they are not truly educated or are missing major links in your/their education?
What came up in discussion: You could be easily manipulated, people will take advantage of you financially, People won't take you seriously, You can't live off minimum wage $7.69 your whole life and be independent, You might not be able to get your dream job, the US won't be able to progress in the technological field, low income jobs, job finding and getting into college would be more difficult, America could become a 3rd world country, students won't know good study habits, the only knowlege they will have is being able to use smartphones or the internet, which is inaccurate information to a degree and what if it isn't always around, they will struggle in college and be forced to dropout to pursue another career, they might become content, unaware or complacent with their own ignorance (Ex: How do you feel about suffrage? People not knowing what suffrage is and arguing with those that do, unaware it isn't suffering of women.), nuclear warfare, develop a life long lack of motivation because everything was handed to them in school.
Students in danger of passing English III, must complete the following mandatory assignment. Students might be in danger of passing if they failed one semester (half of the year) or if they are currently failing this grading term.
Mandatory-if not passing English III/might not pass English III-will be graded
1. What is your plan for graduating high school if you do not pass, this class, this year? Is this plan realistic? Explain.
2. What are some conflicts/obstacles in your life which interfere with your success? Be specific and detailed as you can. Mention anything that could help you.
3. What are some self-sabotoging behaviors (mention at least two) you have? Be specific. What is your specific plan for fixing these things? Why is it important to fix some of them?
4. What will your future be like if you don't graduate high school? Explain. (Can be creative or simply answer in an elaborate way).
Time given in class to work on this assignment. Submitted in class on 5/1.
Students who didn't have to this assignment were given time to work on anything they haven't yet submitted this term or new work.
Homework assignment-Due 5/3 Bring in 2 articles that relate to American studetns lack of education, their ignorance or complacency with being ignorant. These articles can be printed, brought in on a usb drive or emailed to battens@duvalschools.org. If emailing, be sure you actually email the article or a link to the article. Try to find articles others wouldn't find. (Ms. Batten shows students how to find these articles in class. Example Article at http://endoftheamericandream.com/archives/dumb-as-a-rock-you-will-be-absolutely-amazed-at-the-things-that-u-s-high-school-students-do-not-know
(students cannot bring in this article)
5th: Connections taught.
For notetaking if needed:
Connections: Whey you can personally relate or connect to the reading.
Keywords: I connect, I remember, I relate, I recall, I was reminded of
Types of connections:
Text to text: when you see something in your text which you recall seeing in another book, movie, tv show or anything that once was a text
Text to self: when you see something in your text which happened to you or someone you are close with
Text to world: when you see something in the text that is currently happening in the world around you, current events, politics, etc
R20-21 Connections-Group-80% pg 131-150
This is the first reading entry you've ever been able to do as a group. Each of you must contribute to it and in your strategy column, make sure you use each student's name. You only need to turn in one assignment, with all of your names. Copies can be made for your portfolios. Less time will be given to complete, since you are doing this in class and with a group. You still need 5 of them per entry,
Class starts together. Students for the first time ever are allowed to use Ms. Batten's connections to start off this reading entry, however, they need to put Ms. B or Ms. Batten in front of connnections.
Ra Ta Ta done in class by Ms. Batten
pg/ quote / strategy: connections / extra
131 "God shall wipe away I (Ms. B) remember(s) going to I(Ms. B) believe(s)
all tears.." many funerals in which this verse this verse is meant
was read. More recently it was at to give solace to
my (her) friend Polly's dad's funeral mourners that their
loved one is in peace.
131 "valley of the I(Ms. B) connected this to a It's an allusion to the bible
shadow of popular song years ago in the song and in this book
death" by Coolio called text-to-text
Gangta's Paradise
which played in the
Dangerous Mind's
movie. This is the
chorus of that song.
You and your group will finish the rest of this assignment. Make sure you put each person's name before
their connection.
Examples: So and so connected with this because
Susie was reminded of...... because
John could relate because
W5-Gothic short/story poem 100 pts. Turned in late today for -10 points
R16 Figurative Devices Cnotes