
11/16 English III

1) M&M 27-translucent

trans: across, through    lucere: to shine    ent: makes adj

Model: "He was the color of a gravestone; light was both absorbed and reflected by his skin, as with a pearl, so that he appeared translucent at times.." from A Prayer for Owen Meany

infer meaning:
actual meaning: permitting light to pass through but diffusing it so that persons, objects on opposite side are not clearly visible; clear, transparent, easily understandable

Write a sentence, draw a picture, have a peer review

2)Finish Exit 6: Expectations. Submit today. Prepare portfolio. Turn in today under your class tag, where the portfolios left in class are stored. (20%)

3)W3-Persuasive Cnotes- add to notes

Logos: subject- If you don't know a lot about your subject you have to conduct research and become knowledgeable. Logos is the facts, info and knowledge you have about your subject.

Pathos: audience: Emotional appeals you make toward your audience to influence their attitudes, opinions and feelings. You must be aware of your audience when adding pathos. Not just anything would be OK to add with any audience.

Ethos: speaker: Your credibility as a speaker is important when trying to convince others. There are many things you can do to make them trust you as a reliable source. The way you dress, speak, how much information you have, whether you sound confident, how you've prepared your presentation or the lack of these things can influence whether your audience trusts you.

Logos: a logical appeal
-convinces a person using logic, reasoning, facts, statistics, evidence, examples, has logical chains of reasoning
-is specific, reliable, truthful, can be proven, makes sense
-Logos Example: "Cigarette smoke contains over 4,800 chemicals, 69 of which are known to cause cancer."

Logic: using convincing reasons  and facts that are hard to argue with

Peter D. Heart Research revealed to class. Students identify the most convincing logos elements found.  
Students copy the following chart on their logos notes and fill in the sections after watching the following clips

11/14 English III

1)M&M 26. Supercilious
 Definition:Behaving or looking as though one thinks one is superior to others; arrogant
Prefix: super "above" root:cilium “eyelid”  suffix: ous-“forms adjectives”
Model: Challenge Day is supposed to make those with supercilious attitudes realize that being judgmental and making fun of others is not really the way they want to portray themselves.
Students to: Copy chart, definition and model sentence. Then write a sentence, draw a picture, and have a peer review.

Copy Exit 6: Expectations (10 points)-80%
 1. What should be labelled on exit slips in order for them to be accepted? (2)
 2. Explain how it has been proven there are gaps between high school and college? Explain why these 
     gaps exist?(2)
3. What minimum score should one achieve on M&M quizzes? (1)
4. What will happen to students who show they don't know class procedures and how could it impact 
     their grade? (2)
5. Explain the importance of Cnotes in regards to one's assessment grade. (1)
6. If students need help, such as with the 100 pt/80% paper, what assistance is available? (2)
*Extra credit if you submit Expectation Cnotes with the answers marked, along with exit slip.

Use Expectation Cnotes to answer all of these questions. Add tutoring piece to Cnotes: Students can come to tutoring every day during their lunch, or after school on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 2-3:30. They can also use the website Battensclasses.blogspot.com for tools and lecture notes to assist them.

Portfolio reminder-due 11/16

Add to R4-Cnotes-How to complete reading entry/Ra Ta Ta
Problems with R5 and R6, which students need to stop doing
-Its obvious some of you haven't read by the summaries you're giving. For example: Owen Meany almost died because he can't swim. (This summary reflects the student didn't read.)
-Questions that are repetitive of quote, pointless, they already know the answer or should know, reflect they didn't read. For example: Who is Owen Meany? What is Episcopalian? What is Congregational? What is Catholic? Why can't Owen swim?
-Not using Extra at all, or not enough
-Not putting pg to pg at bottom of entries-there is no way for me to know you really read those 10 pages
-You are starting summaries how I said not to: In these 10 pages I read..Now I want to say what happened in this section...
-Your summaries are too wordy and don't give the main idea. Instead you are listing everything or giving only a summary of the pages you read, not all 10 pages. For Example: Owen Meany went to church. He tells about his childhood, his grandmother is mean, his mom is pretty, he plays tricks on Owen, he plays baseball and is going to a private school.

10 minutes given for silent reading-Students allowed to recycle their R5-R6 and fix some of these mistakes above. Students who never turned in the entries are encouraged to work on them and submit.

W3-Persuasive-Cnotes Students setup notes into 4 sections: intro (small space), logos, pathos, ethos (large equal spaces). Take notes on introduction to persuasion, rhetoric, Aristotle's rhetorical triangle