
11/1 and 11/2 Mass Media/Yearbook A/B

Look back at the last 3 blog printouts you have labelled with your name and numbered 1 to 3, and Make Sure you've marked, highlighted, and/or taken notes regarding any part that relates to you specifically or your group. This will be a grade, and you will have to keep a copy of all blogs that are published. Also, your notes will be your documentation that you have participated in your group completely and prove you deserve credit.

This is the 4th blog.

All Groups must finalize everything already assigned in the Blogs. Each person must take an active role in reading the assignments for their group. I will check this weekly.

If you don't keep track of the blogs and take notes as I've directed several times, you will fail the class. It is how I will determine your grade and participation.

PR- Set up table to handout underclass pictures, notify students about retake day- Nov. 7th, and, notify students about the $55 yb sale. The people outside should be vocal. Also, make the students picking up the picture sign for them. Look at the picture and make sure it is them before handing over the package. Any problems with packages? Write it down

Antwan- fix underclass list so there is only one name and so that they are a combined list
-fix the senior list so that only seniors who didn't have a picture taken are listed

Photo- Meeting- learn how to organize, edit pictures

$100 Ad Deadline- Today
Ad Test Part 2- Finish B Day Testing
Ad assignment sheets distributed
Brief review new ad contract


English II Honors 10/31A 11/1 B

Comparison/Contrast Essay- 2 pieces of Art Due

Journal#18- WW2
6)Write complete thoughts. Don't: To the store. Sports,girls, and watching t.v.
7)Write more and elaborate thoughts. Don't: I like school because its fun.
8)Use appropriate transitions to introduce ideas and to connect ideas.
9)Avoid slang and writing the way you speak Don't: Like for real though. I mean seriously. Yo Dawg you off the chain.
10)Just Say No to Rerun sentences. Don't:In my spare time, I like to play sports basketball and football are my favorites.

R#18-Multiple (Asking Questions, Inferring, Visualizing, Making Connections) As you read, document any of the strategies you use.
Pg 5 to 23

Pg quote/word strategy extra
5 ruby red I saw bright red, sparkling shoes this is also contains

7 sycophant Does this word refer to a person No, it is a person that
who is generous? flatters another
for a personal reason

8 smelly socks I can connect with this because self-to-self
my brother throws his socks on
my bed to aggravate me

14 don't talk about I infer they don't talk about I was wrong. He left the
that the father's accident because family
he died recently

17 refuse/discuss Why would she refuse to tell her She said it's because
where her father is if she knows? she doesn't want her to
be disappointed if he doesn't
want to speak to her

By Any Other Name- Checked completely during reading
Email addresses updated for Online Gradebook
By Any Other Name review

Discuss- Things that make students laugh

Clip- Seinfeld Episode "The Chinese Woman" or The Office "Diversity Day"
Discuss what about the episode was humorous

Dave Barry Does Japan -Chunk wkbk 41-47 (Some students will read the chunks, other students lead discussion)
Handout- All students take notes- handout stapled in wkbk


English II Honors A/B day

J#17- Writing Workshop 1

1) Spell things out

2) Don't refer to people as things

3) Don't start sentences with well, like, and/or because

4) Don't use words that aren't needed

5)Do not speak directly to reader,unless asked to

R#17- Asking Questions
-By Any Other name - Checked
Reading Art continued- 4 pieces shown (Take art notes on all 4 pieces)
1)Complete a Venn Diagram on the two art pieces you will compare/contrast
2)Take home Comparison/Contrast essay (45 minutes) Time yourself. Due Wednesday (A Day students) Due Thursday (B Day students)
-Make sure you use comparison/contrast transitions and refer to each piece using specific detials


YB B Day 10/25

All groups should continue to work on things already outlined in previous blogs if they haven't finished.

Homecoming Float-brief meeting

Ad Test Part 2- Presentations - continued (Part 2 is going on next grading term)

Shane- go to same tshirt place with advertising tshirt design, ask the guy if he can make each one for $5 if we order 75 tshirts , ask him when he can have them to us, have Ms. Batten fill out another requisition before you go for $400 again. Make sure Ms. Batten proofs idea before you take it to him, and if he says he needs to print it only on front to make that price, then work with him. The purpose of the shirt is for advertising. also if he says yes, ask him if we can fax or email the shirt sizes because you will have to go ask selected teachers what sizes they want as well as the senior class officers.

  1. Make sure you always have a lot of posters up in the hall, 1 of each type specified in previous blog. Kids will rip them down or weather will, so constantly put more up.
  2. Make sure you have several banners made to advertise the yb sale at each upcoming Homecoming events
  3. Also decide whether yb staff members will be selling ybs at those events or if you will have them there to advertise those events (events listed at bottom
  4. Send at most two people out at time to AS MANY CLASSES for Move surveys. Please make sure they know it will be published, they should be specific, and if you have a chance scan briefly over the answers before leaving so you can have students revise and you don't have to go back to the class.


  1. Assign student(s) to be at each Homecoming event (see list of events below). They must take detailed notes and observations while there. They need to make sure they have the copy notes and have reviewed them before they cover the event. They should go get interviews from students, administrators, or teachers at the event and make sure they document each person's name accurately. Remember in copy, you can use anyone's quote, so long as it relates to the event.
  2. Turn in observations notes on Opening Copy into Ms. Batten, making sure you have identified which students observed/interviewed whom
  3. Make sure everyone A/B day has finished their 12 captions (3 per picture) 1 label/identifier caption, 1 basic caption, 1 extended caption for each picture. Turn all of the captions with names and the 4 pictures into the in basket.
  4. Look back at Blog from the last two days and make sure you are finishing what has been outlined: Faculty Alpha list, the student yb surveys. Please make sure you read the directions carefully before starting.
  5. Copy editors meet with Layout editors regarding 32 page 1st deadline to make sure we've established what sidebars, types of captions (identifier/basic/extended), and what will be featured in the copy.

Layout-Mandatory Meeting on Monday after school to review how to start a page etc

1) Practice designing curved whole book link that runs throughout the yb

2) Practice designing Pg # arrow/compass

3)Making sure you know how to do everything in Taylor Tools handouts

4) See Louvennia and Nicole for templates, play around with them to make them look different, so they don't all look exactly the same

5) Powerpoints- Ms Batten generated- take notes (see previous blog)

Layout editors to meet with Copy Editors and finalize 32 pages copy stories, type of caption, sidebars to be featured

Start designing templates to be featured for first 32 pages- assign Layout people who will be adding to templates- distribute evenly to all layout members. See if anyone in layout has figured out how to do the curved line, etc

Friday- Planning- meet to design spread checklist, design, etc


Anne- graphics due for website

Anne/Maritza- someone needs to download each Bryn-Alan CD the way I explained

Maritza- Make sure every photo assignment given to you has been assigned to a photographer or more



  • 10/29 Sports Day; Flight simulator ROTC Parking Lot 8-2 (photographer, copy person to interview, observe for ROTC spread)
  • 10/30 Country & Western Day; Brave Bash Aud. 7:00 (need to make banners and have them in the auditorium before the event, need Copy person to cover event, and a photographer )
  • 10/31 Character Day;Traveling Pep Rally (Maritza, Jordan H.-Copy person needed to observe)
  • 11/1 Twin Day; Homecoming Parade 6:00; Bonfire follows parade (photographer, copy person assigned)
  • 11/2 Brave Day; Blue Angels Auditorium 8 a.m.; Pep Rally 1st block 9th and 10th grade; Pep Rally 4th 11th, seniors; Homecoming Game at 7 p.m. (Booth needed for PR to sell YB, A lot of Banners needed and should be hung before game- can be Ed White related, Copy person to cover event, photographer to cover as well)
  • 11/3 Homecoming Dance-Copy person to cover, Photographer to cover


English II Honors A/B day

J#16- Plot take notes. Exposition, Rising Action, Climax, Falling Action, and Resolution. Label the Plot Diagram

R#16- Asking questions

-By other name checked- 2 paragraphs/essay graded
-Explanation/ Analyzing "Two Fridas"
-Art pieces shown
-45 min Essay- Compare and Contrast two art pieces



ALL Student:
AD PART 2 Presentation Test- Listen for your name (50 points)
A fine mess- PowerPoint

Public Relations- only 1 to 2 person(s) per assignment
-Make a lot of Posters to hang around the school that say. Make a few painted banners, but remember they have to dry before you hang them. We will want to make a few of each to hang at the Friday night football game.
  • Buy your yearbook for only $55 today at Myyear.com. Clearance Price Ends Nov. 30th
  • Seniors? Did you purchase the senior package? Get $50 off a full page senior yb dedication. Reserve your page today in A-101. Offer ends November 30th.
  • Seniors? Purchase a full pg ad at full price and get a yb for free. Come by room A-101 for more information. Offer expires November 30th.

-Finish underclassmen retake list. Make sure you have the half sheet that came loose from the highlighted handouts added as well. Edit and copy both lists together. Sort by Last name. Save to the PR USB drive. See me for info. Then, the same two people need to highlight the same list all of the seniors who had a picture taken, then type a list of all unphotographed seniors. The senior list and underclass list should be 2 separate documents.

-Surveys- One person to fix yb purchasers surveys, and make sure they are filed properly. See Ms. Batten with any problems.

-MOVE QUESTIONNAIRES, Split up and go to as many 3rd block classes as possible. Remember, every class you travel to needs to be highlighted, keeping in mind that on A day the teachers have different classes than B day. I would highlight the teacher classes schedule after you visit their 3rd A and/or 3rd B class. See me for specifics. We need to get as many MOVE Questionnaires as possible filled out for the upcoming deadline. Make sure you inform students that they will be published in the yearbook along with their name. They should be detailed and put things that won't embarrass them.


With Donisha, explain to yb staff members how to fill out their first bill. Collect bills, proofread them to make sure the staff member filled it out correctly, then send the bills in the mail.

Take the yb tshirt proof along with the one the PR group created for yb advertising to the two places you called yesterday. Go to the St. Johns location first. We need the yb staff shirt first, and we can wait for the yb advertising shirt. Make sure I proof both designs before you take them with the purchase order.

Get with Nicole and Decide which templates will be offered to seniors for ads. Give them at least 4 options for the full page ad, at least 2 options for the half page ad, and at least 2 options for the 1/4 pg ad. Put letters on each template, so the senior can easily identify which ad template they wish to use. Make them neat and easy for me to copy.

Layout editors/Copy editors only

First Write up Your Alley Powerpoint

Remind Ms. Batten to make copies of Photoshop handout.

Nicole, have Ms Batten fill out requisitions for School Aids and Walmart.

Make a Final decision-every page of 1st deadline (32 pages)

-sidebars to feature (names of sidebars)

-label, basic, or extended captions or mixture

-copy to feature, what story will be told-should reflect theme

If you finish, layout editors to start designing basic look for pages in first deadline. Keep in mind, style of photo bys, style of page number, common link, Move theme, Fonts using, Colors for that section, gradients, title page design, opening, table of contents, any graphic elements you will incorporate. You can also give your group members different elements to design while you are working on deciding what will go in each section.


Annie- Make a photoshop graphic for the TP Yearbook Website: it should say
The Chieftain Staff
Making Memories Last
Also, make a graphic of a yb, and on the front put Buy your '08 YB. Make a graphic of a DVD and put Add an '08 DVD
Also, Make a new Brave Graphic. The one the school uses is outdated and we want our site to look as professional as the yb will look this year.
Choose 4 of most artistic pictures, and photoshop those as well. Have the featured students sign a release form allowing their picture to be published on our site. Look at the site at Myyear.com, look up Terry Parker to see the relative shape of each picture. After looking at the page, see if there are any images/graphics you can design that would make it look better. Save all images and designs to the photo USB and bring it to me.

Meet with Copy/Layout Editors (Nicole, Louvennia,Tiffany, Andrew, Deidra) to see if there are any graphics they want you to design for the 1st deadline. Nicole announce Layout meeting Friday after school. Arrange a meeting with Tiffany and Louvenia to organize the yb spread checklist. Brief meeting- homecoming and getting serious about yb and following through with what you signed up for.

Make sure all copy members turn in their Move observations to you and they meet specifications. If anyone didn't do what they were supposed to, see me. Opening copy deadline is approaching.

All B day students need to copy the notes from the A day students regarding yb copy. Lynn left her notes in her folder which she left on the copy shelf in your new location to store all of your stuff. Make sure your group members know that copy/caption information which is shared must be stored there (faculty info sheets, alpha list, class assignments, etc)

continue to update faculty alpha list, save to copy USB.

Deidra The rest of the copy group should finish writing captions for all pictures given to your group. You should all have swapped pictures and all should have written an identification caption, a basic caption, and an extended caption for each picture. Each student should turn in their captions to the in basket. Refrain from turning the pictures in until A students finish their captions as well. Also, get the filed yb surveys from the PR group. For each yb students who purchased a yb, update their name how they want it to appear on your alpha list electronically. Have the students who do this see me first to make sure they do it accurately. After looking at every survey, they will initial each one to indicate they did indeed look and see if the student requested a preference for name choice. Then they will also put an asterisk by each students name on the alpha list, no matter if the name they want is different than the name on the alpha list or not. This way we know whose survey was looked at either way. Make sure they file the surveys the way they found them, and they give the file back to the PR group.

Each layout member will take notes on fonts, type and design trends, college brochure design ideas, steal or no steal, degrees of separation, external space, captions for design purposes. Every layout person should make sure their name is on their notes. Notes will be graded to make sure you took them. Each layout member that isn't an editor should work on designing the common yb link that will run at the bottom of each spread. Whoever masters this will see their design featured throughout the yb. Also, we need some layout members to work on the cover design. We also need someone to design the pg number arrow/compass to go at the bottom of the page. See Ms. Batten for details

Go through every photo assignment and highlight or checkoff every thing you've assigned to your photographers. Also, next to each part of the assignment put which photographer or photographers you assigned. Split your group up. Half of them will take pictures and half of them will organize their pictures. Also split them up lunch wise. Half of them will take 1st lunch and half of them will take 4th lunch. That way they can take pictures half of the block, and download and sort half of the block. See me again for organization. You haven't been doing it correctly. Once again, I must see you after school.

Also, if time permits. Meet with each photographer after they've organized pictures, and review their pictures with them. Offer them suggestions if needed, and comment on their pictures. Setting up appointments is advisable. Also consider having each photographer save their pictures in two locations. One, can be their own folder with their name which they can save to the share drive. The other can be the organized complete yb picture folder-under images unprocessed-under 2008 yb.

Photo continued- Brief powerpoint presentation-Photo Trends


Yearbook A Day

Public Relations-Delegate All duties to different

  • Made posters for new yb sale using banner paper and paints, let banner dry for hangup tomorrow
  • update underclassmen not photographed list
  • travel around to 3rd block classes to notify them about yb sale and distribute move flyers (Make sure you give them the right info) Also instruct students to take the surveys seriously, as their comments will be published in the yearbook
  • yb purchasers surveys need to be filed correctly. Fix any problems. If there are any issues that hold a survey from being filed, alert Ms. Batten immediately. Do not let the surveys sit around unfiled.


  • A Day students write captions for pictures distributed on B Day. Write 1 Label Caption, 1 Basic, and 1 Extended. Swap pictures, so that all of you write 3 captions for each pictures.
  • Move Opening Copy Assignment-Everyone needs to turn in their interviews to Andrew to begin Opening Copy. Remember- don't just write what they say. Write observations.
  • Update teacher alpha list. Make sure the names are in alpha order and exactly how they want their name to appear.
  • Leave list of highlighted administrators/faculty/staff so Ms. Batten can email the ones that haven't turn in their faculty info sheet.
  • Take copy notes from powerpoint presentation


When downloading pictures-

  • try to download immediately after a photo assignment. Plug in the memory card reader into the computer, and wait for the folder to pop up to download pictures.
  • When it pops up click Copy pictures to a folder on my computer
  • Click next
  • Select the pictures you wish to download with the check mark or deselect the pictures you don't want download
  • Click Next
  • Type the name in for your pictures, but make sure you type in the specific photo assignment followed by your name as you want it to appear in the yearbook Example: BattenEngIIHonDeeSmith


  • Choose the folder in the images processed folder you will be downloading to. For example, if you are downloading English pictures, find the English folder under Academics.
  • If you take multiple photo assignments and can't use this downloading system, then just download using your name how you want it to appear in the yb. Then go in and save each picture as specified above, as well as saving each picture in the proper location.

Organizing Pictures

  • After saving pictures with the proper file name (Specific Photo Assignment followed by your name the way you wish it to appear in the yearbook), drag your folders to the images unprocessed folder in the 2008 yb folder on the share drive. Make sure you organize them properly. If you take Band pictures as the Varsity Football game, they would be organized in Band, not football.

Taking Pictures

  • Photo assignments given by Maritza


  • Practice using Adobe InDesign using Taylor Tools. Make sure you know how to do everything listed on handout.
  • Come up with ad templates for senior full page ads, half page ads, and 1/4 pg ads. Letter them, so that seniors can choose which template they wish to use for their ad


  • Redesign Ad Bill and distribute Bills to students so they can fill out for their billed purchasers
  • Collect thier bills, make sure they've filled it out completely, and send them out via mail
  • Update ad list. Have Jordan and Brittney due thier class duty immediately.


  • update yb list with surveys
  • give problem surveys to PR group in problem folder so they can be fixed
  • meet with Ms. Batten after school regarding teacher reservations


  • A Day students take Part 1 AD TEST on AD SIZES, PRICES, ADDRESS, PHONE NUMBER
  • Makeup Missing work

English II Honors A/B

J#15- In your own words, what is art? What characteristics must a piece have to be considered art?

R#15- Asking Questions

By Any Other Name- finish with group
1) p25 wkbk choose a fairy tale besides Cinderella, you all have heard of and come up with 2 level 1, 2 level 2, and 2 level 3 questions for that fairy tale in the right hand column
2)Take notes on lecture about story background
3)As story is reada aloud, half of group highlights the British cultural traits, and the other half of the group highlights the Indian cultural traits
4)Replace unfamiliar words with words you know
5)Come up w/ 5-level 1 questions
3 level 2 questions
2 level 3 questions
for the Memoir
6)Pg 32- read directions carefully
-Do chart (follow directions)
-Write a thesis (as a group)
-Write a minimum of 2 elaborate paragraphs comparing and
contrasting the 2 cultures mentioned in the Memoir

Begin Reading Art
pg 33 read as a class while looking at "The Two Fridas" by Frida Kahlo (can be found online)
pg 34 fill out chart about painting "The Two Fridas" by Frida Kahlo