
YB B Day 10/25

All groups should continue to work on things already outlined in previous blogs if they haven't finished.

Homecoming Float-brief meeting

Ad Test Part 2- Presentations - continued (Part 2 is going on next grading term)

Shane- go to same tshirt place with advertising tshirt design, ask the guy if he can make each one for $5 if we order 75 tshirts , ask him when he can have them to us, have Ms. Batten fill out another requisition before you go for $400 again. Make sure Ms. Batten proofs idea before you take it to him, and if he says he needs to print it only on front to make that price, then work with him. The purpose of the shirt is for advertising. also if he says yes, ask him if we can fax or email the shirt sizes because you will have to go ask selected teachers what sizes they want as well as the senior class officers.

  1. Make sure you always have a lot of posters up in the hall, 1 of each type specified in previous blog. Kids will rip them down or weather will, so constantly put more up.
  2. Make sure you have several banners made to advertise the yb sale at each upcoming Homecoming events
  3. Also decide whether yb staff members will be selling ybs at those events or if you will have them there to advertise those events (events listed at bottom
  4. Send at most two people out at time to AS MANY CLASSES for Move surveys. Please make sure they know it will be published, they should be specific, and if you have a chance scan briefly over the answers before leaving so you can have students revise and you don't have to go back to the class.


  1. Assign student(s) to be at each Homecoming event (see list of events below). They must take detailed notes and observations while there. They need to make sure they have the copy notes and have reviewed them before they cover the event. They should go get interviews from students, administrators, or teachers at the event and make sure they document each person's name accurately. Remember in copy, you can use anyone's quote, so long as it relates to the event.
  2. Turn in observations notes on Opening Copy into Ms. Batten, making sure you have identified which students observed/interviewed whom
  3. Make sure everyone A/B day has finished their 12 captions (3 per picture) 1 label/identifier caption, 1 basic caption, 1 extended caption for each picture. Turn all of the captions with names and the 4 pictures into the in basket.
  4. Look back at Blog from the last two days and make sure you are finishing what has been outlined: Faculty Alpha list, the student yb surveys. Please make sure you read the directions carefully before starting.
  5. Copy editors meet with Layout editors regarding 32 page 1st deadline to make sure we've established what sidebars, types of captions (identifier/basic/extended), and what will be featured in the copy.

Layout-Mandatory Meeting on Monday after school to review how to start a page etc

1) Practice designing curved whole book link that runs throughout the yb

2) Practice designing Pg # arrow/compass

3)Making sure you know how to do everything in Taylor Tools handouts

4) See Louvennia and Nicole for templates, play around with them to make them look different, so they don't all look exactly the same

5) Powerpoints- Ms Batten generated- take notes (see previous blog)

Layout editors to meet with Copy Editors and finalize 32 pages copy stories, type of caption, sidebars to be featured

Start designing templates to be featured for first 32 pages- assign Layout people who will be adding to templates- distribute evenly to all layout members. See if anyone in layout has figured out how to do the curved line, etc

Friday- Planning- meet to design spread checklist, design, etc


Anne- graphics due for website

Anne/Maritza- someone needs to download each Bryn-Alan CD the way I explained

Maritza- Make sure every photo assignment given to you has been assigned to a photographer or more



  • 10/29 Sports Day; Flight simulator ROTC Parking Lot 8-2 (photographer, copy person to interview, observe for ROTC spread)
  • 10/30 Country & Western Day; Brave Bash Aud. 7:00 (need to make banners and have them in the auditorium before the event, need Copy person to cover event, and a photographer )
  • 10/31 Character Day;Traveling Pep Rally (Maritza, Jordan H.-Copy person needed to observe)
  • 11/1 Twin Day; Homecoming Parade 6:00; Bonfire follows parade (photographer, copy person assigned)
  • 11/2 Brave Day; Blue Angels Auditorium 8 a.m.; Pep Rally 1st block 9th and 10th grade; Pep Rally 4th 11th, seniors; Homecoming Game at 7 p.m. (Booth needed for PR to sell YB, A lot of Banners needed and should be hung before game- can be Ed White related, Copy person to cover event, photographer to cover as well)
  • 11/3 Homecoming Dance-Copy person to cover, Photographer to cover