

ALL Student:
AD PART 2 Presentation Test- Listen for your name (50 points)
A fine mess- PowerPoint

Public Relations- only 1 to 2 person(s) per assignment
-Make a lot of Posters to hang around the school that say. Make a few painted banners, but remember they have to dry before you hang them. We will want to make a few of each to hang at the Friday night football game.
  • Buy your yearbook for only $55 today at Myyear.com. Clearance Price Ends Nov. 30th
  • Seniors? Did you purchase the senior package? Get $50 off a full page senior yb dedication. Reserve your page today in A-101. Offer ends November 30th.
  • Seniors? Purchase a full pg ad at full price and get a yb for free. Come by room A-101 for more information. Offer expires November 30th.

-Finish underclassmen retake list. Make sure you have the half sheet that came loose from the highlighted handouts added as well. Edit and copy both lists together. Sort by Last name. Save to the PR USB drive. See me for info. Then, the same two people need to highlight the same list all of the seniors who had a picture taken, then type a list of all unphotographed seniors. The senior list and underclass list should be 2 separate documents.

-Surveys- One person to fix yb purchasers surveys, and make sure they are filed properly. See Ms. Batten with any problems.

-MOVE QUESTIONNAIRES, Split up and go to as many 3rd block classes as possible. Remember, every class you travel to needs to be highlighted, keeping in mind that on A day the teachers have different classes than B day. I would highlight the teacher classes schedule after you visit their 3rd A and/or 3rd B class. See me for specifics. We need to get as many MOVE Questionnaires as possible filled out for the upcoming deadline. Make sure you inform students that they will be published in the yearbook along with their name. They should be detailed and put things that won't embarrass them.


With Donisha, explain to yb staff members how to fill out their first bill. Collect bills, proofread them to make sure the staff member filled it out correctly, then send the bills in the mail.

Take the yb tshirt proof along with the one the PR group created for yb advertising to the two places you called yesterday. Go to the St. Johns location first. We need the yb staff shirt first, and we can wait for the yb advertising shirt. Make sure I proof both designs before you take them with the purchase order.

Get with Nicole and Decide which templates will be offered to seniors for ads. Give them at least 4 options for the full page ad, at least 2 options for the half page ad, and at least 2 options for the 1/4 pg ad. Put letters on each template, so the senior can easily identify which ad template they wish to use. Make them neat and easy for me to copy.

Layout editors/Copy editors only

First Write up Your Alley Powerpoint

Remind Ms. Batten to make copies of Photoshop handout.

Nicole, have Ms Batten fill out requisitions for School Aids and Walmart.

Make a Final decision-every page of 1st deadline (32 pages)

-sidebars to feature (names of sidebars)

-label, basic, or extended captions or mixture

-copy to feature, what story will be told-should reflect theme

If you finish, layout editors to start designing basic look for pages in first deadline. Keep in mind, style of photo bys, style of page number, common link, Move theme, Fonts using, Colors for that section, gradients, title page design, opening, table of contents, any graphic elements you will incorporate. You can also give your group members different elements to design while you are working on deciding what will go in each section.


Annie- Make a photoshop graphic for the TP Yearbook Website: it should say
The Chieftain Staff
Making Memories Last
Also, make a graphic of a yb, and on the front put Buy your '08 YB. Make a graphic of a DVD and put Add an '08 DVD
Also, Make a new Brave Graphic. The one the school uses is outdated and we want our site to look as professional as the yb will look this year.
Choose 4 of most artistic pictures, and photoshop those as well. Have the featured students sign a release form allowing their picture to be published on our site. Look at the site at Myyear.com, look up Terry Parker to see the relative shape of each picture. After looking at the page, see if there are any images/graphics you can design that would make it look better. Save all images and designs to the photo USB and bring it to me.

Meet with Copy/Layout Editors (Nicole, Louvennia,Tiffany, Andrew, Deidra) to see if there are any graphics they want you to design for the 1st deadline. Nicole announce Layout meeting Friday after school. Arrange a meeting with Tiffany and Louvenia to organize the yb spread checklist. Brief meeting- homecoming and getting serious about yb and following through with what you signed up for.

Make sure all copy members turn in their Move observations to you and they meet specifications. If anyone didn't do what they were supposed to, see me. Opening copy deadline is approaching.

All B day students need to copy the notes from the A day students regarding yb copy. Lynn left her notes in her folder which she left on the copy shelf in your new location to store all of your stuff. Make sure your group members know that copy/caption information which is shared must be stored there (faculty info sheets, alpha list, class assignments, etc)

continue to update faculty alpha list, save to copy USB.

Deidra The rest of the copy group should finish writing captions for all pictures given to your group. You should all have swapped pictures and all should have written an identification caption, a basic caption, and an extended caption for each picture. Each student should turn in their captions to the in basket. Refrain from turning the pictures in until A students finish their captions as well. Also, get the filed yb surveys from the PR group. For each yb students who purchased a yb, update their name how they want it to appear on your alpha list electronically. Have the students who do this see me first to make sure they do it accurately. After looking at every survey, they will initial each one to indicate they did indeed look and see if the student requested a preference for name choice. Then they will also put an asterisk by each students name on the alpha list, no matter if the name they want is different than the name on the alpha list or not. This way we know whose survey was looked at either way. Make sure they file the surveys the way they found them, and they give the file back to the PR group.

Each layout member will take notes on fonts, type and design trends, college brochure design ideas, steal or no steal, degrees of separation, external space, captions for design purposes. Every layout person should make sure their name is on their notes. Notes will be graded to make sure you took them. Each layout member that isn't an editor should work on designing the common yb link that will run at the bottom of each spread. Whoever masters this will see their design featured throughout the yb. Also, we need some layout members to work on the cover design. We also need someone to design the pg number arrow/compass to go at the bottom of the page. See Ms. Batten for details

Go through every photo assignment and highlight or checkoff every thing you've assigned to your photographers. Also, next to each part of the assignment put which photographer or photographers you assigned. Split your group up. Half of them will take pictures and half of them will organize their pictures. Also split them up lunch wise. Half of them will take 1st lunch and half of them will take 4th lunch. That way they can take pictures half of the block, and download and sort half of the block. See me again for organization. You haven't been doing it correctly. Once again, I must see you after school.

Also, if time permits. Meet with each photographer after they've organized pictures, and review their pictures with them. Offer them suggestions if needed, and comment on their pictures. Setting up appointments is advisable. Also consider having each photographer save their pictures in two locations. One, can be their own folder with their name which they can save to the share drive. The other can be the organized complete yb picture folder-under images unprocessed-under 2008 yb.

Photo continued- Brief powerpoint presentation-Photo Trends