
YB 9/29-10/9

  • add to journals until J#13- free response
  • Faculty contacts due before October 9
  • Ad contact sheets back in
  • Ad test
  • 2 Posters due-get checked off
  • Progress reports-fix anything missing
  • Class Duties
  • Photo workshop
  • call slips, corporate letter distributed
  • underclass picture delivery, help with underclass pictures.
  • ad grade coming soon

9/28 A-10/9 B

Creative Writing
9/28 A-9/29 B


R4-Fossil Fuels completed. Fill out identifying strengths chart. Turn in.

American Idol Rubric Distributed-explained. One to two auditions shown. If absent, look up American Idol auditions on Youtube and grade at least 6 auditions using W4 directions below.

W4-American Idol Auditions

Write each person's name and make comments on each one in the following areas: Focus, Organization, Support, Conventions. Then give them a score.

Reading Conferences with Ms. Batten finished

9/30 A-10/1B

Finish idol audition grading. Discuss with group members. Try to agree on grades/scores for each contestant.

Teacher checks portfolios for content and offers suggestions before grading on 10/6 A 10/7 B.

Gallery walk-standards based bulletin board explained to groups.

10/2 A- 10/5 B
J11-“Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.” Maria Robinson

Take out W4 and record the right scores in the margin next to your grade. Do not replace your score. If you got the score right, put a check. If you didn't get it right, put a note why you think you were off in scoring.

W5-Expository Essay- 45 minutes

Respond to the following prompt in 45 minutes.

Situation: Imagine you could spend the day with anyone in the world, from any time period.
Prompt: Write about who you could spend the day with and why.

10/6 A-10/7 B
J#12 "Every exit is an entrance somewhere." Tom Sheppherd

R4-Fossil Fuels reviewed. Check short responses of peers. Fill out charts. Turn in.

Hook handout- reviewed. Discussion about engaging reader.

FCAT packet-Essays 1-6 distributed. Groups to write on only one handout. Put all of your names and come up with a key for marking the following:

-Engaging the reader
-Develops a controlling idea/thesis
-Organization/reasons per paragraph
-Support, details, examples, description, definitions, illustrations, elaboration

Ms. Batten models the 1 essay and how to mark/highlight the above items with whole class. Groups are to finish the 2-6 on their owns.

turn in.

Homework-Come up with a key, for writing standard above, and or mark your W5 essay. The key does not have to be the same as the one used in your group. Due the next class