
9/14 A-9/17 B

9/14A -9/15 B Creative Writing

J#5 "When all think alike, no one is thinking very clearly." -Walter Lippmann

Think-pair-share journals and restate a group member's journal

Take out Baggy clothes, answer sheet distributed. Discussion of how to earn participation points. Use the response frames and label the parts. (see a group member or Ms. Batten for example) Fill out identifying strengths chart. Turn in FCAT article, answers, and strengths chart.

Turn in rewrite homework. The old one should be stapled to the new version.

Class Procedures Test, handed back and reviewed.

Groups rearranged, so one strong listener is present in each group.

W3-finished the notes

FCAT strands reviewed for Learning Target part on strengths chart.

9/15- Journalism/Yearbook (6th)
J#5 Free Response.
Tshirt reminder- due Wednesday
-Proofreading Writing Tips, take notes and rewrite Myself or What I expect- next class
-Time given in class to work on class duty or finish an assignment that should have been turned in in another class
-Remember Theme group assignment and skit idea in detail, group assignment were turned in the last class.
-Manual check
-Ms. Vandigriff, ad presenter. Take notes on ad prices and on how to sell ads.

Photo presentation, tryouts
Ad presentation, take notes

9/16 A-9/17 B

J#6 "The only think we have to fear is fear itself." -Franklin Delano Roosevelt

Think-pair-share. Restate what a group member said.

Baggy clothes article, answers, and chart returned with the opportunity to fix any mistakes before turning in for a grade.

Class reviews answers to Baggy clothes and fill out the strengths and data collection charts.
Exchange papers and grade, short and extended. Fill out charts, and turn in article, answers and charts to the basket.

W3- notes reviewed

Group Work explained- Take the sample student worksheet which you made proofreading corrections and jigsaw the corrections as a group. Decide what needs to be rewritten and fixed and rewrite the student work on one piece of paper. Turn in individual proofing correction worksheets and the group rewrite stapled together. To finish the next class.

W1 or W2 rewrite returned.
HW- rewrite the assignment you didn't the first time, or rewrite the rewrite, if you still have mistakes. Due the next class

7th block skinny/YB

I terms- lists
Download pictures, Photoshop, editing workshop, Take notes.
Discuss dress code, school vs real world photo appropriate behaviors, be careful about what you say about others and the yearbook when out of class, Photographer expectations
Editors meeting reminder, parking lot reminder, ads materials due.