
Yearbook 11/3-11/7

J# 37-41 (FREE)


  1. Bubble sheet-due Tues
  2. checklist must be completed in full
  3. must have at least one design element from the inspiration section. (Inspiration section #1-10 go in your portfolio.)
  4. Photos due on computer in Test yb-images-make a folder with your name
  5. Story-revised, retyped, edited, spell checked by Tuesday-end of class. Save in your picture folder. Then choose which pictures you're using for sure and put them in your pages folder.
  6. Layout check 1- due Wednesday (see checklist)
  7. Reporter final copy-due Thursday (checklist)
  8. Layout 2-Due Monday after school (everyone stays 2:30-5:30)
  9. Make sure you have the appropriate editors sign off on each item

Faculty List due Monday

11/6 B - 11/ 7 A

English II

J#22- Creative minds have always been able to survive any kind of bad training." -Anna Freud

R#22-Determining Importance- (chunking) follow directions from R#21

Portfolio grades returned

Two Worlds In One- Group Assignment
  1. Read individually (p 51-61) and * possible level 1, 2, or 3 questions. In class, groups jigsaw the story into parts, and read a selection of the text. Then the group members meet together to share.
  2. Meet as a group and come up with 6-level one questions, 6-level two questions, and 2-level three questions (They have to be specific)
  3. Draw 4 scenes (see p 48 for detailed directions). Two scenes have to be of Sundara at home and two have to be her at school. Leave space between each scene for transitions from one scene to the next. Put drawings in a strip/sequence and add transitions that connect the scenes. (examples provided to view)
  4. Complete chart as a group. All of you should check it for completion. On chart, put Nar0 instead of Nona, and add Pon to the bottom of the chart.

Mass Media


Why do you think both A and B day classes chose Juno as best film, Reitman as best directior, Johnny Depp as best actor, and Ellen page as best actress? (paragraph response)

Discuss journal with your group.

Group Work

Using your tally of your 2008 choices for the Academy Awards and a list of the real winners, write a paragraph explaining why your group's answers were so different in comparison to the real winners.

Discussion in class about who really decides the winners for the Academy awards.

List distributed of the Academy Award for best picture for the last 80 years. With your group, go through all of the movies. For the movies you've heard of or seen, write a description of the each. If none of the members of your group have seen a movie, write none next to it.

Turn in the paragraph and the list of 80 movie descriptions.


Article distributed about Jon Stewart.

Write the following questions down:


  1. What obstacles did Jon Stewart face in preparing for the 2008 Academy Awards ceremony?
  2. How did he face the challenge?
  3. How does he characterize the different needs of the two audiences for his routine?
  4. Why are there no clear favorites among this year's nominated films?
  5. In what way is "Juno" unique among Best Picture nominees (use details from the article)?

As you are reading, highlight the answers. Then write the answers to the questions on the assignment.

ALSO- Your group was given two films to research. Look them both up and bring in printed information. Go to either of the following websites:




11/4 B-11/5 A


"As I grow older, I pay less attention to what men say. I just watch what they do."
-Andrew Carnegie

R#21-Determining Importance Pg __ to Pg __ (example below)
Pg/ Notes /Extra
20 /Byron is like a god

21/ Larry Dunn was king /I remember the saying "Finders Keepers.."
of kindergarten to 4th
grade only

22 /Kenny has a high reading /I predict Larry Dunn's in the class
23 Kenny is scared to read in
front of Buphead and Byron

Watch Seinfeld clips and I Love Lucy clip in class and take notes using the following chart


Lucy Seinfeld
that make
it funny

Type of Humor

Organize portfolios using table of contents- Will be checked when you leave

Class discussion on what types of humor are present in tv shows, etc.

Dave Barry worksheet distributed- Answer each question after reading the chunks in the text. Chunk 1 goes with Question 1. (pg 41 wkbk) - Read the whole story.

Mass Media

How are films rated? List the different ratings that you can think of.

Class receives handouts on film ratings- each group presents (G, PG, PG13, R, NC17)

Class reads the article about how the Motion Picture Association is changing its rating system and discusses the changes made.

SB4- Distributed and reviewed with class. Quiz is Monday- B and Wednesday- A

Portfolio table of contents distributed. Organize portfolios which will be graded today.