
11/4 B-11/5 A


"As I grow older, I pay less attention to what men say. I just watch what they do."
-Andrew Carnegie

R#21-Determining Importance Pg __ to Pg __ (example below)
Pg/ Notes /Extra
20 /Byron is like a god

21/ Larry Dunn was king /I remember the saying "Finders Keepers.."
of kindergarten to 4th
grade only

22 /Kenny has a high reading /I predict Larry Dunn's in the class
23 Kenny is scared to read in
front of Buphead and Byron

Watch Seinfeld clips and I Love Lucy clip in class and take notes using the following chart


Lucy Seinfeld
that make
it funny

Type of Humor

Organize portfolios using table of contents- Will be checked when you leave

Class discussion on what types of humor are present in tv shows, etc.

Dave Barry worksheet distributed- Answer each question after reading the chunks in the text. Chunk 1 goes with Question 1. (pg 41 wkbk) - Read the whole story.

Mass Media

How are films rated? List the different ratings that you can think of.

Class receives handouts on film ratings- each group presents (G, PG, PG13, R, NC17)

Class reads the article about how the Motion Picture Association is changing its rating system and discusses the changes made.

SB4- Distributed and reviewed with class. Quiz is Monday- B and Wednesday- A

Portfolio table of contents distributed. Organize portfolios which will be graded today.