
1/28 A -1/29 B



Journals postponed until after FCAT. Every day will now start with FCAT practice.
1A-Turn in p65- REF#3
EA Backmap for BIB

R# Postponed until after FCAT

FCAT 1- Baggy Pants article- reviewed in class

Formative Assessment 6 returned.

Fill out charts appropriately.

Watch movie beginning- talk about engaging the reader
FCAT rubric broken down into parts.

Things Fall Apart starts next week-book due for extra credit

Bare: 1,2 FCAT SCALE
I like science because I enjoy it.

Extended: 3 on FCAT Scale
I like science because we do fun experiments.

Layered: 4 on FCAT scale
I enjoy Biology because my teacher Mr. Kasteler teaches us interesting experiments such as...

Elaborated: 5, 6 on FCAT scale
In Biology Honors we perform fascinating experiments. For example, last week we filtered dirty water with rocks and gritty sand. My teacher, Mrs. Kasteler really teaches in a captivating way, which draws me to her room, B101, every A day.

REF#4 Expository Essay
If you could spend the day with anyone from any time period, who would it be and why?
Time yourself 45 minutes

Look at examples of FCAT 1-6 essays

Mass Media

Think about how many times different forms of mass mediums are used in your daily life on a weekly basis. Now write about the different forms you use. 5 min.

Present charts on obvious/non-obvious/purposes of

Class Procedures TEst Friday-A, Monday-B; Portfolio due as well

Research Projects- topics given
start research on 1/3 Tuesday A, 1/4 Wednesday B

Presentations on 2/9 A - 2/10 B

Research Projects
15 questions to guide your search

research done outside of class with group

graded using presentation rubric

must answer all questions generated during presentation

must show the history and evolution (change)

A2-Rubric for Presentation distributed and reviewed


Focus on senior spreads first
UC spreads to be designed
Layout check-when waiting for reporter
Editor checklist a must
reference section


1/26 A- 1/27 B

English II

Finish Journal 34

B day- finish Mother's Day Skits

FCAT Writes rubric passed out and discussed. As a class break down the 6 score into the four areas of Focus, Organization, Support, and Conventions. Underline key words and number each part. Finish the rest of the rubric, breaking down each score level.

Ways to Engage the reader- handout distributed and discussed

Clip shown of movie beginning that is engaging

Expository Essay and Persuasive Essay contents talked about in detail

Expository: purpose is to explain, must have a thesis, a hook, must maintain focus, organization, have detailed support, and practice conventions

Persuasive:purpose is to convince; position statement is needed to state your exact feelings on the topic, must have a hook, facts, statistics, details can be added to support, cannot waver between two sides because you have to choose a position, must have a counter argument (I realize smokers have rights, but do they have the right to jeopardize the clean air of others?), a call for action (So, write a letter to your congress person asking them to..., So, if you're a smoker, please take notice of non-smokers around you and...)

Mass Media
J#1- Describe what you do and where you go when researching for a class assignment on the internet (5 minutes)

Teacher walks class through the first journal.

Time is given to organize skits before performing. Groups perform two skits and receive feedback from the teacher on both skits. Presentation grade given.

On your group work, make sure you have explained the plans you had for each skit you would perform and turn in.

Mass Media chart assignment:
Definition of Mass Media revealed. Now as a group, on a chart, list at least 15 forms of mediums that are considered mass media. At least 3 of the mediums you chart must be less obvious forms. When finished, look at all of the forms you've listed and list 4 potential purposes of these different mediums.

Class writes all of their ideas on the board.

Yearbook J69/23 days left

Faculty contact due for grade

Parking log/announcements

Flyers/Sr package

Ad sales/yb donation form
Stop leavingout your stuff
Ideas-jan events

Election, gas, hurricanes, world events



1)Bubble deadline 3-due today for approval
2) Proofs 1

Deadline 3
Seniors-150 word- Sheila typing directions-written by themselves

Sports-photographer’s responsiblility

Smart-pay flyers made for around school
300 book warning sign

Deadline schedule revealed and discussed. February deadline coming up.

Absences, off task behavior, not coming after school on Mondays all leaving us way behind-discussed

J#70/22 days left
Review yesterdays meeting topics
Check your boxes daily
You must be here on Mondays- nothing else is more important
Deadline 3 bubble sheets must be checked off by today
IF finished, help
Academic pics needed
Sheila to type senior directions
Absences- getting out of hand

1/22 A-1/23 B

English II
J#34- American Idol auditions
Name of contestant:

Grade each person and make commentary on all four areas. American Idol rubric passed out and explained in detail. FCAT essay rubric compared to Idol rubric.

R#34-viewing BIB

Watch the rest of part 1 of Bend it Like Beckham. Finish the notes on page 100. Should be detailed.

Mass Media
Finish review of class procedures, rules handout. Groups are split up and have to perform skits that act out following the rules/procedures. Presentation grade.

Class Procedures/Rules Test- Friday A, Monday B
Portfolio due in complete on Friday A, Monday B

Yearbook- Work on Proofs 1, Map out Deadline 3, finish any late spreads.


1/20 A-1/21 B

J#33- "Success is counted sweetest by those who never succeeded." -Emily Dickinson

R#33- Viewing BIB-

Finish Mother's Day Skits

Class discussed pg 99- costumes/makeup, props/sets, acting/director choices, cultural elements

After discussion, take notes on the clip from "So I Married an Axe Murderer". The clip was shown twice and discussed in detail.

Now, on page 100 take notes on Bend it Like Beckham- Part 1. Beforehand, teacher discusses Embedded Assessment-Writing about cultural conflict in the movie Bend It Like Beckham. Teacher instructs students to take detailed notes- so they will have them for reference later. Also, teacher advises students to focus their note taking on conflicts that happen in the film. For example, for actor's/director's choices they might want to focus on how characters move around and convey emotion during conflicts only.

Mass Media 1-

Welcome Handout, Class Procedures Handout, Group Procedures Handout, extra credit handout.

Group work: Write what you think Mass Media is as a group. Then write a definition of mass media that your group found on the internet or in the dictionary. Turn in.

Extra Credit handout and Group Procedures handout gone over in detail. Class rules from Class Procedures reviewed. Syllabus permission form and parent contact sheet explained. It must be brought back as the first assignment grade. You can rip it off and bring it back.

Bring all of your handouts back to the next class or leave them with me, so that you have them.

You will take a test on the Classroom Procedures, rules, and group rules/procedures. Also, you need to memorize this website, where you can get your assignments.

You need your materials by next week.

  • Clerical-dissolved
  • election pictures, Inauguration, summer pictures, needed- announcement
  • Ads: Still available for sale 17 1/2 pages and 1/16
  • 300 yearbooks- final count- tell your friends that just because they filled out a reservation form, doesn't mean they will get one. The only thing that guarantees they will get one, is them buying one.
  • Faculty contact due, Monday January 26
  • extra credit for Faculty contact if its in before that
  • Deadline 2 was mailed Friday, if yours wasn't turned in, it is late
  • Waiting room books-form made for donations- can help ad grade
  • $375 ads due this term= 375 points
  • Brainstorm Deadline 3
  • Wrestling Pics this Friday for Ads


-Proof Corrections deadline 1

-late deadline 1, then 2-Deadline 3-start working now


1/13 B - 1/14 A


Do wkbk pg 65 in your workbook for unit 1. Scan back through Unit 1 to accurately answer the questions.

In groups, turn to pgs 111-112. Each student needs to take out a piece of paper and backmap with their group the Embedded Assessment. Remember in the center, you put the title name. Out to the sides are the things you will need to do or learn before getting to this embedded assessment.

Rehearse "Mother's Day" Skits. Make sure you have a director that tells you how to move around and perform your lines.

Your exam grade will be your embedded assessment grade. If you didn't turn in your embedded assessment, you can take the Formative Assessment exam for an exam grade. Otherwise, you will have a zero for the exam grade.

Formative Assessment 5 returned
Formative Assessment 6 completed and data recorded
Skits performed

2nd-1) In your group, take out a piece of paper and put all of your names on it. Look up the word stereotype and define it in your own words, as a group. Write the student friendly definition on the paper. Then go write your definition on the board. When everyone is done writing their definition of stereotype on the board, discuss the definition as a class. (10 minutes)
2) If groups didn’t finish their poster featuring a certain group of people and their representation in the media, they can do that at this time.
3) After defining stereotype, on the same paper, list or brainstorm as many stereotypes you can think of for the following: religions, races, beliefs, physical features (such as hair color), financial status, or culture. List stereotypes you’ve hear before. You don’t have to believe the stereotype. For example, a couple of stereotypes are that white people cannot dance and African Americans all like fried chicken.
4) As a class or group, discuss how we can fight against stereotyping. For example, if I was a white person that could dance, how could I prove to people that they shouldn’t stereotype. Think of at least 3 ways people could fight against stereotypes.
5) As a group read the article “Young Video Makers…” After reading, add a paragraph to your group assignment that explains what Ali Ardekani has done to break stereotyping of Muslims.
6) If they finish the group work they can turn it in today to the basket.

Work on yearbook deadline.


1/9 B- 1/12 A


Take out short/ extended response frames. Today we will complete Formative 6.

Group correction worksheet due- if not already turned in. Extra credit corrections due before the end of the term.

Formative 5 returned and reviewed.

Formative 6 - mark text, answer multiple choice on bubble sheet, fill out data chart as you answer, after checking in class fill out formative assessment chart.

*Buy your own book for Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe= 50 extra credit points. It must be kept in class and you will write in it.

Mother's Day Skit-
-one person must direct
-understand and portray your character
-use movements/gestures
-deliver lines so it isn't obvious you're reading
-sets, props, costumes, creativity.

Mass Media
Take out a piece of paper and put your names on it. Now list every organization/club at Parker that your group can think of.

Class discusses different clubs

Grouping activity


Newspaper editor-group work- Using piece of paper given, choose clubs to feature on your newspaper. You are limited to two pages and you get to choose which clubs to feature and how much space you will give them. Present to the class, but be prepared to explain why you excluded certain clubs.

Groups choose one of the following categories: Minorities, Caucasian, Foreign citizens/countries, elderly, young. Using the poster and newspapers, cut out any representation from your group (headline, picture, article). Paste them on your poster.

No Journal

Extension Ads- Jan 15. Extension Deadline 2- January 12.

1/7 B- 1/8 A


Take out the short/extended response frames. We are completing Formative 5 Today.

Class discussion- what to mark in text. Make sure you mark items differently. For example, you might put a # sign for all data and numerals, while you underline proper nouns.

Bubble multiple choice answers, mark the text and answer the short response on the article, fill out the data sheet for each answer, then after scoring, add your formative assessment grade to your formative assessment chart.

Mass Media

No Journal; instead take out a piece of paper and put all of your names on it.

Group Work
1. Define: Bias, Perception, and Point-of-View in student friendly language.
2. Bias Audit wksht: 1 per group. Tally the Positive, Negative, Undecided, and Don't Care answers from your group members and write the results in the column beside each group.
3. "Dog Bite" article- read in class. Write 4 headlines for this article from different perspectives.
1) Neutral/Objective- not taking sides
2)Someone who thinks the dog bite was the owner's fault
3)someone who thinks the person bitten is at fault
4)someone who thinks pit bulls should be illegal

Individual Homework: Read school paper-label examples of bias and write why you feel this. Write inside of the paper.

J#29-J#30- Free Responses
Work on Deadline

Faculty Contact- Extra Credit. This time it doesn't count as a grade. Due Monday for extra credit.


1/5 B-1/6 A

English II
J#32- Postponed, instead open up wkbks to "Mother's Day".

*Group Corrections worksheet due, if not already turned in. Extra credit due by the end of the term.

Class finishes "Mother's Day" play

Paper EA3- turned in the following order

Title Page, Rubric, Revised Final Draft, Peer Editing Sheet, Rough Draft, Outline, Brainstorm

Mass Media

Finish "Tivo is Watching" rewritten questions and answers. Turn in. Make up any missing work. Last chance.


Discussion on
-current yearbook sales
-Ads- $750 due Jan. 9 =750 points
-Deadline 1- Proofs- start making corrections now
-Deadline 2- must be finished Friday
-Leaving stuff out needs to stop
-New policy-computer use- talking about non-yearbook items 1-warning, 2-draw from to do box 3- kicked off computer