
1/26 A- 1/27 B

English II

Finish Journal 34

B day- finish Mother's Day Skits

FCAT Writes rubric passed out and discussed. As a class break down the 6 score into the four areas of Focus, Organization, Support, and Conventions. Underline key words and number each part. Finish the rest of the rubric, breaking down each score level.

Ways to Engage the reader- handout distributed and discussed

Clip shown of movie beginning that is engaging

Expository Essay and Persuasive Essay contents talked about in detail

Expository: purpose is to explain, must have a thesis, a hook, must maintain focus, organization, have detailed support, and practice conventions

Persuasive:purpose is to convince; position statement is needed to state your exact feelings on the topic, must have a hook, facts, statistics, details can be added to support, cannot waver between two sides because you have to choose a position, must have a counter argument (I realize smokers have rights, but do they have the right to jeopardize the clean air of others?), a call for action (So, write a letter to your congress person asking them to..., So, if you're a smoker, please take notice of non-smokers around you and...)

Mass Media
J#1- Describe what you do and where you go when researching for a class assignment on the internet (5 minutes)

Teacher walks class through the first journal.

Time is given to organize skits before performing. Groups perform two skits and receive feedback from the teacher on both skits. Presentation grade given.

On your group work, make sure you have explained the plans you had for each skit you would perform and turn in.

Mass Media chart assignment:
Definition of Mass Media revealed. Now as a group, on a chart, list at least 15 forms of mediums that are considered mass media. At least 3 of the mediums you chart must be less obvious forms. When finished, look at all of the forms you've listed and list 4 potential purposes of these different mediums.

Class writes all of their ideas on the board.

Yearbook J69/23 days left

Faculty contact due for grade

Parking log/announcements

Flyers/Sr package

Ad sales/yb donation form
Stop leavingout your stuff
Ideas-jan events

Election, gas, hurricanes, world events



1)Bubble deadline 3-due today for approval
2) Proofs 1

Deadline 3
Seniors-150 word- Sheila typing directions-written by themselves

Sports-photographer’s responsiblility

Smart-pay flyers made for around school
300 book warning sign

Deadline schedule revealed and discussed. February deadline coming up.

Absences, off task behavior, not coming after school on Mondays all leaving us way behind-discussed

J#70/22 days left
Review yesterdays meeting topics
Check your boxes daily
You must be here on Mondays- nothing else is more important
Deadline 3 bubble sheets must be checked off by today
IF finished, help
Academic pics needed
Sheila to type senior directions
Absences- getting out of hand