

2/24 A-2/27B
Work on independent reading and The Raven packet marking.

English III-2/29/12

Do not forget
to bring in our own copy of Their Eyes Were Watching God by Zora Neale Hurston by next week. You will regret not bringing your own copy in as it will require more work. Also you get extra credit for bringing in your own book to mark. Also please continue to take care of group duties.

What to do today-Please do not waste any time.
First 20 minutes-work on independent reading entries. If already done with R37-39, make sure you do not have another set you haven’t yet turned in. If done with all reading entries, work on brainstorming and writing you short story-see sub for Poe rubric and DO NOT LOSE if you take one.

Turn in R37-39 today to sub or if more comfortable, hold onto this assignment until I return. Make sure you have it when I ask for it if you choose this option.

Take out exit 19-10 minutes
If you haven’t turned it in, answer all questions AND proofread the answers. Make sure you have actually answered the questions completely. Turn in or if more comfortable hold onto this assignment until I return.

Take out the Raven packet
-which I asked you not to lose and to make sure you had daily. 30 min. If your class hasn’t read the whole poem, finish reading silently to yourself. This poem has made a huge impact as there are allusions to the poem still today in band names, famous songs, in TV and in Literature. Try to figure out why this poem has impacted readers so greatly.
At the top or the poem packet it tells you how to mark the text. It is probably best to start with one device at a time and look throughout the whole poem for that device before you move on to another one. Look back at your notes if you struggle. You can ask your group members if you don’t understand a term, but do not work together on marking the packet. Remember you need to know how to use each of these devices and you should be able to mark them in this poem. Also other students will make mistakes, so do not copy them. Mark each device as directed. Do not kill yourself looking for similes.

When finished marking everything you can in the packet do the following
with your group
-until end of class:
Understanding Poe’s allusions will help you make meaning of this poem. Remember an allusion is a reference to something well known in literature, the Bible, or History. These will probably be things you do not recognize and haven’t really heard of before. Lookup all allusions and take notes in the margin on each of your poems. Examples of some allusions are: books of lore, Pallas Athena, Plutonian’s shore, nepenthe, Aidenn, and more

If finished looking up all allusions, for each stanza (looks like a paragraph) summarize what you think is happening in the poem in one sentence or less. For example, look at the first stanza, I would say: While dozing off reading, the narrator gets a visitor. Keep your Raven packet for me to check when I return. Remember to have it in class daily. You can keep it in your workbook if needed.