
3/1 English III

Start with silent reading-4th  End with silent reading 5th. Students read A Prayer for Owen Meany for 20 minutes, working on visualizing. Ms. Batten checks each students R14-15 log for visualizing/pg 91-110 if they have it in class, to make sure they understand the strategy. R14-R15 due 3/-80%

49. juxtapose (v).

Prefix: Juxta: next to     Root: pose: placement, position

Model: In a perfect classroom setting, teachers would juxtapose disruptive students next to well behaved ones, to avoid chaos.

Write your own sentence using context clues. 

Take out R16 Figurative Language/Sound Device Cnotes-5th, Setup R16 Cnotes 4th (see last blog entry for setup).

4th-Take notes on Plot (see last blog entry for notes and assignment). Groups complete a plot diagram, then record the plot on their paper.

5th-Add Theme and Irony notes. See below: 

On left side:                                                            On right side
Put 5 steps for detecting theme                        Take notes on theme and the different 
                                                                            types of theme. 
                                                                            Also go through the steps for MORD

Step 1                                                                  Step 1 for MORD

Step 2                                                                  Step 2 for MORD

Step 3                                                                  Step 3 for MORD

Step 4                                                                  Step 4 for MORD

Step 5                                                                  Step 5 for MORD

Theme notes:

       The message the author is trying to send the reader. Atruth about life.
       the central moral or life lesson that the character(s) and/or reader learns.
       The theme is a sentence; it is NOT a word!!!
       Example: “You can’t always get what you want.”
       A stated theme is expressed directly by the author.
       Example: Title of article: “The Trouble with Television”. Theme: “There are problems with television.”
        An implied theme is suggested, or state indirectly through what happens to the characters.
       Example: The Masque of the Red Death theme
        A universal theme is a message about life that is expressed regularly in many different cultures and time periods.
       Example: “Love always conquers evil.” 
Universal theme can be stated or implied, but a stated or implied theme isn't always universal.

       Step 1: Identify the major characters
       Step 2: Identify the character(s) beginning situation
       What is the character(s) thinking or doing at the beginning of the story?
       Step 3: Identify the character(s) end situation
       What is the character(s) thinking or doing at the end of the story?
       Step 4: Ask yourselves what the character(s) learn throughout the story
       Step 5: State theme in a sentence

Irony notes:  Take notes on irony on either side of cnotes.

On left side put answers to questions                      On right side put the irony
1-3 from the power-point.                                      you find in MORD.

§   the use of words to express a meaning that is the opposite of its literal meaning
§   OR when what ACTUALLY happens is the opposite of what is EXPECTED to happen. 

Situational Irony: Something happens that is the opposite of what the audience expects
§   Ex: A firehouse burns down.
§   At the end of a love story, the couple breaks up and never sees one another again.
§   The criminal triumphs over the superhero.
Verbal Irony: A person/character says one thing, but means another.  Or, when the words make you imagine something, but that isn’t the case.
§   AKA: Sarcasm, but its not always sarcasm.
§   Ex: “You are in a good mood today” to someone who is being rude.
§   Nicknaming a huge, seven-foot tall football player “Tiny”
§   You eat a huge meal and then go straight to the kitchen to get a bag of chips for a snack and your mom says, “I can see you weren’t hungry tonight.”
§   When a teacher says that a test has been canceled, and her students say, “Oh, no; too bad! We couldn’t wait to take it!”
Dramatic Irony: When the audience knows something that a character does not
§   Ex: In Romeo and Juliet, we know Juliet took a pill which makes her sleep, but Romeo doesn’t know that. 
§                                      In a scary movie when there is a killer on the loose and you know that the teenagers should NOT go walking in the woods late at 
                           night, but THEY think it is a good idea. Needless to say, the teens become the next victims.
§   You receive a note that says you should immediately go to the Principal’s Office.  When you get there, rather than receiving detention, the Principal gives you an award. Which irony is this?
§   Your Uncle Sam asks you to clean your room, and you say “Gee thanks Uncle Sam, cleaning my room is my favorite thing in the world.”  Deep down, you really hate cleaning your room. Which irony is this?
§   In the movie Titanic the characters board the state of the art vessel with enthusiasm, because they were the first to board this “unsinkable ship” and would be able to relax, dine and enjoy themselves without having to worry about safety, such as lifeboats.  Which irony is this?
Write the type of irony found in each example on the left side of your Cnotes. Also explain why it’s this type of irony.
1. Michael Phelps, a 16-time Olympic gold medalist, drowns.
        2. Your sister’s boyfriend shows up in ripped up jeans and a stained t-shirt. You say, "Oh! I see you dressed up for your date. You must be 
            taking her to a fancy restaurant.” 
            3. Throughout Poe’s Pit and the Pendulum, the Prisoner was condemned to death and endured many tortures. In the end he was saved 
            from death out of nowhere by the French.