
9/18 A-9/21 B
J#7 "An angry man opens his mouth and shuts up his eyes." Anonymous
think-pair-share with group and write for each group member an example under your journal entry

Turn in W1 or W2 rewrite-homework

With group finish your group rewrite of the W1 Myself student paper which was typed. Remember to attach you individual proofreading corrections to the worksheet to your group paper. Due today.

Journalism-6th- J#7
Ad contact sheet started in class and ad contracts reviewed; complete class duty;

Journalism-7th- Ad contact sheet explained and started.

9/22 A-9/23 B
Review Journals 1-7 to make sure they look like you've responsed for five minutes, you have a summary, and you have examples elaborated which relate to the quote.

Group work returned to redo. Students are supposed to fix W1-myself worksheet as if they were the student who wrote it. As a a group they should eliminate the 15 common writing mistakes discussed in W3 and in class. Redo and turn back in.

Group rubric. Taking the 6 Expository essays, 1-6, come up with a group rubric for each level of the fcat writing test. In the four areas of focus, organization, support and conventions tell what a student needs to do in order to achieve each score. Turn in.

Conferences- Teacher conferences about FCAT reading practices with each student.

9/24 A-9/25 B

J#8 "The harder you fall, the higher you bounce." -Raffiki, The Lion King
Think pair share, and discuss as a class.

Group rubric returned. Individual FCAT Writes rubrics distributed. Class marks level 6 on the FCAT writes rubric by the 4 categories you are graded on: 1)Focus 2)Organization 3)Support 4)Conventions. Then they underline and discuss key words in each section that indicate how well you are supposed to do in each area. For example, for Focus, we underlined focused, purposeful, and reflects insight. Finish the rest of the rubric on your own. Then meet back with group and compare the FCAT rubric to your group rubric. Add anything your group is missing but in student friendly language.

Turn in.

Continue conferences with teacher. Progress reports distributed.

Proofreading symbols/Writing Tips checked
Photo workshop
Ad contracts distributed
Rewrite due-attach old to new
Ad contacts due- finish and turn in
Class Duty
Magazine Hw- last chance for partial credit
Ad manual distributed

Ad manual distributed - told to read through for test on Thursday
Ad to ad contact sheet for more credit


9/14 A-9/17 B

9/14A -9/15 B Creative Writing

J#5 "When all think alike, no one is thinking very clearly." -Walter Lippmann

Think-pair-share journals and restate a group member's journal

Take out Baggy clothes, answer sheet distributed. Discussion of how to earn participation points. Use the response frames and label the parts. (see a group member or Ms. Batten for example) Fill out identifying strengths chart. Turn in FCAT article, answers, and strengths chart.

Turn in rewrite homework. The old one should be stapled to the new version.

Class Procedures Test, handed back and reviewed.

Groups rearranged, so one strong listener is present in each group.

W3-finished the notes

FCAT strands reviewed for Learning Target part on strengths chart.

9/15- Journalism/Yearbook (6th)
J#5 Free Response.
Tshirt reminder- due Wednesday
-Proofreading Writing Tips, take notes and rewrite Myself or What I expect- next class
-Time given in class to work on class duty or finish an assignment that should have been turned in in another class
-Remember Theme group assignment and skit idea in detail, group assignment were turned in the last class.
-Manual check
-Ms. Vandigriff, ad presenter. Take notes on ad prices and on how to sell ads.

Photo presentation, tryouts
Ad presentation, take notes

9/16 A-9/17 B

J#6 "The only think we have to fear is fear itself." -Franklin Delano Roosevelt

Think-pair-share. Restate what a group member said.

Baggy clothes article, answers, and chart returned with the opportunity to fix any mistakes before turning in for a grade.

Class reviews answers to Baggy clothes and fill out the strengths and data collection charts.
Exchange papers and grade, short and extended. Fill out charts, and turn in article, answers and charts to the basket.

W3- notes reviewed

Group Work explained- Take the sample student worksheet which you made proofreading corrections and jigsaw the corrections as a group. Decide what needs to be rewritten and fixed and rewrite the student work on one piece of paper. Turn in individual proofing correction worksheets and the group rewrite stapled together. To finish the next class.

W1 or W2 rewrite returned.
HW- rewrite the assignment you didn't the first time, or rewrite the rewrite, if you still have mistakes. Due the next class

7th block skinny/YB

I terms- lists
Download pictures, Photoshop, editing workshop, Take notes.
Discuss dress code, school vs real world photo appropriate behaviors, be careful about what you say about others and the yearbook when out of class, Photographer expectations
Editors meeting reminder, parking lot reminder, ads materials due.


9/8 A-9/11B

Creative Writing


J#3 "There is only one success: to be able to spend your life in your own way, and to not give others absurd, maddening claims upon it." -Christopher Darlington Morley

Think pair share journals. Share in class. Teacher provides feedback

Review FCAT R2-China- answers on overhead; models given of short and extended response, fill out identifying strength chart while answers are given

Exchange papers and grade each other's short and extended response. Return, finish filling out identifying strengths chart. Then fill out the data collection chart. Turn in R2 and both charts to the basket.

W1 and W2 returned. Homework assignment coming to rewrite one of these.

W3-Proofreading Marks/Writing Mistakes
Copy down the chart from the Writer's Choice Book, in full.


J#4 "If a million people say a foolish thing, it is still a foolish thing." Anatole France
Discuss as a class.

R2 and charts returned with a participation grade. Explanation is given of the grade given and how grades will be given in the future, such as you must use the short and extended response frame.

R3 "Baggy Pants"- mark the text; adjust how you mark according to this text. Keep for next class.

After marking, take sample student writing W1 and using proofreading marks, correct it. Keep for next class.

W3-add to notes
1)Spell things out
2)Don't refer to people as things
3)Don't start sentences with Well, Like, And, Or, Because, But
4)Don't use words that aren't needed
5)Don't speak to the reader unless directed.
6)Write complete thoughts.
7)Write more and elaborate.
8)Use appropriate transitions to introduce and connect ideas.
9)Avoid slang and writing how you speak
10)Say no to run-ons

Each writing tip explained with examples from student writing.

Journalism period 6-
9/9 B
J#3 free response, take theme notes, then go through the 2009 book and tell me how theme is portrayed in each section both verbally and visually

Class Duties assigned and explained.

ID pictures taken

9/11 B

J#4 free response
20 minutes- skit ideas; choose one as a group and write it out in detail
Class duty-complete your classroom duty if possible
Finish yearbook theme papers from the last class
Manual check


9//3 A- 9/4 B

Creative Writing

"Minds are like parachutes, they only function when they are open." -Sir Dewer, Scientist
(5 min)

Think Pair Share; Share with class; Teacher provides feedback

Study for test 10 min.

R1-marking/responding- take out and add to notes, FCAT stands
2)main idea/plot/purpose
3)compare/contrast and cause/effect

The following handouts explained in detail:

short/extended response rubric and checklist
short/extended response frame
identifying strengths chart

Class Procedures Test taken in class

After test, answer R2-China. Record answers on the China worksheet, while filling out Identifying strengths chart. Finish for homework. Must have information in next class.

Yearbook/6th block
J#2-Free Response

1)Procedures/Rules/Questions/Manual Check- discussion about procedures and rules with teacher
2)Banners outside
3)Posters-4 each
4)Windows take down old and put up correct info

By Wednesday, should have manual.
Wed Sept 9 ID pics taken

Yearbook/7th block

Hang posters, banners and clean up


9/1 A-9/2 B

Creative Writing

J#1-"To build may have to be the slow and laborious task of years, to destroy can be the thoughtless act of a single day."-Sir Winston Churchill
1)Copy Quote
2)Summarize in Own Words
3)Give specific examples

Teacher explains how to complete journal and how to label journals. Class think-pair-share with group members and decides one journal entry to read to the class. Model journal read from teacher illustrating how to elaborate in specific detail the examples.

R1-Marking/responding redistributed to students. Come up with a key for marking the text. You can use Ms. Batten's system or come up with your own. You should not mark things all of the same way. Add key to your chart.

Also on R1, make a category for the things you must include on short and extended response to get full credit.
-Begin with a topic sentence that addresses the question
-Answer every part of the question
-Provide details from the text to support your answer
-Elaborate how the details relate to the answer
-Use transitions
-End with a concluding sentence

Keep R1 in your portfolio to use the next class

3 FCAT reading handouts distributed: FCAT short/extended rubric, FCAT short/extended Framework, Data Collection Form. Students are to place handouts in the front, back pocket, or the beginning of their reading section.

Pick up the China article and mark the text and questions only. Do not answer the questions yet. Only mark the text using the marking system you came up with.

Portfolios checked-due by today.

Review class procedures, group procedures. Remember test coming next class.

Journalism 1-2
J#1-Free Response- write until the bell. Journal procedures explained.

After lunch, Mike Taylor, Marvin Mayer, Stephen Williams here from Taylor Publishing. Marketing discussion and plan discussed with class. Goal of 530 books to sell is established. Mr. Taylor offers IPods if we meet our goal to auction off to yb staff members. Groups established and marketing ideas explored.

Next class, to make banners for key areas. No test, if all students can answer questions regarding the class procedures and rules.

Yearbook-7th-skinny- Deliver senior letter; Come up with 15 ways to get students or parents more interested in buying a book. Turn in.