
1/9 B- 1/12 A


Take out short/ extended response frames. Today we will complete Formative 6.

Group correction worksheet due- if not already turned in. Extra credit corrections due before the end of the term.

Formative 5 returned and reviewed.

Formative 6 - mark text, answer multiple choice on bubble sheet, fill out data chart as you answer, after checking in class fill out formative assessment chart.

*Buy your own book for Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe= 50 extra credit points. It must be kept in class and you will write in it.

Mother's Day Skit-
-one person must direct
-understand and portray your character
-use movements/gestures
-deliver lines so it isn't obvious you're reading
-sets, props, costumes, creativity.

Mass Media
Take out a piece of paper and put your names on it. Now list every organization/club at Parker that your group can think of.

Class discusses different clubs

Grouping activity


Newspaper editor-group work- Using piece of paper given, choose clubs to feature on your newspaper. You are limited to two pages and you get to choose which clubs to feature and how much space you will give them. Present to the class, but be prepared to explain why you excluded certain clubs.

Groups choose one of the following categories: Minorities, Caucasian, Foreign citizens/countries, elderly, young. Using the poster and newspapers, cut out any representation from your group (headline, picture, article). Paste them on your poster.

No Journal

Extension Ads- Jan 15. Extension Deadline 2- January 12.