
1/13 B - 1/14 A


Do wkbk pg 65 in your workbook for unit 1. Scan back through Unit 1 to accurately answer the questions.

In groups, turn to pgs 111-112. Each student needs to take out a piece of paper and backmap with their group the Embedded Assessment. Remember in the center, you put the title name. Out to the sides are the things you will need to do or learn before getting to this embedded assessment.

Rehearse "Mother's Day" Skits. Make sure you have a director that tells you how to move around and perform your lines.

Your exam grade will be your embedded assessment grade. If you didn't turn in your embedded assessment, you can take the Formative Assessment exam for an exam grade. Otherwise, you will have a zero for the exam grade.

Formative Assessment 5 returned
Formative Assessment 6 completed and data recorded
Skits performed

2nd-1) In your group, take out a piece of paper and put all of your names on it. Look up the word stereotype and define it in your own words, as a group. Write the student friendly definition on the paper. Then go write your definition on the board. When everyone is done writing their definition of stereotype on the board, discuss the definition as a class. (10 minutes)
2) If groups didn’t finish their poster featuring a certain group of people and their representation in the media, they can do that at this time.
3) After defining stereotype, on the same paper, list or brainstorm as many stereotypes you can think of for the following: religions, races, beliefs, physical features (such as hair color), financial status, or culture. List stereotypes you’ve hear before. You don’t have to believe the stereotype. For example, a couple of stereotypes are that white people cannot dance and African Americans all like fried chicken.
4) As a class or group, discuss how we can fight against stereotyping. For example, if I was a white person that could dance, how could I prove to people that they shouldn’t stereotype. Think of at least 3 ways people could fight against stereotypes.
5) As a group read the article “Young Video Makers…” After reading, add a paragraph to your group assignment that explains what Ali Ardekani has done to break stereotyping of Muslims.
6) If they finish the group work they can turn it in today to the basket.

Work on yearbook deadline.