
10/31 B - 11/3 A


"Don't let life discourage you; everyone who got where he is had to begin where he was." -Richard Evans

Min of five Pg __ to Pg ___

REF#2- Comparing Art (Essay)- Due Today (must include a Venn Diagram or a brainstorm of some sort)

Time given to make sure portfolio is in order: Due in class. Leave in your section, in class for grade.

Class reviews all artwork shown previously. The real meaning behind "The Two Fridas" and "Self-Portrait-Cropped Hair/No Hair" revealed. Students to take notes of real meaning in margin of other notes.

Humor- discussed in class. What is humor? What are the types of humor?

Copy chart:

Clip: Lucy Seinfeld

that make
it funny

What type of
universal, lack
of understanding,
sarcastic or dry,
at someone else's
expense, social

Using the chart above, take notes while watching the two clips.

J#19 Mass Media
Think of how movies are rated. List different things you can think of of the top of your head.

Photo Assignment Due- A#9 Scavenger Hunt- teacher checks off

Portfolio check approaching soon. Have Portfolio ready to be checked next week.

With group- Read over the ratings from the Motion Picture Association of America and the article "Hollywood Rethinks Its Ratings Process"

Group presents- Rating given by teacher to class creatively

Class-popcorn reading-article- Hollywood Rethinks Its Ratings Process


J#36- Free Response

Class celebrates

Reminder- Monday- everyone stays after school

Bubble sheet- must be completed before you find/take pictures for your spread. Example shown again in class- for how to complete

Story- label your 300 word story, as I did with "After the sky fell"- you were given a copy.
Then, rewrite your story. (Everyone has to do this-including photographer's) Add missing details, or facts. Fix tense problems. Add effective repetition. Type story, eliminate unecessary wording, so you have exactly 300 words, but don't eliminate what is important. Save your miscrosoft word document under your page numbers given to you.

Go 2009 Test Yearbook- pages- your page numbers. Also print out story.

By Tuesday, you should have your bubble sheet completed, your story should be revised, typed, and saved in the proper location (photographer's save in your photo folder). Also, you have to have your 25 pictures saved in your picture folder.